The General Who Hates Me


Keira woke up in Zach's embrace and she couldn't help but smile brightly. Her body was tired and sore because her husband didn't miss a single opportunity to devour her. Although her body was almost on the verge of collapsing, she was feeling blissful.

She kissed her husband who was still sleeping soundly. Tomorrow, Zach would leave once again for his mission. Keira helplessly sighed as she felt a sudden pang of sadness at the thought of the amount of time in which her husband would be gone.

His mission was going to be even more dangerous now than it had been before, as they would be diving right into the den of the underworld kingpin.

She buried herself on Zach's chest to feel his warmth and to savor his manly scent that she loved and would surely miss every morning… How she hoped they would remain in each other's arms like that forever.

She felt Zach tightened his arms around her and murmured, "Sleep more… Recharge... I'll be waking you up again soon…" Keira blushed from Zach's words which were full of double meanings and allusions. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

One thing that she had learned during the past few days was to take her husband's words seriously when it comes to this kind of thing. So she obediently did as she was told and closed her eyes 'to recharge!'.

The next morning, Keira's parents insisted on having breakfast together before letting the Lim Family leave.

"We had a great time here. Thank you for your warmth and hospitality. Oh, this time we will wait for your visit to the ranch, so that you could try my daughter's cooking," Grandma Terri proudly said as she reminded Keira's parents to come and visit them soon in the province.

"We will surely be visiting you at the ranch soon…" Keira's Mom answered as she gave Sheila and Grandma Terri a cheek-to-cheek farewell.

Josh drove Zach's car, while Zach and Keira were with J&J. They would first drop Keira off at her work and then Zach at his condo.

Inside the car John tried his best to look away from the rear-view mirror, because he knew that their Mrs. Lim would not miss the opportunity to be clingy and touchy-feely with her husband, even in their presence.

He cursed inwardly when his gaze accidentally landed at the rear-view mirror and caught the newlyweds in the middle of kissing each other.

'Maybe next time, it's better to drive a car with a partition if this couple is inside!' he mused.

Before Keira stepped out of the car she hugged Zach tightly and gave him another deep kiss and said, "Stay safe and return to me soon." Zach smiled and pinched her nose as he answered, "Noted, my star…"

Keira smiled because it had been a while since Zach called her 'My Star'. All that she heard from him lately was 'Wifey'. So Keira winked at him and got startled when Zach pulled her in for another passionate kiss and a tight embrace.

John and Jim exchanged embarrassed glances and released a sigh of relief when their Mrs. Lim was finally gone.

Zach heard their sigh and he chuckled inwardly while shaking his head. If it had been Torin that witnessed this mushy and fluffy side of him, that man would have definitely passed out.

Of course, he was still the manly, strong and dominant General that everyone knew him to be.

But with Keira, he could be an entirely different person. He had in fact surprised himself, when he discovered how endearing and overly affectionate he could be after he married her. There were no more constraints. No more holding back. There was only love for his wife and he would show it in the best way that he could.

If there was one thing he had learned from his wife, then it was to like and love a person without any reservation, and not to be afraid to show your sincere feelings to the person that you love by declaring it boldly and proudly.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his mobile phone.

It was Cielo. She informed him about the progress of the task that he had assigned her and Drey.

"I'm sorry John, could you drop me off at the Military Base instead?" asked Zach and John complied.


"What did he say?" asked Drey as he put Dice back in his crib since he was already sleeping.

Drey had worked hard in penetrating and hacking the servers of Mr. Big's organization, so Zach and his team could trace all of their worldwide dealings. He had finally succeeded after locking himself for a week in his so called 'locker room'.

"Hmm Bro said, 'JOB WELL DONE…' He actually instructed me to reward you for it, for working very hard," said Cielo nonchalantly as she walked towards Drey with an amused face.

Drey looked a bit confused and asked, "What?"

Cielo closed the gap between them as she shook her head and murmured, "Such a slow husband." Before Drey could react, Cielo ringed her arms around his neck and quickly locked his lips with hers.

Drey stood still like a statue, not moving at all. He felt Cielo's tongue invading his mouth, searching and asking for a response. Cielo's lips were smooth and luscious, doing magical movements on his lips.

Drey could feel his lower region reacting. It had been screaming at him for attention for weeks now, ever since he and Cielo were sleeping on the same bed together.

He stared at Cielo who was kissing him with her eyes closed. He was about to return those kisses when Cielo suddenly broke away.

Cielo blinked her eyes at him and said, "What is this? Why are you just standing there like a statue? Am I not a good kisser? Don't you like the reward?"

Drey's facial muscles moved as he replied inwardly, 'I like it. Why did you stop?' Cielo moved to release his neck from her arms but Drey immediately encircled her waist and in one swift motion his other hand caught her nape and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

Cielo was startled with his daring movement, but she was happy to receive his response. She returned Drey's kisses with intensity as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and moved to brush his body with hers.

Drey was wearing his usual home shirt and boxer shorts and she could feel his hardness from their closeness. She smirked inside because she would not let this opportunity slide. She would have her husband under her grasp. So what if it was still early in the morning? This was, in fact, a good way to start their day…

But then, both of them were interrupted by the sudden crying of Dice…

Drey reddened with embarrassment as he shook his head, looking at Cielo who quickly attended to their son.

Then he smiled lovingly. He didn't mind that his son would always get his wife's attention first. However, maybe it was about time to get Dice his own room!

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