The General Who Hates Me

143 Final Assignmen

After the introduction, the reporters and other staff gathered in the newsroom.

The Cooper's newsroom was large, occupying the whole floor of the building and was divided by a glass door.

Keira looked at the studio room where the staff was currently recording the noon report.

They had the usual meeting where each one of them was assigned their tasks.

Director Holmes immediately assigned Keira to live reporting team, and Keira couldn't help but show her excitement.

"Isn't it a bit early to entrust to a newbie a live reporting at the field? Shouldn't she stay a bit here and do clerical work?" commented Thea with an arched eyebrow.

'Clerical work like buying you a coffee?' Keira answered inwardly but chose to remain quiet and let it go because it was not worth her time.

Thea looked at Keira directly as she said, "Aren't I right?"

She was irritated to see Keira's calm expression.

It's like Keira was mocking her and she hated it.

Keira answered with a blank face, "I'm confident in my abilities. Besides, I know what to do very well since I had my internship here. I ran with Field Reporters almost all the time, and most of the Seniors here also know me since I have worked with them."

"Oh, I see... So, you think that just because they know you and you had your internship here, you are ahead of others. While they will be stuck here doing what a newbie should do first, you can go and do fieldwork?!" counter-questioned Thea who was openly bullying Keira in front of everybody.

"Hmm, I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to imply. But rest assured, you can tell it straightforwardly. What a newbie should do first?! I am a reporter. Does it matter if I'm a newbie or not?" Keira retorted in her usual calm and nonchalant tone.

This time Senior Grant interrupted, "We are already acquainted with how Keira works, and I will bet my name for her. I agree with Director Holmes, Keira should do that interview."

Producer Hana stated her agreement too, which made Thea even more irritated. She knew that Keira was from a prominent family because her profile was hard to find out.

For now, all she knew was that she was Zach's current girlfriend. Her assistant could only gather basic information about her, like the school she went to and also that she had been admitted to the Military Academy.

The moment Thea encountered Keira at the bar, where the latter bid for Zach with such ridiculously high price, she knew that Keira was a threat.

That moment, she was threatened, and just recently it came to her knowledge that the two had suddenly got official.

She waited for long years to finally get back… She would surely get back what was hers from the start... She would get her man back from her…

"Still, why we should give that work to her when we have a lot of more experienced reporters. I don't trust her yet…" mumbled Thea that made Keira's facial muscles flinch.

'What a bitch!' She mused.

"Well, I think it's better I start my work now, so our main Anchor here can witness my performance. After that, you can say whatever you want to say. I believe the time is gold for us." Scoffed Keira that made Senior Grant shout, "Alright, people go now, chop, chop!"

In that instant, they all scattered to proceed with the tasks.

Luke and Jazz, who were staying in the newsroom, bid her good luck.

Keira smiled when she saw a man waiting for her outside.

"I told you, we will see each other again," JV said, one of the cameramen for reporters.

"Yeah, and I'm not surprised at all," Keira said, laughing.

"Alright, go inside the van and let's create some action, Miss Pure Energy," he said as he smiled.

Keira laughed. She was happy that JV was assigned to be her partner on her news runs from now on.

"We're now partners in crime. Geez, I still don't know if I am happy with that or should get worried." Murmured JV.

Keira laughed as she understood what he meant. When she was doing her internship, she often went with the Seniors during field reporting and often than not she was the one who could get a scoop for them.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

JV always complained because usually they would have had to spend all night or would be at far and dangerous places for the scoop she suggested.

She had brought all her gadgets with her, even though they had very good technology nowadays, a notebook and pen must not be excluded.


Zach had picked up Keira outside the hospital, where she had her final reporting duty.

Keira smiled, hugged, and kissed him after getting inside the car.

"Let's grab dinner along the way?" Zach suggested, and Keira nodded.

During dinner, the two talked about the things that had happened during work.

"By the way, I will be away for a while, but it won't take a year like before. I will be on a special mission with Torin." Said Zach as he quickly explained the situation, so Keira would not panic.

"Kens? As in Ryu Ken?" Keira asked and Zach nodded.

"Yeah, as his family is involved, he wants to be a part of this mission. This is a long-time aim for me Keira. I wanted to bring down those drug lords. I and your father, together with other officials, had been tracking them for a long time, so someday, we'll bring them all down. It's not just the drugs, these people are involved in all the types of illegal dealings, murders, trafficking, guns, and so on." Zach added.

Keira pouted her lips and commented, full of protest, "I'm going to scold my dad for this! Why is he taking my boyfriend's time away from me?!"

Zach laughed, seeing Keira's expression like she was a child throwing a tantrum. He scratched his head because, for sure, Keira would file that protest to her father soon.

He pulled Keira for a tight hug as he gently stroke her hair and said, "Don't worry… This would be the final assignment that I will have."

That instant Keira pulled herself out of his hug to look intently at Zach's face as she asked in delight, "Really?!"

Zach smiled and nodded.

"Yes!" Keira burst out and tightly hugged Zach.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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