Chin was recognized by her crew and was immediately cleared to board the Ghost Ship after checking that she was clean. Jeru was guised as her hostage so she could bring him aboard the Ghost Ship and he was checked and scanned more thoroughly.

"Who's that?" asked one of the men. "The asshole who tried to snatch Madam Thea. I will bring him with me so the Boss can punish the bastard!"

The men nodded and let them pass. There was only silence between Chin and Jeru as they boarded the speedboat.

Jeru had already been informed by Dumbo that Zach, Torin and Jiang were already on board of the Ghost Ship. The current loading status of the tracking device that was locating the whereabouts of the Ghost Ship before they arrived at the dock, was at 80%. By the time they reached the ship, it should have already been completed. Reinforcements would then be dispatched to their aid.

As soon as Chin and Jeru boarded the Ghost Ship, Mr. Big was immediately informed by one of his men.

"Fu*ck it, Chin! What the hell happened to you? And who the fu*ck is this bastard?!" he yelled after rushing outside to the deck as soon as he heard the news.

"This is Jeru Liu, The CEO of the Liu Group. He took an interest in Thea and I found out that he was planning to take her away from you. I was about to kill this asshole but I ended up in his hands instead. I was abducted and he tried to fish out the details on why I tried to end his life!" Chin carefully narrated about what happened starting from the charity event.

"Thea doesn't know anything about it… Then an opportunity came and I happened to outwit this asshole! He let me go at the thought that I will help him to have his way to get Thea," added Chin.

One of Mr. Big's men handed him the tablet containing Jeru's profile information. Then he noticed that Wolf was still there and was looking at Chin and the man that Chin had brought with some curiosity in his eyes...

"You don't need to see this Mr. Wolf, but if you want to watch a show on how I punish those who wronged me, then feel free to watch." Mr. Big proudly said with a grin.

He looked at one of his men and instructed, "Go get Draco and Thea now!"

Zach and Jeru's eyes both met. It seemed like their exact location was still not detected since there hadn't been any signals sent to the tracking device on Zach's contact lenses.

Zach was feeling irked at the current turn of events but still stayed cool and collected as he assessed the situation and prepared himself to fight.

He shifted his gaze to Mr. Big before he said in a casually calm and relaxed manner, "I don't mind watching a show… Let's see then how you would teach this shithead a lesson."

He was trying his best to stall for time…

Zach cursed inside upon knowing that they had gotten Thea, because he knew it would be harder for them to move quickly while having to ensure Thea's safety.

Before this final move, Jeru had assured him that he would take care of all the matters concerning Thea and that included her safety. But damn... how come he ended up on board with them instead? Zach started to devise a contingency plan in his head, should worse comes to worst.

"By the way Mr. Wolf, Isn't it only fair that I get to see the face behind that mask, now that you've seen mine? " murmured Mr. Big with an arched brow as he got reminded of their previous conversation right before he was called out to the deck.

He was curious about the look of the man behind this new group that seemed to have plenty of money to throw around.

Zach let out a big laugh as he said with a firm voice, "Why are you so curious to see my face, Mr. Big? Did I ask you to reveal yours? So now I have to show mine just because you needlessly showed me yours? That's a failed logic. I prefer mine to stay concealed… So, no, I won't take off my mask. Just be thankful enough that I still closed a deal with you!"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

'Sh*it! What's taking them so long?' Torin muttered silently as he waited for a flashing red dot in their contact lenses as a sign that their location had finally been tracked.

After a few minutes, Draco joined them on the deck with Thea whose eyes widened and face paled in horror upon seeing Jeru and Chin. 'Ohh God, so this is how we will all end?' she cried inside as her hope shattered into pieces.

"Ohhh hi there, nice to see you again!" Draco said grinning as he saw Jeru.

Then he added when Mr. Big looked at him with questioning eyes, "Oh, that man was quite a fighter, Boss. He ran to us to save and take Madam Thea from us.'

"Is that so? Hmm, come here, my queen," Leon pulled Thea towards him and put one of his arms around her shoulders while pointing to Jeru.

"Chin told me that this man, Jeru Liu, was trying to snatch you away from me. Is that true?" He asked her in a menacing voice. When she didn't answer, he held her chin forcefully to face him and hissed, "So you like it, huh? A young man like him? How about watching me kill him before your eyes? You missed seeing me in action, right? It should be fun to break him to pieces while you're watching!"

"Please stop this, Leon…" she pleaded quietly as tears uncontrollably rolled down her face. She was horrified at the thought of having to witness Jeru's gruesome death. It would add to her already torturous sleepless nights.

Leon's face darkened upon hearing Thea's words. "Are you crying for him?! Well, watch this..." Leon hissed as anger, jealousy and fury clouded him.

He walked towards Jeru and repeatedly kicked him hard in the stomach until Jeru began to cough up blood. Jeru was tied up so he was unable to fight back and would just end up receiving all the blows from Leon.

Zach closed his fists in anger, but tried to control himself as he looked around. They were all surrounded by armed men and one wrong move from him would put all their lives in danger.

"Ah, this is no fun! Untie this man!" Mr. Big shouted to one of his men who quickly untied Jeru.

Jeru staggered back as he fell onto the ground. That shithead Big had really kicked him hard.

"Look at this CEO guy, Thea! Keep your eyes open while Draco tears him to pieces!" said Leon with a scornful smirk as he walked back to Thea and held her firmly to force her to watch.

Thea was sobbing hard in fear and agony. She was already weak on her knees and almost fainted upon seeing Jeru's blood. But she knew she had to hold on because Leon would otherwise kill Jeru as soon as she stopped watching.

"Draco, let him fight with you first. I want to show our friend, Mr. Wolf here, a good show. Make sure it's entertaining, so play with the bastard a little before you end him!" instructed Mr. Big with an evil grin.

'This damn woman dares to cry for this bastard. Let her watch him die a painful death!'

Draco who was grinning like a maniac pulled Jeru up by his collar as his right hook aimed to hit him hard on his jaw while he whispered, "This time I will kill you in the most horrible way, bastard..."

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