The General Who Hates Me

157 Emergency Leave

Keira was humming and smiling on her own inside the car.

This morning Zach explained to her why he was holding back in taking her completely: he wanted to marry her first.

"Marriage..." she mumbled almost squealing, but she tried hard to keep her feelings under control. She looked really crazy right now beside Zach, who was scratching his head.

"Maybe I should be the one to buy an engagement ring since he's too busy right now?" she mused. She recalled how hesitant Zach was about telling her his reason. But she was persistent and acted all hurt and irritated in front of him. It left him no choice but to spill it out.

Time was gold - a saying that was overused but so applicable for her in their situation.

"Why do we need to wait for that mission to be completed?" Keira mumbled as she moved in the passenger seat so she can look at Zach.

A proper ceremony could follow, but right now, she needed this marriage registration to be a done deal. Who knew when and for how long Zach would be gone again. She couldn't wait to give her body to him and enjoy being in each other's arms while they were together.

"Let's do it today, NOW!" Keira burst out.

"What?!" Zach exclaimed.

"You heard me… I said let's go now and get married," Keira said with pouty lips, then she quickly got her phone and dialed her office.

"I am taking an emergency leave today! It's very urgent, so I will not be available the whole day!" said Keira before she ended up the call.

"Keira, what are you doing? We can wait. I want to make it perfect. Stop this insanity," Zach stated as he pulled over to the side of the road.

Keira pouted her lips and said, "It's already perfect as long as I'll be married to you. The formal ceremony can take place later since you want to complete that mission first. But right now, I want to become your wife. I don't think it's necessary to wait for any longer."

"NO! I have to ask your parents for your hand formally!" Zach said firmly.

"Okay, let's wait some more. Then I am going to torture you every moment of this waiting. I will harass you every time you come home, and believe me, I mean every word," Keira threatened.

She would really do that. She would torture Zach to the highest level and leave him with blue balls as punishment for dragging their marriage this long.

Zach did not respond, and Keira innocently smiled at him…

"My General, do I look desperate to you right now?" Keira asked with an arched eyebrow.

Zach was trying hard to suppress a burst of loud laughter.

"Hmm, you're not desperate. Maybe, just a bit shameless? I mean, who would do something like this, huh? Force a man into marrying her?" said Zach, who already started laughing.

"ME! I will do that! Anyway, let's go! Nevermind, drop me at the office instead!" hissed Keira with an indescribable irritation on her face.

Zach let out a long sigh. Then he started the engine and drove.

Both were silent inside the car.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Then Keira noticed that Zach was driving the wrong way, so she raised an eyebrow and asked, "This is not the way to my office?!"

Zach sighed and murmured, "You said you want to get married! Then let's go to the civil registry office and get married now."

Keira's eyes suddenly sparkled, as her lips curved up in a wicked smile.

She knew she was acting all cunning and sly, but she had to take the opportunity and not waste any more time.

Then she paused and looked at Zach, who was smiling on his own as he shook his head.

'I forgot to tell him,' she thought, referring to Thea's matter. It slipped from her mind since she was too busy with pleasing Zach. Plus, their mood this morning was too good that she thought of nothing else.

'Should I tell him now?' she asked herself inwardly.

"Why are you still quiet? I said we will get married now." Zach murmured with a grin.

Keira released a heavy sigh, as she said, "I just remembered… I think it will kill the good ambiance now but still, you should know this."

Keira told him everything, completely as per the details and reports that John had gathered. She watched Zach closely, observing his reaction and his expression. However, Zach had a blank expression.

'Geez. I feel like I just ruin everything,' Keira thought as she bit her lip, waiting for Zach to say something.

"Let's go back. I've changed my mind. We don't need to get married now." Keira suddenly murmured with a heavy heart.

'Maybe I became too confident,' she thought as she could feel her heart was being ripped apart. Zach's silence was scaring her.

But Zach did not turn around. He continued to drive to the registry office.

As soon as Zach parked the car, he moved to face Keira and held her shoulders, so she facing him closely.

Zach's face softened, seeing Keira was trying her best to control the tears that were starting to dwell in her eyes. He knew what was going inside Keira's head.

"Keira, don't cry. I'm just a bit shocked by the things you told me about Thea, that's why I'm speechless. And honestly, I still do not know how I should react to that. But it doesn't change my feelings for you even a tiny bit. You are the most important person to me," said Zach as he pulled Keira into his embrace.

"Oh, please don't misunderstand things. Thea is just a part of my past. But you, you are my present and my future, Keira." Zach reassuringly whispered.

Then he opened the compartment of his car in his right side, got something out of there and turned his intent gaze to Keira.

"I got this when we visited my family, but then this mission came up. It's a very important operation, so I told myself that I will give this to you after it's completed. That it would be with a very romantic set-up as I would ask you to marry me. Nonetheless, I feel that I should give it to you now to stop you from worrying about nonsensical things," said Zach as he opened the box.

It was a ring with a shooting star design at the center, filled with diamonds. Keira couldn't help as tears started falling from her eyes.

"Keira Chan, my falling star, who landed straight into my heart without warning, will you marry me?" asked Zach as he put the ring on Keira's ring finger.

Keira was too overwhelmed with emotions. Instead of answering, she cupped Zach's faced with her shaky palms and gave him a breathtaking kiss, full of passion and love. Then, she whispered, "I love you, my General, and YES, I will marry you anytime and anywhere."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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