
Lin Aoxue stopped, sighed helplessly, and bowed respectfully to Xuan He.

Xuanhe's eyes flashed with dim light, he looked at Lin Aoxue with a smile, and when Lin Aoxue lowered his head, he laughed and said:

"Junior brother, are you free to chat with brother Wei?"

Lin Aoxue's heart was heavy, but she couldn't refuse Xuan He's invitation, her eyes flashed, and she replied:

"It's okay to chat, but I want to ask, is it safe in the hospital?"

Xuanhe's eyes showed cunning, but he smiled heartily:

"Haha... Junior brother is really loving, how could he do such a thing that hurts innocent people?"

Lin Aoxue was noncommittal to Xuan He's remarks, but he was relieved. No matter what Xuan He wanted her to do, as long as Xuan He didn't do anything to Yun Yan, everything would be fine. Right now, the situation doesn't have much conflict with her purpose. What she cares most about now is the safety of Yunyan.

As long as people are okay, there is always a solution to the problem.

She doesn't know if Xuan He will lie, but someone as scheming as Xuan He always has an inexplicable confidence in himself. He believes that he can calculate everything and control the situation in his own hands, so as long as the situation remains Within his control, there was no need for him to lie to Lin Aoxue.

Lin Aoxue put down her worries and bowed to Xuan He again:

"I don't know what your brother ordered?"

The smile in Xuan He's eyes did not diminish, and he said to Lin Aoxue:

"Brother, come with me."

He turned around and walked towards the military camp, with Lin Aoxue following behind, his eyes were dim and flickering. Lin Aoxue didn't know where Xuan He wanted to take her, her eyes were solemn, but her face did not show the anxiety and doubts in her heart.

She followed Xuan He for a few steps, and when she reached a secluded place, Xuan He suddenly turned around and said:

"Junior brother, what do you think about the imperial decree in the palace a few days ago?"

Lin Aoxue's heart sank, and she secretly said that Xuanhe was really doing this.

"Beijing's domestic turmoil is turbulent, the wind and rain are swaying, the monarch's move is intended to disturb the heart of the army in Xingbeiguan, and arouse the contradiction between Beichenlong and the generals. It will be a matter of time before the subordinates will rebel, but whether the replacement promised by the monarch can be realized is unknown."

Lin Aoxue's answer was very pertinent, not only expressing his own point of view, but also analyzing the reason why no one has taken action in Guan Nei so far. Xuan He smiled and nodded, then said:

"However, if this plan was made by the lord, what would Junior Brother think?"

Xuan He's words are clear and clear. The plan is from Beichen He. His purpose is naturally to get rid of Beichenlong, and at the same time gain a general loyal to him, who can lead troops and horses, fight for him in the south and north, and expand the territory. .

Lin Aoxue stopped, looked up at Xuan He, and suddenly asked:

"So, Bei Chenlong is so crazy, most of it is thanks to his brother."

Lin Aoxue always felt that Bei Chenlong's madness was unusual. Even if he was betrayed by the most trusted military advisor, he was not a bird at first, but in the process of recuperating, his temper became more and more irritable, and he became more and more suspicious. The doctor checked the injury for himself, so his injury was delayed again and again, the situation was getting worse and worse, and finally it was completely irreversible.

In the process of Beichenlong becoming more and more depressed, Xuanhe must have contributed a lot in secret. Otherwise, the situation in Xingbeiguan would not be as severe as it is now. For those secret differences, Xuanhe will definitely be a stumbling block and fuel the flames. , in just one or two months, Beichenlong was completely overhead.

When Xuan He heard Lin Aoxue's words, he only laughed, but did not refute, he was acquiescing to her guess.

Lin Aoxue felt terrified, for Bei Chenhe's means and Xuanhe's scheming.

Lin Aoxue sighed:

"Since this matter is the arrangement of the prince, it is naturally my responsibility."

She had previously made a wish to Xuan He that she would be Bei Chenhe's sharp knife, but now Xuan He has come to the door, it is time for her sharp knife to do something, she can't resist, and she can't resist, at least, not yet.

At the same time, she was thinking in her heart, which coincided with her own thoughts.

Bei Chenlong is her enemy and has something to do with the old case of the Zhenguo Gongfu. She had no legitimate reason to seek revenge on Beichenlong, but now, Beichenhe gave her this reason.

Bei Chenhe wanted her to kill Bei Chenlong himself, but also forced her to express her position, prove her determination, and clarify her position. Once she really killed Bei Chenlong, everything would be a foregone conclusion.

Lin Aoxue sneered secretly in her heart, her biggest bargaining chip was not revealing her identity, Bei Chenhe and Xuanhe thought they were forcing them to submit, but Lin Aoxue was waiting for this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

As for the chaos that would break out in Xing Beiguan after Bei Chenlong's death, Lin Aoxue had already made plans in his heart.

Xuan He was very satisfied with Lin Aoxue's answer, he smiled and nodded, his eyes calm and content:

"Junior brother is so righteous, for the sake of the people and soldiers in Xingbeiguan, and for the sake of brother, he will report the matter to the prince."

From the beginning, he knew that Lin Aoxue would not refuse. As long as Lin Aoxue has ambition and wants to climb up, it must be made by the prince. When the imperial decree arrived at Xingbeiguan, Lin Aoxue did not do anything, and watched in secret. Can the commitments be guaranteed?

With Xuanhe as security, Lin Aoxue was naturally willing to give it a shot.

The corner of Xuan He's lips twitched, and he looked at Lin Aoxue with a cold smile, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Aoxue knew that Xuan He's words could not be trusted. There was a certain risk in this matter, but she had to fight for it. Going forward there is still a way to survive, but retreating will immediately fall short. Even if there are still many concerns, Lin Aoxue has no second choice.

Xuan He continued to walk forward, and when he stopped, Lin Aoxue looked up and saw a tent standing quietly not far away.

It was Beichenlong's camp.

Xuan He smiled and turned to look at Lin Aoxue, saying:

"For brother, I can only send you here. It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Junior brother, let's act quickly."

Lin Aoxue frowned, then sighed helplessly, she nodded, and when she raised her eyes again, Xuan He came and went like the wind, and the figure had disappeared.

Seeing this, Lin Aoxue knew that although Xuanhe hid her figure, he must be watching her every move in secret. Lin Aoxue knew that she couldn't escape today, so she straightened her face and made a hurried look, looking towards Bei Chenlong. The tent strode over.


When the soldiers guarding outside the tent saw someone approaching, they were startled and quickly drew their swords out of their scabbards. They looked at Lin Aoxue who was walking fast in the distance, and shouted loudly.

"It's me, I have something important to report to the general today."

When the guards saw Lin Aoxue who was coming, their hearts were slightly relieved, but they still did not let Lin Aoxue in, they only said:

"No one is allowed to enter without the general's message. I also ask General Lin to wait for a little while to report."

Lin Aoxue did not appear anxious, the guards were so dedicated to their duties, she naturally couldn't force her way, so she nodded:

"Okay, you go."

Her appearance was calm and casual, and she didn't look fierce at all, which made the guards at the gate relieved, and at the same time laughed at her suspiciousness in her heart. Lin Aoxue has always been greatly used and trusted by Bei Chenlong. There will be two hearts.

But to be on the safe side, he still did not allow Lin Aoxue to enter the tent. After letting Lin Aoxue wait for a while, he turned around and walked quickly into the tent, reporting to Bei Chenlong that Lin Aoxue had come to see him.

Bei Chenlong heard that Lin Aoxue came alone and seemed to have something important to discuss, so he did not hesitate too much, so he let Lin Aoxue into the camp. Lin Aoxue used to come to him with Pei Qing to report on his work, so Bei Chenlong treated Lin Aoxue fairly. rest assured.

Lin Aoxue got the answer, and after nodding to the guard, he walked into the tent.

Bei Chenlong was the only one in the tent, leaning on the bedside to read a book, he heard the sound, turned to look at Lin Aoxue, and said:

"Aoxue, what are you doing here?"

Lin Aoxue knelt down on one knee and bowed to Bei Chenlong:

"If you go back to the general, you have to report something to the general."

Bei Chenlong felt strange and asked:

"What's the matter?"

Lin Aoxue said:

"My subordinate wants to marry Dr. Yun from Yanxue Medical Hall."

Hearing this, Bei Chenlong's eyes flashed with displeasure, thinking that Lin Aoxue was making a big fuss, and he would have to bother him to report such a thing. Besides, he didn't like clouds in the first place, and he was even more angry at this time, and snorted coldly:

"Good thing, congratulations!"

There was no congratulations in his eyes, and he was not happy for Lin Aoxue. He always felt that Yunyan's identity was not on the table. Even if he wanted to marry, he couldn't be married, and he could only be a concubine, but Lin Aoxue was fascinated by this woman. , called Bei Chenlong quite contemptuous.

Lin Aoxue didn't care about Bei Chenlong's attitude, she took out a rolled up note from her sleeve, held it in her hand and said to Bei Chenlong:

"There is another matter. The subordinates just stopped a strange letter eagle in the camp, intercepted a secret letter, and haven't opened it for inspection. I came here to find the general, and ask the general to decide."

Bei Chenlong's eyes were even more displeased. He felt that Lin Aoxue didn't care about priorities, so he didn't bring this up, but brought up his own marriage first, which was ridiculous! But since Lin Aoxue brought the secret letter, he couldn't scold him. He had to praise him for doing the right thing. He raised his hand and said:

"You present this thing."

Bei Chenlong's consciousness is now sometimes sober and sometimes insane. After Lin Aoxue's previous test, he suddenly forgot his principle of not letting people approach him, and took the initiative to ask Lin Aoxue to pass the things in his hand.

Lin Aoxue stood up holding the "secret letter" in his hand, and leaned towards Bei Chenlong with a hunched waist. When he was about two steps left, Bei Chenlong suddenly turned mad, and suddenly put it on the head of the bed. He drew out his long knife and stabbed it towards Lin Aoxue:

"Do you want to assassinate me too?!"

While shouting, he fiercely attacked Lin Aoxue, with a crazy expression, and wanted to put Lin Aoxue to death.

The incident happened suddenly, and Lin Aoxue didn't expect such a change. She frowned, turned her body away alertly, and let the sharp blade of the long knife swipe across her face. blue silk.

Bei Chenlong's killing intent burst forth, and Lin Aoxue was a little slow to dodge, and the knife would cut off her head directly. She didn't even have time to feel fear, and Bei Chenlong's second knife was already coming.

Lin Aoxue's eyes narrowed, since Bei Chenlong had lost his mind and was going to kill anyone she saw, she had nothing to be polite, so she stood up abruptly, took out a dagger from the side of her shoes, and faced Bei Chenlong like a hungry wolf. Jump over.

When Bei Chenlong saw Lin Aoxue take out the dagger, the fierce light in his eyes was even more fierce, and he had a fierce look that he had expected.

For a time, there was a jingle in the tent, the sound of weapons clashing, and the guards outside the tent heard the movement in the tent, and was about to open the tent, but suddenly a cold in the throat, the eyes suddenly darkened, and they lost the moment they fell to the ground. consciousness.

Lin Aoxue, who was in the tent, had no time to pay attention to the movement outside the tent. She fought with Bei Chenlong with a dagger, against the long knife in Bei Chenlong's hand, and couldn't be distracted for a moment.

An inch is short and an inch is dangerous. Fortunately, Bei Chenlong's injury has not healed, and his moves are blocked. In addition, the space here is small, and Bei Chenlong cannot use it. Lin Aoxue moves quickly. Lin Aoxue shook off the long knife in Bei Chenlong's hand, and stabbed the dagger into Bei Chenlong's heart quickly and ruthlessly.

A tragic roar erupted from Bei Chenlong's mouth. He turned the edge of the knife like a madman and pulled it back with all his strength. He attacked Lin Aoxue in a desperate way! Lin Aoxue couldn't dodge this time, and was stabbed from the side of the back waist by the long knife poured from the back.

Lin Aoxue's face turned pale, but her eyes were full of ferocity, and the revenge of her parents could be counted as one.

She pushed the dagger in her hand two inches forward, pierced through Bei Chenlong's chest and pierced into his heart. Bei Chenlong's arms trembled, and the hand holding the hilt was unable to let go. That dagger didn't kill Lin Aoxue. Destined, she rounded her eyes, panted heavily, and stumbled back two steps, thankfully there was no secret guard beside Bei Chenlong.

Bei Chenlong's pupils shrunk to the size of the tip of a needle, he glared at Lin Aoxue, his mouth was full of excitement, and he asked angrily:

"Why...why...even you...have to betray me?"

He had obviously forgotten that it was him who took the initiative to draw the knife.

Lin Aoxue was weak, and the wound on her lower back was bleeding all the time. She swayed and leaned on the table, her lips curled into a cold smile, and replied:

"Because of you, you are not worthy of being a general."

Bei Chenlong's eyes bulged, with an unbelievable look on his face, he leaned against the head of the bed and swallowed. Behind Lin Aoxue, there was a muffled sound, she turned back with difficulty, and saw Xuan He just threw a dead dark guard in his hand to the ground, looked at Lin Aoxue with a smile, clapped her hands at her, and said with a smile:

"Senior brother, you are very good."

Lin Aoxue's throat moved, and she swallowed. Just now, Xuan He hadn't gone far, and had been watching Lin Aoxue. He was also the one who took action to deal with the dark guards in the tent. If Lin Aoxue said something wrong, maybe she would be in a different place now.

She endured the pain and took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and stood up, but she almost fell because of the dizziness on her head. She supported the short one to stand firm, her throat was sweet, she coughed up a puddle of blood, and labored to answer:

"I want my senior brother to help me deal with the aftermath, and make my senior brother laugh."

Xuan He laughed and shook his head indifferently:

"Junior brother, please don't say that. You and I, brother and sister, help each other as it should be."

Lin Aoxue covered her mouth and coughed hard, blood splashed in her palm, she let out a long breath, turned and walked to the bedside, pulled out the dagger from Bei Chenlong's chest, and then cut off Bei Chenlong's head and pulled it. A piece of rag wrapped it, then turned to look at Xuanhe, and said:

"I will take this thing first, and I will ask my senior brother to help me with matters in the camp."

Xuanhe naturally understood what Lin Aoxue wanted to do. She had just finished the task and was injured again. She must have to go back to the medical center to find Yunyan. First, she wanted to confirm whether Yunyan was safe, and secondly, she wanted Yunyan to handle this inexplicable for her. 's injury. The smile on Xuan He's face did not diminish, he nodded to Lin Aoxue and replied:

"Junior brother will go, and the rest will be handed over to Brother Wei."

After hearing Xuanhe's words, Lin Aoxue thanked him, and then quickly left Beichenlong's tent. When she stepped out of the tent, she found that the two guards outside the tent had also fallen to the ground and could not survive. It should be Xuanhe's movement. hand.

Lin Aoxue sighed in her heart. She couldn't save the lives of these people. In life, there are always things that she can't help herself. She even has a problem with self-protection, so how can she manage other people's affairs.

It got dark earlier in the early winter. When Lin Aoxue came out of Beichenlong's camp, the sky was already completely dark. She secretly left the camp in the dark and rushed to Xingbei Market. The main entrance of Xueyitang, climbed over the wall from the backyard and entered.

Yunyan's small courtyard is usually quiet, and the courtyard is quiet. As soon as Lin Aoxue entered the courtyard, Ying Si found her. Seeing Lin Aoxue's serious injuries, Ying Si was taken aback and immediately appeared, and took two steps forward to help Lin Aoxue. .

Lin Aoxue was supported by Ying Si and took two breaths. When she was breathing evenly, she turned her head and said to Ying Si:

"Invite Yan'er in, I have something important to tell her."

Ying Si knew that the situation was serious and did not dare to delay, so she helped Lin Aoxue into the room and sat down, and immediately turned back to the front hall to look for Yunyan.

Yunyan used to be busy in the shop, but there are so many patients in the hospital today that she couldn't get away for a moment. When Yingsi came to look for her, she whispered a few words in her ear, Yunyan was startled, and she was in her hand. The pen for writing the prescription did not hold steady, and fell down and rolled on the ground along the table.

She quickly returned to her senses, picked up the brush, filled the unfinished prescription as quickly as possible, handed it to the servant in the hall, and hurriedly explained a few words, then followed Ying Si back to the backyard inside.

Yunyan stepped into the hospital, and at a glance, she caught a glimpse of the new blood traces left under the courtyard wall not far away. She frowned, her eyes were worried, and she quickly walked into the room.

But seeing Lin Aoxue leaning back on the chair, blood was dripping from the lower back, the blood flowed down the chair, and even dropped a few drops on the ground. Her face was pale, and her expression was solemn. Yunyan turned her head and instructed Ying Si to stay outside the house and closed the door. Then she quickly stepped forward and held Lin Aoxue's shoulder. Seeing that Lin Aoxue was about to speak, she first interrupted Lin Aoxue, saying road:

"Don't rush to speak, let me see your injury."

Lin Aoxue obediently closed her mouth, Yun Yan quickly removed Lin Aoxue's coat, and skillfully untied the belt of Lin Aoxue's shirt, pulling the blood-stained shirt away, revealing the soft and delicate skin underneath and the waist two inches long. the knife edge.

The incision was not long, but it was deep. The blood seemed to have broken the gate, and it continued to flow out. Even though Lin Aoxue was covering it all the way, it still flowed out a lot, making Lin Aoxue's body weak and weak due to excessive blood loss, and even breathing. become difficult.

Seeing such serious injuries on Lin Aoxue's body, Yun Yan's heart twitched, and the pain was almost suffocating. She turned her head and asked Ying Si to get warm water, and then went into the back room to take out the medicine bag and needle and thread. After careful inspection, she confirmed that the knife was not there. Injuring Lin Aoxue's internal organs, she then sewed up the knife edge for Lin Aoxue with trembling hands.

The process of stitching was extremely painful, Lin Aoxue kept her brows furrowed, Yun Yan felt distressed, but there was nothing she could do. Lin Aoxue was in a state of weakness, and she couldn't use medicine to suppress her pain. , Yunyan did not dare to take this risk.

So she could only comfort Lin Aoxue and talk to her while quickly sewing up the edge of the knife.

Lin Aoxue knew that Yunyan was not easy. She didn't want Yunyan to worry, so she didn't say a word from beginning to end. Even though her pale face betrayed her pain, she still tried her best to make herself look calm and not so dangerous. .

Yunyan has dealt with Lin Aoxue's injuries many times. Every time Lin Aoxue is injured, Yunyan feels like her heart is dripping blood. However, Lin Aoxue is in such a position, and injuries are inevitable. There are many possibilities of being injured. The only thing Yunyan can do is to accompany Lin Aoxue and exhaust her medical skills to heal Lin Aoxue's injury.

Yun Yan had just sewed up the wound when Ying Si knocked on the door.

She walked to the door, opened the door and took the warm water, avoiding Ying Si's gaze, and quickly closed the door again, carrying the water basin back to Lin Aoxue, and carefully cleaned the blood from the wound for Lin Aoxue. Then she applied medicine and bandages for her until the wound was bandaged. Seeing that Lin Aoxue's consciousness was still awake, she breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"Would you like to sleep first?"

Lin Aoxue shook her head, she didn't say anything, just now Yunyan was dealing with the wound seriously, she was afraid that what she said would make Yunyan's mood fluctuate so much that she made a mistake, so she held back and didn't speak, even though she was very tired at this time , very sleepy, but she had to finish her words before she fell asleep at ease.

She gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and her thumb nails clenched the flesh of her index finger. In this way, she made herself more awake, so that her thoughts would not be confused. Then she said:

"I killed Bei Chenlong."

Lin Aoxue's voice fell, and Yun Yan, who was cleaning up the remaining blood in the house, shook her hands. She raised her head suddenly, looked at Lin Aoxue in shock, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"What did you say?!"

Lin Aoxue exhaled the turbid air in his chest and repeated it again:

"I killed Bei Chenlong."

She raised her hand and touched the cloth bag that was beside her, tapped the table lightly, and said:

"It's his head."

Yun Yan realized that the situation was beyond her control, she frowned slightly, and asked with a dignified expression:

"what happened?"

Of course Yunyan knew about the imperial decree that Xing Beiguan received a few days ago, but Lin Aoxue didn't move for several days, they were not people who couldn't hold back their breath, why would Lin Aoxue suddenly kill Bei Chenlong and bring a wound from the outside return?

Lin Aoxue took a breath, and then she encountered Xuan He on the road after returning from the school field today. He was forced by Xuan He and had to personally settle the matter of Bei Chenlong and tell the truth. Yun Yan heard the details, her brows furrowed, and she never let go for a long time. Kai, and finally the helpless and heavy heart turned into a long sigh, gritted his teeth and said:

"Since Xuanhe is plotting against you, then tomorrow, the matter of you killing Bei Chenlong and taking his head will spread throughout Xingbeiguan."

Lin Aoxue nodded, her expression also very solemn, she pursed her lips and sighed:

"I originally wanted to see someone who couldn't hold their breath and took the initiative to stir up trouble. It would be easier for me to take advantage of the chaos, but Xuanhe forced me to advance the dispute. In this way, my reputation in the army would be damaged. They all knew that I was ungrateful and would do anything to achieve my goals. I was able to kill Bei Chenlong who promoted me. Naturally, I was a cold-blooded and ruthless generation. It's hard to get them to truly return to their hearts."

This is the most ruthless part of Xuanhe's move.

Forcing Lin Aoxue to act, and detaining her for treason.

Lin Aoxue is a person who can kill her old master for her own selfishness, or even the benefactor who promoted her. No one would really want to submit to such a person. One hundred thousand military power, that military power is like duckweed in the wind.

Beichen He wanted to break it, and with just a little trick, Lin Aoxue's soldiers would be disintegrated, notorious, and a complete defeat.

Bei Chenhe was far-sighted and pinpointed Lin Aoxue's death point, forcing Lin Aoxue to swear allegiance to the death. After tomorrow, there will inevitably be turmoil in the army. Some soldiers under the control of Xuanhe will automatically support Lin Aoxue's rise to power, but other people , as long as they disobeyed Lin Aoxue, they would not surrender, or even defected directly.

How to subdue those people also depends on Lin Aoxue's methods.

Otherwise, there would be no one in Lin Aoxue's hands other than Xuan He's troops.

Even if Lin Aoxue ascended the throne, she was still in a state of being put on the air.

Yunyan frowned and made a quick decision:

"You must contact Pei Qing immediately and let him know your identity."

Lin Aoxue was stunned when she heard the words, and then quickly understood.

Pei Qingruo knew that Lin Aoxue killed Bei Chenlong, although their goals were the same, but Pei Qing didn't know the inside story, he would always feel that Lin Aoxue was just Yunyan's subordinate, acting too recklessly and taking risks in order to bet on that piece of holy metaphor. Over time, hatred will arise.

Up to now, there is no way to continue to hide it from Pei Qing. If Pei Qing wants to help him with all his strength, and not get along with Lin Aoxue, he can only do this.

Lin Aoxue took a deep breath, nodded and said:

"I will go back to the barracks tonight and go to Pei Qing to make it clear."

This matter could not be delayed, Lin Aoxue wanted to find Pei Qing and confess to him before the news spread.

Yunyan also knew that the situation was urgent. Although she was worried about Lin Aoxue's body, there were some things that they had to share together. She couldn't drag Lin Aoxue's footsteps, and she couldn't put Lin Aoxue in danger because of her momentary worries. This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. the better.

Lin Aoxue rested for a while at Yunyan's residence again. When she regained some physical strength, she took the initiative to get up and leave, and told Yunyan to be more careful in the near future, for fear of accidents.

Now that such a serious thing has happened, Lin Aoxue has to explain his identity to Pei Qing again, and it will definitely have an impact on their marriage, so Lin Aoxue didn't mention it, and everything will be left to the past.

When Lin Aoxue left, he also took Bei Chenlong's head with him, leaving this thing in Yunyan's residence will only bring endless trouble to Yunyan.

About half an hour later, Lin Aoxue returned to the military camp without delay, and went to Pei Qing's camp overnight.

Pei Qing hadn't gone to bed yet. He had already heard that someone broke into Bei Chenlong's military tent this afternoon. Bei Chenlong was killed. Only a headless body and the bodies of several servants and dark guards were left in the tent. The news revealed who killed Bei Chenlong, but the army was in turmoil. Some people who got the news quickly divided into several factions, while others continued to wait and see.

Pei Qing tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. This incident was tantamount to a thunderbolt on the ground, and it was going to stir up the already chaotic water in the north.

While guessing the cause of this matter in his heart, he calculated who would suddenly make a move and who would profit from this game.

At this moment, the curtain of the military tent was suddenly opened, and a dark shadow came in. Pei Qing rolled over and sat up, vigilantly holding down the saber under the pillow, and shouted in a low voice:

"who is it?!"

Lin Aoxue's voice sounded from the darkness, because of the injury, she felt a lack of energy:

"General Pei, it's me."

"General Lin?"

Pei Qing was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Aoxue to come to him at this time. The situation was so chaotic right now that Lin Aoxue met him hastily. I'm afraid there would be more changes. Lin Aoxue couldn't have thought of this.

He frowned, rolled over and got out of bed, lit the oil lamp in front of the case, and then turned his eyes to look at Lin Aoxue. Seeing Lin Aoxue appearing in his tent with a pale face, obviously injured, Pei Qing's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition quickly rose up, frowning and asking:

"What's the matter? How did you do it like this?"

Lin Aoxue took a deep breath. She had already changed her clothes when she came out of Yunyan's yard, but she still couldn't hide the faint smell of blood on her body. Pei Qing must have noticed the difference, so she didn't hide it. bluntly:

"General Pei, I have something important to tell you."

After she finished speaking, she walked quickly to the table, took the teapot on the table, poured a cup of the cold tea, then dipped her fingertips in the tea, and quickly wrote on the table.

Pei Qing also stepped forward and walked to the table, Lin Aoxue was so serious, he had already guessed what Lin Aoxue wanted to say to him, but the first sentence Lin Aoxue wrote was:

"I am Ning Muxue, the daughter of Ning Yiyun."

Pei Qing suffocated, almost unable to catch his breath. He jumped forward suddenly, resting his hands on the table, wiped clean the handwriting Lin Aoxue had just written, his eyes were wide open, staring at Lin Aoxue as if he had seen a ghost, his mouth was open, but he could only say **** ho. Sound, can't spit out a word.

Lin Aoxue looked up at him without saying a word, and took the initiative to pull off the hair scarf that was covering her hair. Suddenly, the blue silk was like a waterfall, and her long hair fell down her shoulders, covering part of the scars on her face. Her facial features were delicate and gentle, even if With a man's hair tied in a bun, it looks softer than ordinary men, but now that the long hair is released, it suddenly shows a softness that is different from that of a man.

Pei Qing's eyes were rounded, and he was so shocked that he lost his words. He felt that he had been blind all this time, and he really regarded Lin Aoxue as a man. She only put the hair scarf away at this time. Naturally, he could tell the truth from what Lin Aoxue said.

It's no wonder that no one has found Ning Muxue for so many years. It turns out that she gave up her identity as a woman and lived as a man, right next to him, and he didn't even notice it at all!

Lin Aoxue is brave and good at fighting, and is a legend in Xing Beiguan, such a character that makes barbarians feel fearful, turns out to be a woman!

Pei Qing froze in place, but soon, he suddenly returned to his senses, gritted his teeth and signaled Lin Aoxue to re-tie his hair bun, then quickly walked to the door of the tent, opened a gap in the curtain, and glanced out. , made sure that no one was outside the account, and checked the four places carefully before walking back to the table, dipping his fingertips in the tea, and wrote:

"You killed Bei Chenlong?"

Lin Aoxue didn't hesitate, and quickly nodded to admit that Pei Qing confirmed what he was thinking, but he was not as shocked as he was just now, because he had already guessed about it. He took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice:


Even if Lin Aoxue is Ning Muxue and the daughter of General Ning, she harbors an undeniable hatred for Bei Chenlong, why would she suddenly attack Bei Chenlong without warning? He had been forbearing before, how could he lose his patience at once?

Lin Aoxue sighed, and raised her hand to let Pei Qing hear her. She kept her voice low, her purpose of joining the army, and some of the things she did to win Bei Chenhe's trust, and this time, Xuan He was conspiring against her, and she was forced to helpless. He had to confess to Pei Qing all the things that Bei Chenlong had done.

Just now, after learning Lin Aoxue's identity, Pei Qing subconsciously wanted to cover up Lin Aoxue's identity after a brief surprise, and she gained Lin Aoxue's trust, so she really made up her mind to tell Pei Qing the truth.

Pei Qing became more and more surprised. In the end, his eyes were full of shock. He opened his mouth wide with a look of disbelief. He didn't expect that so many unknown things happened in places he didn't know.

After Lin Aoxue finished speaking, Pei Qing frowned and hesitated before asking:

"Does Miss Yun know your identity?"

If you think about it, you should know, Pei Qing secretly thought, but if Yunyan knew Lin Aoxue's identity, what happened to their marriage? Concealed? Why do you need to do this? More importantly, the relationship between the two is not like a fake.

Lin Aoxue knew that if she told Pei Qing the truth, she would definitely avoid this hurdle. She was also very uneasy, but she no longer wanted to hide anything, so she replied:

"she knows."

"Then your marriage?"

Pei Qing asked subconsciously, this is really strange.

Lin Aoxue gritted her teeth. This was the first time she had announced her relationship with Yunyan to outsiders, not as a man, but as her own woman, telling another person about her relationship with Yunyan.

"it is true."

Pei Qing gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, bulged his eyes, and didn't speak for a long time. He felt that he was about to be shocked to the point of being numb, and the news revealed from Lin Aoxue's mouth was more frightening than the last.

After a while, Pei Qing breathed evenly, he loosened his fists, grabbed the edge of the table tightly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said:

"When there is chaos in the army, I will lead my soldiers to support you unconditionally."

He made a quick decision.

No matter what the relationship between Lin Aoxue and Yunyan is, Lin Aoxue is Ning Muxue, the daughter of his father who has been loyal all the time. Since he has inherited his father's wishes, he will abandon his personal feelings and try his best to help Lin Aoxue check. The truth of the incident at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty will give justice to the government of the township.

But his complexion was very complicated, and his brows were also furrowed tightly. The shock of learning that Lin Aoxue was a woman had not completely subsided, and he was bruised all over by the fake Feng Xuhuang relationship between Lin Aoxue and Yunyan.

He had never lied to Lin Aoxue before. He was tempted by Yunyan and tried to pursue it, but Yunyan had a high vision and couldn't look down on him at all. Who knew that Yunyan didn't like men at all, but the person she liked turned out to be Ning Muxue!

Pei Qing felt as if he had knocked over the five-flavor bottle. The taste was extremely complicated. Yunyan was already very good. He had seen the intelligence and wisdom of women. Unexpectedly, Lin Aoxue was even more powerful. , she was able to soar on her own and shine in the barracks.

He sighed helplessly, feeling quite emotional in his heart, then looked at Lin Aoxue with a complicated look, and said:

"You will go back earlier today. Since someone with a heart is behind the design, then maybe tomorrow your beheading of Bei Chenlong will spread throughout Xing Beiguan, so you go back and prepare well."

Lin Aoxue nodded, thanked Pei Qing once again, then secretly left Pei Qing's tent, returned to her residence, and lay on the bed to rest for a while.

The decision that Pei Qing made after knowing her identity made Lin Aoxue feel relieved. As Yunyan expected, Pei Qing and her father were both extremely loyal to Ning Yiyun. Lin Aoxue's act of confessing her identity to him was dangerous, but the success after the success Also very obvious.

Lin Aoxue put her hands on her face and sighed in her heart.

Another person knew her identity. As the situation became more and more chaotic, her position became more and more dangerous. There would definitely be more people involved. Knowing her secret, she couldn't help but start to panic. Everyone knows her identity, why should she be with Yunyan?

Now that she is pretending to be a man, she can still deceive herself and confuse others. Once her identity is revealed, the two of them get married, and they will be criticized by thousands of people.

The higher she stood, the more eyes gathered on her body, the more difficult it was for her to walk.

After a while, she shook her head vigorously and gave a wry smile. The situation is getting dangerous now. Whether she can survive this chaos is still unknown. When her identity is revealed, Bei Chenhe will be the first to tolerate her, even if she takes Yunyan away. , where can we go?

The world is so big that there is no place for the two of them.

Lin Aoxue sighed inwardly, she had to completely overthrow the mountain standing in front of her before she could choose the life she wanted.

The author has something to say: Good Le! Update delivered today! After I finish writing, I will go to dinner_(:з」∠)_

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