The General Who Hates Me

187 Worst Luck Of All

Thea had been feeling uneasy ever since she went back to the City, because Chin had been missing and Leon was interrogating her about the happenings surrounding Chin's mysterious disappearance. She was perturbed about what might have happened to Chin, but at the same time, she was also very nervous at the thought of Leon finding out about the dreadful incident that had transpired at the charity event.

"What!? Why can't you find a single thing, you idiots!? How come none of the CCTV footage from the event are available!?" Leon shouted at his men in the living room. Thea let out a sigh of relief, thinking that Chin must have been the one who had cleaned up everything to keep Leon from finding out about what had happened between Jeru and her that night.

'Where are you, Chin?' she thought silently. The last time she had seen Chin was when she scolded her for planning a spiteful act on her behalf without her knowledge. So she was not worried at all when she didn't see Chin for a while after their little squabble, as she thought that Chin was just giving her the space that she clearly needed. It had never occurred to her that she would have instead gone missing.

"Don't you dare come back without giving me anything, you morons! Get the list of all the attendees at that event! I want their names and profiles immediately!" Thea gasped in fear as she heard Leon give peremptory orders to his men. Leon must never find anything, or else they would all end up dead.

With trembling hands she dialed Chin's number once more, but it was still off. Thea exhaled deeply before she walked to Leon to tell him that she would head back to work.

"I will assign a new assistant for you soon, while Chin is missing." said Leon before he let her go.

That was not good at all. Having a new assistant assigned to her would only mean trouble. 'Chin, where are you? Please come back safely!' she pleaded inwardly as she hoped for Chin to somehow be well and alive.


Inside the newsroom…

Thea kept stealing glances at Keira as soon as she arrived at work. She would like to ask Zach for help, but she knew that she would have to go through Keira.

'Geez!' she exclaimed to herself, as she felt embarrassed at the thought of asking Keira for help, especially after all the vile things that she had done to Keira in a pitiful attempt to make her look bad in Zach's eyes. But she really did not know what to do anymore. She was desperate; and desperate people call for desperate measures. Chin was her only hope but she had gone missing without a trace.

Thea sighed several times as she contemplated on how to approach Keira.

Maybe there really was no more hope left for her. After all these years, in which she had been stuck with the cruel fate that life had bestowed her, perhaps she should just accept that it was her destiny to end in despair.

She took another brief look at Keira, who was still busy reviewing various reports to gather newsworthy information. She knew that she needed to apologize to her, but she did not know where to start.

Thea did not know if she should tell Keira everything; from what she had initially planned to do to her and the altered plan that Chin had designed without her knowledge, to how that plan had ironically ended up backfiring on herself. Yes, the joke was on her and she had learned her lesson in a very hard way.

'Thea, you're so pathetic!' she sneered at herself and got startled by the ringing of her own phone. She hesitated for a bit if she should answer, because it was a number that she didn't recognize. But at the thought of the possibility that the call could be from Chin, she quickly answered her phone.


"Meet me at the cafe on the fifth floor. I have an important matter to discuss with you," a man's voice could be heard from the other line.

Thea creased her forehead in confusion and asked, "Who is this?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"It's me, Jeru. Go down, now!" he ordered her before he ended the call.

"What?! Who does he think he is to order me around like that?" Thea cried out in annoyance, as she stared at her phone. Jeru's voice was very commanding that she felt if she did not comply with his wish, he would just come up to this floor to forcibly drag her away.

Then her eyes widened as she remembered that she had thrown his shirt away before she came back to the City, to prevent Leon from getting suspicious.

She couldn't afford for Leon to find any loose ends because she had witnessed him kill a lot of people in her presence. And despite his distinguished background, Jeru was no exception, as Leon didn't discriminate.

So Thea quickly asked for permission to go out for a small break, since there was still some time left before she had to go live from the studio.

She let out a sigh of relief once she was sure that no one had followed her. Well, one thing that she was certain of was that Leon would never be able to put a mole inside the Cooper Network office building to monitor her, since the security of the building was very tight that not just anyone could enter. This was also the reason she accepted their offer to work for them.

However, she still looked around before entering the cafe to make sure that no one was tailing her.

She saw Jeru sit at the corner, as he was drinking his coffee in his usual formal suit and tie; the typical CEO attire. 'He's not bad.' she commented silently as she eyed his overall features.

She sat in front of him and Jeru began to speak. Thea was dumbstruck with terror as she listened to what Jeru was saying. He had taken Chin into custody and he knew about everything…

Jeru went to see the Field Marshal before he came to meet Thea. He had handed over all the information that he had gathered on Thea and Chin, as well as the organization they were part of, to the Field Marshal.

He was well aware that the Field Marshal had had his eyes on that organization, or more accurately, the biggest underworld group, for quite a while now. He had also found out from the Field Marshal that this was Zach's current mission.

It was funny how fate could mess you up in all sorts of creative ways. Because the biggest irony of it all was that Thea turned out to be that man's woman; Leon, or mostly known as Mr. Big, the King of the underworld.

Jeru could not help but felt pity seeing how pale Thea's face had become. It seemed that the woman in front of him had the worst luck of all.

Thea composed herself after the bomb that Jeru had just dropped on her. She looked at him directly and said, "What do you want?"

Jeru gave Thea a smirk as he said, "I want payment…"

Thea looked at him in disbelief but she sighed and said, "Let Chin go and I will pay you back tenfold for everything…"

That moment, Thea had accepted her hopeless fate. If she would survive everything, she could at least consider herself lucky.

"Are you going to tell Keira?" she whispered timidly.

"Yes, she deserves to know it all. And I do believe Zach needs to know as well…" answered Jeru nonchalantly.

"Would you please allow me to tell Keira everything instead?" Thea pleaded as he looked at Jeru with her soulless eyes.

"I want to apologise to her personally. Please let me be the one to tell her everything…" added Thea with her solemn voice.

Jeru sighed as he answered, "Alright… As you wish…"

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