Lana was allowed to pick the fighters for the next match, and just like Keira, she chose two fighters whose eyes reflected their thirst for blood and their desire to kill.

And true enough, the fight was savage. She had to control herself not to vomit on the spot. The fight had finished and ended in an extremely violent way that the face of the fighter who had lost was no longer recognizable.

Keira was also horrified at the sight before her. She could not understand how the crowds could enjoy watching a spectacle as violent as this and call it entertainment. She had been sheltered her whole life, and even after having reported news from some dangerous areas, she still couldn't grasp the extent of the world's cruelty.

She was disgusted. She must let those ruthless fighters fight and kill each other.

She made another request but panicked when Leon turned her offer down, saying he would give the other guests a chance to pick some fighters as well. To her horror, the next requested fighters were Zach and a man called Cobra.

"That man seemed to be close with Zach," Keira murmured. Jeru noticed it too. Zach indeed seemed to be close with the fighters whose alias are 'Cobra' and 'Pretty Boy'.

Keira was still trying to stop the match by offering a higher bid so her wish would be accommodated first, but Leon merely apologized and said, "Madam, I'm also anticipating this fight, so let me grant you your request after this match."

Leon had indeed been anticipating for Zach to be picked by a guest for another round inside the ring. He wanted to see Thea get nervous so she would beg him for Zach's life.

Jeru held Keira's arm, signaling her to let it go because if she didn't, it would only make Leon suspicious and it might compromise their position. Keira was left with no choice but to accept.

They still had several hours of waiting, but hopefully, Drey would succeed in penetrating the control room and in hacking into their system so they would get tracked faster.

"That Cobra seems like he's a good fighter," Jeru heard Keira's whisper nervously.

She did not want Zach to fight either Cobra or Pretty Boy because they seemed to be close with Zach. They had probably bonded with each other during their hard times in this ship together, and she couldn't stand the thought of Zach having to end the lives of the people whom he had grown to be close with. He would undoubtedly be devastated.

Zach and Cobra gave Riley a meaningful gaze and he seemed to understand and nodded. "I guess this is it then," Riley sighed loudly.

If things didn't go in the way they had intended to, for example in situations where they were forced to fight each other, just like now, the three of them had come up with a plan to die fighting the bad guys instead of killing each other. This way they could at least keep their dignity intact.

It was not only their fight. It was also the fight of the rest of the fighters who were there against their will and had fallen victims of this deceit and brutality. Half of the fighters had discreetly decided to ally themselves with Zach, Cobra, and Riley.

Then Zach gave Jeru a quick and meaningful glance as well. Jeru nodded and instantly signaled his men. Zach and him had been communicating secretly through some special codes that they had learned in the military. It was comparable to Morse code but was more unobtrusive, using various body language, as it was specifically designed for special ops soldiers when missions call for them to communicate with each other without notifying the enemies.

When Leon's men were about to assist Zach and Cobra towards the ring to fight, Zach and Cobra seized their weapons in one swift move. Riley quickly opened the locked area so the fighters who were on their side could escape and help them fight Leon's men.

Jeru shouted "Now!" His men instantly attacked Leon's men nearest to them and grabbed all the weapons they could use for the battle.

The guests panicked and were all over the place, trying to get out of the arena as soon as possible because of all the fightings and shootings inside. It was utter chaos.

Keira immediately made her way to Zach, while Jeru dashed towards Thea.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Draco protected Leon while shouting, "Boss! We have to move to a safer place." Leon cursed and headed towards an escape route while dragging Thea along with him. "Fu*ck, fu*ck! How did this happen!? Stupid fu*cking system!" He kept on cursing as he ran with Draco towards another exit.

Keira was fast and already at Zach's side with Lana and May closely tagging behind her.

"Why are you here!?" Zach scolded her as he pulled Keira closer behind him. Keira creased her eyebrows and pouted her lips like a sulky child as she retorted, "Why else would I be here? To bring my husband back, of course!"

"What? That's Keira? Your wife?" Riley interrupted as he pulled a gun from one of Leon's men whom he had just knocked down. Then he added, "You were hallucinating about her? Oh man, General, you like old ladies?"

"Riley, it's not the time to be joking around! Be alert! Come here and back me up. We have to get out of here!" Cobra chided him as he exchanged fire with Leon's men.

Zach cursed when he saw Jeru chasing Leon by himself. Keira saw it too, so she said, "Go and follow him."

"No! I will stay with you!" Zach sternly refused. Keira turned to the man called Pretty Boy and grabbed the handgun he was holding from him and said, "Go pick up another gun, Pretty Boy… I'll take this one."

Then she turned to Zach and ordered him with a smug smile on her face, "Fine, since you don't want to follow them, then follow me instead!" Zach was caught off guard by his wife's bossy stance while she was holding a gun in her hand, but he quickly followed his wife who had run towards Jeru's direction.

Zach cursed as he caught up with her and immediately held her hand. "Dammit, Keira, why are you so stubborn?" he grumbled as he led her to follow Jeru who was running after Leon who had dragged Thea along with him.

"Well, we can't let Jeru fight that evil man alone. Besides, I know what's in your mind even if you don't say it," Keira responded.

She was beaming on cloud nine as she looked at her hand that was being held tightly by Zach. She was ecstatic to finally feel Zach's warm hand on hers again. Then she turned her gaze to Zach's sturdy back in front of her as they were running together.

It really did not matter how dangerous the situation they were in right now. As long as she could be together with him like this, nothing else seemed to matter...

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