Keira jumped on the bed as soon as Zach's mom left. She inhaled and exhaled loudly several times.

"So this is how it feels to be interrogated?" she murmured totally relieved.

She only hoped that Mrs. Lim was contented and satisfied with her answers.

She stared at the ceiling. Mrs. Lim was right because mostly, people in their circle did look at the family background, like Jeru's family, more precise Old Madam Liu.

Good thing was, and she considered herself very blessed for that, her parents were different. At least, she would not need to choose between her parents and Zach.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She closed her eyes as she felt sleepy after that wonderful meal. She was sure that Zach would take the time to check on her a bit later...

She was about to drowse off when she heard a knocking at the door.

Keira quickly opened her eyes and stood up to open the door.

"Hello! Can I come in?" asked Rizie, grinning at her.

Keira smiled and nodded as she opened the door wider for Rizie.

She went inside the room as she said, "This room is the nearest to Big Bro's room. By the way, thank you again for the presents. I really love them."

Rizie sat down at the side of the bed and gestured Keira to sit beside her.

"I will not take much of your time. I just sneaked while Big Bro is out. Hmm, I've heard that we are of the same age, so I'm a little bit hesitant to call you "sis"." said Rizie.

Keira smiled and subconsciously wanted to answer, "Call me "sis-in-law" then."

"Hmmm, you can call me sis or Keira. Whichever you are comfortable with. It's okay with me, Rizie." Keira said instead.

"Alright, I will call you sis then since I think you are a nice person and you truly like my Big Bro. However, I just want to warn you, if you ever break my Big Bro's heart or hurt him… I will hunt you down," said Rizie without blinking as she intently looked at Keira.

Then she smiled and winked at Keira.

"I'm sorry, I just could not help it because before…" she paused as if hesitant to continue.

"I mean, we love our big bro so much, as you can see, so even I am protective of him. But I like you and I don't think we will get to the point where I will need to hunt you down, but just in case, I wanted to warn you in advance," explained Rizie.

"I'll leave you now as Big Bro might scold me for disturbing you if he finds me here," said Rizie with a grin as she quickly went outside.

Keira was left in awe.

"Thank God that Lyra did not threaten me like that," she mumbled before she let out a long sigh and lay on the bed again.

Then she chuckled, "What a cute sister…" she whispered before she finally dozed off.

Zach went straight to Keira's room after discussing matters related to the ranch with his right-hand man and grandfather.

The ranch was doing quite good. They had a lot of cattle and sheep. Rizie and Josh, with the guidance of their grandfather, were doing great with the sales and marketing. Their ranch would gradually expand, plus they were also engaged in farming and raising crops for feeding the animals such as hay and feed grains.

Zach felt proud of all his siblings; Lyra as an attorney, and now the twins, who both graduated with flying colors, majoring in business and accounting.

He couldn't ask for more…

Inside the room, Keira was lying on the bed and Zach could tell that she was sleeping.

"My falling star was indeed tired, ah?" Zach whispered as he walked towards the bed and sat on the side.

He stared at Keira's peaceful face and smiled lovingly.

He couldn't help but lay down on the bed beside her, facing her to drown himself with the beauty before him. If Keira only knew how hard he was trying to restrain himself from having her completely.

"You sleepyhead… How can you sleep like a baby…" Zach muttered as his palm gently touched Keira's soft skin.

His fingertips trailed Keira's perfectly shaped eyebrow, then her prominent nose, then followed by her full and kissable lips where, whenever she was with him, he wanted to dwell into with his own lips.

"Hmm, are you comparing my facial features with the others?" Keira suddenly murmured, as her lips curved into a smile.

She gently opened her eyes as she continued, "The bed is so comfortable that I felt sleepy."

"How is it?" Keira asked referring to the discussion Zach had pertaining to the ranch.

"Everything is good. I will tour you tomorrow, so you'll see what your boyfriend has to offer. You can still back out…" said Zach in a jest.

Keira crumpled her face as she answered, "I only want the whole Zach… so offer yourself, all of you and that will be enough. So, sorry, you know I don't back-out… I never did, especially, if the matter involves the person whom I love."

Zach was speechless.

Keira, on the other hand, touched his face and said, "Sorry, my lovely General, but you are already chained and locked up… whether you like it or not… backing-out is not available in Keira's vocabulary…"

Zach grinned and pinched her nose.

"I really don't mind. But I want to, at least, be a boyfriend that you can be proud of." Said Zach.

Keira kissed his nose and said, "I'm proud of you. You are my General and if anyone dares to look down on you? I will personally tear those idiots apart!"

Zach laughed and hugged Keira.

Zach understood Keira's heart and he was grateful that she was not bothered with matters like that.

However, for some reason, his pride was still telling him that he must achieve more, so Keira wouldn't experience a backlash in the future for loving a nobody like him.

He somehow, wanted to accomplish a good source of living for the future because once he settled down, he would also quit being a soldier.

That's what he had promised to his family and to himself...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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