Yunyan put a set on Xuanhe, Xuanhe was poisoned with a strange poison, and he searched for several doctors but failed, and his own body gradually became weak. How many doctors have never been able to dispense the antidote. This feeling is like a knife on Xuan He's back all the time, making him feel cold.

Even he had to be convinced by Yunyan's medical skills. This medicine must be prepared by Yunyan himself, and no one else can solve it. The doctor he invited couldn't even distinguish the specific effect of the poison, but could only see that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and he couldn't use force, but no one could take action to detoxify it.

On the one hand, Xuan He was angry that these doctors were useless, and on the other hand, he regretted his carelessness, thinking about whether to contact Yunyan privately and communicate with her about this poisonous matter.

Xuanhe was secretly tangled in the Yanyu Tower, but Yunyan, who was the culprit, calmly listened to Yingsan's report on the situation in the military camp in his small courtyard. When Yingsan talked about Lin Aoxue's decision in the army, he was waiting with Yunyan. After careful analysis, Yunyan raised his hand to stop him, saying:

"You told me that things in the army are fine, but it's like which battalion General Lin went to and who was nominated for the position, there's no need to go into such detail, she has her own decision, and if she needs my help , she will find me, and since I lent you and Ying Er to her, during this time, you only need to be loyal to her, and you don't need to come to me."

Ying San was stunned for a moment, he had never seen Yunyan's trust in Lin Aoxue, and this was the first time he had heard Yunyan say that they didn't need to report to him, they just needed to guarantee their loyalty to Lin Aoxue.

After a while, he came to understand, hurriedly knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and bowed:

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

Yun Yan sent Ying San back to the military camp, feeling the temperature getting colder and colder, thinking that it was time to add some more winter clothes to Lin Aoxue.

Therefore, she searched the house, wrote down what was missing, and then left the medical center to go to the market to buy. When she was choosing the fabrics in the cloth village, Xuanhe sent people to invite Yunyan, but Yunyan didn't buy it. If you are injured, you need to go to the hospital for consultation in person.

Xuan He's men became angry and wanted to forcibly capture Yun Yan, but they shot, one of them just grabbed Yun Yan's arm, and suddenly a painful feeling came from the palm of his hand. He let go of his hand subconsciously, turned his palm over, and saw a dense layer of red sores on his palm.

The man screamed and panicked, asking where the antidote to Yunyan was. Another person who was traveling with him was also taken aback by the sudden situation.

Yunyan slowly leaned towards him, she took a step indifferently, the man was so frightened that he took a few steps back, and did not dare to touch Yunyan directly. With two points of coldness and sharpness, but her handsome and delicate facial features make that sneer become charming:

"Go back and tell your master that the balance between me and him has not been settled yet. When will he understand his position and come back to me to discuss it."

The last time she was sitting at home, but she was led by Zhe Ji to break the barrier and forcibly came to arrest her, so she kept her mind. Although she did not know martial arts, but in terms of medicine and poison, at least in Beichen, she was able to do it. There is only one person who has the ability to suppress her. So she used her strengths and used poison to force people. Even if there was no Shadow Guard by her side, she was not afraid of the people sent by Xuanhe.

And the only person who can solve the strange poison she inflicted is her master. After her master taught her medical skills, she disappeared without a trace and traveled around the world. Even if Xuan He could send someone to find him, he would definitely not ask for it. In this way, Xuan He could only obey obediently.

Yunyan completely controls the situation. She knows that forbearance and withdrawal will only make Xuanhe more and more arrogant, so this time, she does not plan to avoid it. Since it was Xuanhe who provoked trouble first, let her teach Xuanhe Understand that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

The men and horses sent by Xuanhe returned without success. Yunyan continued to pick out the fabrics in the cloth village. She thought about what type of materials Lin Aoxue might like, and then picked up a few of them. After paying the money, she asked the people from the cloth village to deliver them. Go to her infirmary.

Lin Aoxue was busy with the things in her hand today, and walked around the school grounds. Seeing that the weather was getting colder and colder, the soldiers were practicing on the school grounds. Everyone was still freezing cold hands and feet, and even many people had frostbite on their hands and feet, which were painful and itchy.

Lin Aoxue frowned. This situation is not optimistic. She asked the military doctor in the camp to take medicine for the soldiers who had frostbite, but the effect of the medicine did not seem to be ideal.

Whenever this time, she would sigh in her heart that her Yan'er was the most powerful, no matter what type of fault it was, Yun Yan would look at it and live up to her expectations.

Lin Aoxue thought about taking the time to have someone go to Yunyan's medical clinic to order a batch of frostbite medicine. Right now, this is fine. Yunyan is still in Xingbeiguan. The rules and regulations are bound, and you are free. You don't have to be idle like you used to.

She ordered that the winter training could end an hour earlier, and the soldiers were ecstatic and thanked them one after another.

Lin Aoxue glanced at the sky, saw that it was still early, and left the barracks calmly, euphemistically saying: go to the medical store to buy medicine.

When she came to the hospital, Yunyan hadn't come back. The servant in the hall asked Lin Aoxue to wait for a while. After about half a stick of incense, Yunyan finally appeared at the door of the hospital. Behind her, there was a carriage pulling cloth, and the guy in the car jumped down to unload the goods in an orderly manner.


Lin Aoxue waved to Yunyan with a smile on her face.

Yunyan ignored the busy buddy behind him, walked slowly to Lin Aoxue's side, and said with a smile:

"How come General Lin is free today?"

Lin Aoxue raised her eyebrows. It had been another half month since she came back to the hospital once and learned that Bei Chenji was trying to harm Yunyan behind her back.

The people she sent to investigate Beichenji's whereabouts did not really find Beichenji's trace. Although many people came to the barracks to provide clues for the bounty, none of them could help. Lin Aoxue asked Yunyan and Pei Qing to help pay attention to it. , there will be no results in a short period of time, and this matter will be put on hold for the time being.

Since then, Lin Aoxue has been busy with military affairs and can't get away from it. Yunyan is also paying attention to the movements in the Yanyu Building, and at the same time, someone has checked the time of the flood disaster in Yuexian County, Zhezhou City in 1985, so he did not take the initiative to find Lin Aoxue.

Hearing Yunyan's teasing question, Lin Aoxue pretended to not understand, and said:

"Where's the free time, because the cold ground is freezing the hands and feet of the lieutenant generals and soldiers, I'll come to Doctor Xunyun to buy some frostbite medicine."

She speaks in a serious manner, and she is also plausible when it comes to public welfare.

With a smile on Yun Yan's face, she saw Lin Aoxue act like she was doing business. The light in her eyes flickered and disappeared. It looked like she was planning something. Suddenly, Lin Aoxue's heart jumped and she panicked.

"Well, so that's the case, then this matter can't be ambiguous. The little girl will arrange it now. A piece of frostbite medicine sells for ten dollars in the market. We are old acquaintances. Counting eight cents a share, General Lin should first set an order of one hundred and eighty thousand, and I will send someone to deliver it to you tomorrow after the account is settled."

Lin Aoxue's eyelids trembled, with a bitter look on her face.

One hundred and eighty thousand Yunyan is easy to say. Even if it is eight dollars, it should be a few hundred and nearly a thousand taels of silver. The head of the family knows that Chai Mi is expensive. She was in the military camp. It is necessary to report to the report, and there is no need to consider whether the purchased medicinal materials are expensive or not.

Now that she is sitting in the position of the general, the accounts of all the expenses in the battalion will pass through her hands. She feels that the army is spending money all the time. There are countless large and small accounts. feet tall.

Previously, she was not familiar with the affairs of the military, so she gave the people 20% of the rice grains, and raised the soldiers' moon silver by 5 cents. Wherever money can be spent, she feels that she is about to worry about graying her hair.

Alas, Yunyan is really a black businessman.

Lin Aoxue tugged at her hair, her face was blushing and blushing, thinking about how to haggle with Yunyan.

Unexpectedly, Yunyan saw her hesitate, and suddenly said:

"Oh, is General Lin tight?"

Lin Aoxue almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and half of her life was sold. She clenched her fists hard, coughed awkwardly, and murmured:

"Well... that's it, Doctor Yun, you see, our ration is so big, isn't it...?"

Yunyan blinked her eyes pretending not to understand, looked at her with a smile, raised her eyebrows and smiled again:

"It's okay, we can take credit~"

Lin Aoxue put her hand on her forehead, feeling a little regretful in her heart, and asked herself in embarrassment why she had come over in person today. The feeling of being teased by Yunyan was indescribable. Really sick.

Lin Aoxue gritted her teeth suddenly, and she went out of her way. If she could save some money, it would be better than a swollen face and a fat man:

"I want to ask Dr. Yun if this frostbite medicine can be cheaper?"

After she made up her mind, she spoke clearly and smoothly.

Yun Yan couldn't help laughing, seeing the person in front of her with a look of death, which made her want to laugh out loud. When Lin Aoxue finished speaking, her face was blushing and waiting for Yunyan's reply, Yunyan did not show any hesitation, the corner of her lips twitched, and she answered cheerfully:

"Okay, yes, General Lin has no money to help. The little girl for frostbite medicine will pay you three dollars and only charge the cost, but for the next twelve hours, General Lin will need to stay in the hospital to help, how? "

Lin Aoxue was stunned when she heard the words, so easy to talk?

Doing errands for twelve hours in the medical hall can save hundreds of taels of silver, which is a very good deal.

Lin Aoxue was worried that Yunyan would go back on her words, and immediately nodded in response, and repeatedly confirmed to Yunyan whether what she said was true. Yunyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this, she knew that Lin Aoxue was very cunning at times, but she didn't know that she had gotten to such a level.

Yun Yan reluctantly replied with a few words of seriousness, and Lin Aoxue finally smiled.

Lin Aoxue happily stayed in the hospital as a coolie. The soldiers who followed Lin Aoxue were stunned and almost drew their knives to demonstrate at Yunyan. How could their generals go to do chores for a small medical center in the area? However, Lu Sheng happily suppressed the few soldiers who didn't know the inside story, and then said loudly to Lin Aoxue:

"General, my subordinates are leading people back first, and I'll come back tomorrow to get the goods."

The soldiers were at a loss, but Lin Aoxue waved his arms:

"You all go back!"

Lu Sheng got Lin Aoxue's right words, and immediately turned around and left with the unidentified soldiers. Lin Aoxue was arrogant and leaned in front of Yunyan and asked:

"What do you need me to do?"

Yunyan saved her a lot of money, she had to be more positive. Yunyan glanced at her, and saw that the guys in Buzhuang moved all the cloth into the hospital, and let people move them into the backyard, Yunyan said:

"Then, the first thing, let me choose the ingredients first."

Lin Aoxue was stunned when she heard the words.

She also thought that although she didn't know medical skills, it was not a problem to move medicinal materials and clean up. But Yunyan's first sentence turned out to be asking her to choose the fabric? What does this have to do with what's going on in the hospital?

Lin Aoxue was still stunned, Yunyan had already walked over and dragged her to the backyard, but seeing seven or eight pieces of fine clothes on the table, Lin Aoxue had to sigh again that Yunyan was really rich.

Yunyan asked Lin Aoxue to see what she liked first, then went to get some tools for tailoring, took out a soft rope, and began to measure Lin Aoxue's body shape.

"Huh? To make clothes?"

Lin Aoxue realized it later, and his eyes showed surprise.

Yunyan nodded and hummed, then continued to play with Lin Aoxue's standing position, causing Lin Aoxue to raise her arm.

Lin Aoxue raised her arms, but she was still puzzled, so she asked:

"Why do you want to make clothes again? Didn't you measure it last time?"

She hasn't finished the clothes Yunyan made for her last time. First, because she was reluctant, she still wore military uniforms for more time in the barracks. Second, it was not a few months since Yunyan made her clothes last time. Lin Aoxue has been struggling all year round, and a piece of clothing can be worn for several years. She is alone and has no habit of wearing new clothes on New Year's Day. She didn't realize that Yunyan would make new clothes for her.

Then there is, I have measured the size in summer, why do I measure it again today?

"The last time I made you a thin robe for Xiaqiu, now it's late winter, so you can't wear it anymore. You can't always wear the cotton clothes made by the camp, right? As far as I know, the cotton clothes are of poor material and difficult to wear. Keep warm, you girl, how can you be frozen like those big men?"

While Yun Yan was busy with the task in hand, she said to Lin Aoxue:

"The thickness of the clothes you wear in summer and winter is different, and it also affects the size of the clothes. If you want to fit your clothes better, you can measure them again."

As she spoke, she hooked the corner of her mouth at an angle that Lin Aoxue could not see, with a smile in her eyes, and said:

"Also see if you have taken good care of yourself recently, whether you are thin or fat."

Lin Aoxue bowed her head, seeing Yunyan holding a soft rope in both hands and hugging her from behind, and comparing the rope to her chest, Lin Aoxue felt a little strange as if her palms inadvertently slid past her chest.

After Yunyan tightened the soft rope, she first recorded a size, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and said:

"Well... that won't work. You're too thick to measure, so you took off your coat."

Lin Aoxue blinked, Yunyan's eyes slanted, she shrank her neck, Yunyan smiled when she saw her like this:

"Don't worry, there is a charcoal stove in the house today, so it won't be cold."

Lin Aoxue turned her head and swept around, and indeed saw several charcoal stoves growing in the four corners of the house, making the house warm. No wonder she felt a lot warmer after entering the house.

Speaking of the charcoal stove, Lin Aoxue subconsciously thought of the last kiss in the study that was interrupted because of the cold. She couldn't help blushing, and she was secretly embarrassed. She felt very ashamed that she subconsciously remembered something private. Take a deep breath, try to look as normal as possible, and then remove the thick layer of robes from your body cleanly.

The corner of Yunyan's lips twitched, Lin Aoxue was really obedient.

Lin Aoxue didn't notice Yunyan's sly smile at all, but seeing that Yunyan took the soft rope up again, she first gestured Lin Aoxue's shoulder width, and then wrapped it around her chest. more and more red.

"If there is an opportunity in the future, I will make two sets of brighter clothes with you. Would you mind?"

Yunyan measured the size of the clothes for Lin Aoxue and said suddenly.

Lin Aoxue's heart moved, she turned her head to look at Yunyan, and saw Yunyan's serious face when she carefully recorded the size, she knew what Yunyan meant, most of the clothes were different from the previous ones.


She didn't know if she could adapt to that kind of life, but she had some longing in her chest, and it was always happy and beautiful.

An extremely bright smile appeared on Yun Yan's face, causing Lin Aoxue to be dazzled and dizzy.

She couldn't help reaching out and took Yunyan into her arms. When Yunyan cried out in surprise, Lin Aoxue had already pressed Yunyan to the table covered with cloth.

There was a creaking sound from the wooden table under him, Lin Aoxue put his arms beside Yunyan's ears, and when his throat rolled, he lowered his head and kissed Yunyan's two red lips. She was nervous as usual, the heart in her chest was pounding, and she soon showed nervous and excited emotions on her face. The blush quickly extended from the cheeks to the base of the ears, the auricles, and even the neck. through.

She couldn't hold back the stirring emotions in her heart. Yunyan's every move, every frown and smile really attracted her. Every word of Yunyan told her that they could go far and far together.

This is a woman who can stay with her for the rest of her life and doesn't dislike her ugly appearance and short temper. Even if her life is still long, maybe it will be short, but she knows that no matter how many ups and downs in the years to come, she will never again Met someone better and more missed by her.

The author has something to say: Alas, I'm so busy today, I'm so busy that I'm going to explode. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is broken by a chapter of 10,000 characters a day. I'll update a chapter and 5,000 first, and make up another 5,000 at night.

Routinely ask for reviews and ask for clicks!

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