The General Who Hates Me

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Keira discovered a new side of Zach. A thing that displeased him.

She anticipated getting to know him more, finding out about what else could make him happy or angry.

Being so close and spending a lot of time together was a big help to build a strong foundation.

She clearly realized that she also had some bad qualities like she did not care much about wasting a lot of money because she could afford it. For her, money was just a means to get what she wanted.

But Zach was right, she should learn to appreciate even the smallest things around her.

Today, she was going to go shopping with her mom and minions to buy things for tomorrow's visit to Zach's family in his hometown.

She would also have an overnight stay there, so she was extremely excited.

Keira's doorbell rang and she knew it was her mother. This was her mother's first visit to her new home.

She was surprised to see their two helpers with her when she opened the door.

"Why are they here?" asked Keira but she already knew the reason.

"Well, I've brought you some food- all your favorite dishes," Mrs. Chan said as she gestured the helpers to arrange everything in her refrigerator while she looked around Keira's condo.

"I'm sure you only eat out…" she said as she went back to the kitchen to look at Keira's refrigerator and she was surprised that it's almost full and was arranged properly.

Keira grinned as she said, "Mom, you don't need to worry. See that? My boyfriend is taking good care of me, you know."

Mrs. Chan did not respond but walked towards Keira's bedroom and this time Keira twitched her mouth.

"As expected… Let them clean up your condo while we are away," Mrs. Chan said as she shook her head.

Keira's bedroom was a total mess. Her clothes were dropped everywhere even the bed was not made properly. Mrs. Chan didn't even need to see Keira's restroom because it would also be a disaster for sure.

Keira smiled awkwardly as she defensively said, "I planned to clean that. It's just I'm quite busy lately."

Mrs. Chan arched an eyebrow and commented nonchalantly, "I'm sure Zach will get turned off if he knows how lazy you are with household chores."

Keira crumpled her face, "Of course, he won't. Besides, I'm working on it. Let's just go, Mom."

She quickly pulled her mom outside before she started talking non-stop while inspecting every corner of her condo.

Afterward, Mrs. Chan and Keira brought a lot of presents at one of the Lius shopping malls.

"Jeru is a great catch if you think about it. He's the only heir of Liu Empire. I bet a lot of girls are trying to get his attention, especially now that he quit the military and became a CEO," commented Mrs. Chan as they entered the most expensive boutique to buy good kitchen wares since Zach's mom loved cooking.

"Yeah, I bet so. He's a nice guy, so I'm sure he will find someone great," Keira said simply.

They were both startled when Old Madam Liu suddenly appeared and greeted them from behind.

"Oh, I knew it's you, Ester," said Old Madam Liu as she greeted Keira's mom with a cheek to cheek kiss.

"And, Keira, dear," said Old Madam Liu as she turned to Keira and gave her cheek to cheek greeting too.

"I saw you from a distance, so I decided to say 'hi,'" explained Old Madam Liu.

"Since we've met like this why don't we grab a coffee once you are done with buying things," added Old Madam Liu and Mrs. Chan agreed.

Keira sighed because she did not want to go, but it would be harsh if she declined and didn't accompany her mom.

After they finished buying the presents, they went straight to the coffee shop inside the mall where Old Madam Liu invited them.

Keira ordered black coffee for her mom while she ordered a caramel macchiato for herself.

"So Keira will start working soon? Oh, you've finally reached your dream," commented Old Madam Liu when Mrs. Chan proudly told her about Keira getting hired at Cooper Corporation with her own hard work.

"You know I still hope our families will get connected. Oh, how I hope my Jeru find someone like Keira." Old Madam Liu stated with a smile that made Keira almost choke on her caramel macchiato.

She cleared her thoughts and quickly said, "I'm sure Jeru will find someone better than me, Madam Liu. Also, I'm happy right now and will probably get married to my boyfriend soon."

Old Madam Liu's eyebrow flinched, but she managed to give Keira a fake smile as she said, "Oh, that's nice then. But I hope you still take my offer into consideration. We don't know what may happen. I just hope that the man you are referring to is a loyal man who really likes you and is with you not just because you are Field Marshal Chan's daughter. You know how society is, especially for those who are in need."

Keira's forehead furrowed and with an arched eyebrow, she gave Old Madam Liu a wink, as she said, "Well, I really don't care, Madam Liu. As long as I like the person and he likes me, I don't care about anything else. So what if it's because of my family name? Wealth? Money? I've got plenty of it anyway, so I'm willing to give and share. It's not like we can take that wealth to our graves someday. What matters is that I'm happy."


Keira kissed her mom goodbye before Mrs. Chan entered her car with her personal driver and bodyguards.

Jim and John were at her back as they waited for her driver.

She turned her head to John and said, "That Old Hag is still keeping her eyes on me! Make sure we know if she is planning something bad against me or especially, against Zach."

"Yes, Miss Keira," answered John.

She understood, based on Old Madam Liu's personality, that in her eyes, she was the best and only candidate suitable to be Jeru's wife because of their connections and wealth.

"Her standards are really high," she mumbled.

Then she looked at Jim and said, "Check Zach's family. Find out if there is anything suspicious. You two, immediately report about anything you find directly to me!

Keira's gut was telling her that Old Madam Liu was up to something. She might be wrong. However, there's nothing wrong with being cautious looking into it…

She would not let anyone ruin how perfect things were working right now for her and Zach.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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