The General Who Hates Me

222 Practicing On A Punching Bag


Keira looked at Zach and his opponent. His opponent gave Zach a taunting grin as he made a cutthroat gesture, metaphorically showing Zach that he was already killing him in his mind.

Keira clasped her hands tightly together to stop them from trembling. 'Oh, God, please give my husband strength…' she prayed as the two fighters entered the fighting ring.

Sting was thumping his chest like a maniac, excited for blood and showing his dominance as he rounded the cage with both of his arms raised and bellowed, "Yeah! That's right, folks, I will bring The General down today with my own bare hands! Yeah! Yeah!"

"What the heck? Did he think he already won to parade himself around in that ring like that? He looks like a real lunatic! I hope Zach will give him a hard blow!" May hissed irritably seeing Sting's disgusting attitude.

Leon did not bother to hide his excitement when he saw Zach enter the fighting ring. He guffawed, clapped his hands and whistled before he merrily blurted out, "Hah! Our Sting is a dirty fighter. Let's see if Zach could win against him. Sting is one of my best fighters."

Thea's face was drained of color and her heart sank with heaviness as she looked at the bracelet that she was wearing. She had been very careful not to even move her wrist in fear of breaking it. The bracelet was their only hope to get tracked.

She looked towards Jeru's direction and bit her lip before she turned her eyes directly at Zach.

Jeru could sense Keira's anxiety as her whole body was rigid with tension and her shivering hands clasped tightly on her lap. He looked again at his wristwatch. "Four more hours," he whispered as his eyes focused on Zach.

Zach must win this fight or else they would have to change to plan B and make their move without the military signal. The mission's objective was to rescue Zach, and all of the men he had brought with him were Zach's most loyal men from his squad. They all had volunteered to join the special task force team to rescue their commander regardless of how dangerous and suicidal the mission was.

He looked at Drey subtly and received his signal. Both of them were ready to take an aggressive stance, together with the rest of their men, should Zach be put in a compromised position.

Jeru sniggered silently. Never in his entire life had he imagined himself saving Zach like this. By putting his own life in danger. Or perhaps there was something more to it…

He sighed and turned his gaze to Thea. He was not sure when it exactly started, but he knew that he had started to care for her. He felt distressed every time he thought about how miserable her life had been. He had never pitied anyone as he did her.

'Maybe that was it?' he contemplated, but he was not totally convinced with his own conclusion.

The roaring sound started and the fighters were signaled to begin.

Sting was grinning as he turned his neck left and right, popping his joints while moving his feet. Zach was quiet and observing him. Sting's stance right now was that of a boxing-style form.

He attacked Zach with one swift hook but Zach dodged it. Sting laughed as he continued to throw punches at Zach.

To the audience, it looked like Zach was just receiving a lot of hard punches from Sting. "Why is he not attacking back?" May mumbled impatiently.

"He is not receiving it just like that. He is studying his opponents' movements now and he is tiring him out," Jeru commented as he observed the fight.

Sting was a brutal fighter and could definitely complicate things for Zach, but not enough to completely bring Zach down. 'Hang in there, buddy…' Jeru cheered silently while hoping that Zach wouldn't be picked for another match soon after this one.

Zach suddenly exploded with a devastating hook to Sting's jaw. He was dropped. The crowd went wild. Sting's eyes widened in disbelief with the sudden attack.

The crowd who put their bet on Zach cheered like crazy…

"Yeahhhh!""Go, General, go!""Finish off that fu*cknugget!"

Sting got up immediately. His playful attitude was gone as he spat blood and wiped it out from his mouth. He attacked angrily and his lightning jab stung Zach's face.

"Come at me, bi*tch! You moth*rfu*cking co*cksucker!" Sting cursed furiously.

Zach charged at him and a walloping jab landed on Sting's chin, followed by an uppercut blow to the liver that caused Sting to cringe in pain.

Sting tried to counterattack with crosses and jabs but Zach managed to dodge them all and return them by whipping some brutal combinations on Sting's body, as though he was only practicing on a punching bag instead of a real person.

Zach never let go of Sting as he kept battering him with kicks and blows relentlessly.

The crowds were shouting hard. Cheering for Zach.

But then...

It happened so fast and looked so natural that it almost did not register to anyone when Sting whooshed his hand through the air and threw some powders directly at Zach's eyes. Zach's vision blurred instantly.

Sting whose body was already on the verge of collapsing finally had a chance to attack Zach.

The crowd growled and booed when Zach's body was slammed onto the ground. Keira was about to jump to her feet but Jeru managed to stop her.

"Not yet! Zach can handle this. We were all trained for this kind of thing," Jeru muttered as he held her arm to prevent her from standing up. "But, he can't see! That jerk threw something at his eyes!" Keira protested, her voice shaking with burning rage from inside her heart.

"Trust me. Zach got this…" Jeru reassured her. Keira struggled to calm herself down. She could not bear to see her husband got hurt. Not even the sight of a single bruise was bearable for her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Zach was still laying with his back on the ground and blinked his eyes several times. It felt hot and stingy. His eyesight was blurry. He cursed inside and waited for Sting to attack him more.

And when Sting did, Zach grabbed him in a flash and pinned him down to his level. Zach managed to encircle both of his legs around Sting's neck while his hands firmly held one of Sting's arms by his shoulder.

The eye blinked once again and Zach went in for a triangle choke...

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