The General Who Hates Me

249 The Go-Ahead Signal

"Are you alright?" Thea asked a bit alarmed when she saw dark circles under Jeru's eyes during their breakfast. He seemed to be deprived of sleep.

'He must be worried about Keira,' she thought. "I'm sure Keira is safe. She's with Zach, and he won't let anything happen to her. Leon's body had multiple gunshot wounds on it, and I'm quite sure it was Zach who put them there," she comforted him.

Jeru sighed and unconsciously nodded in acknowledgment. He continued to eat, but then paused and murmured, "Don't mind me. I'm just exhausted from work. I left a lot of projects hanging when I was away."

'Liar!' his inner thought chided.

Yes, he was lying. The real reason for his sleepless nights was Thea's words in the morning of the day they registered their marriage.

"About my duties to you, as a wife… I really don't mind to do it. I mean, all of it..."

Those words had been haunting him in the past few days. He even replayed the CCTV footage to check if he heard it right.

For sure, he heard it well. And if he understood what Thea meant correctly, she had given him the 'go-ahead' signal.

Jeru stole glances at Thea every now and then. He would really like to confirm his assumption and make sure they were on the same page because he did not want any misunderstandings between them. But he didn't really know how to bring it up.

She said 'all of it.' So would it include being intimate as a couple?

'But what if it's not what she meant?' he doubted.

They were now officially husband and wife and Thea had been an excellent wife to him. She would attend to all his needs by primarily taking care of his meals, clothes, and some other stuff as well. She had been fulfilling all of his needs except for one...

Jeru sighed. He and Thea were still sleeping separately. He was hesitant to suggest that they share the same room or to act to his liking because he did not want Thea to think of him as someone who was taking advantage of her situation.

'If I suggest that she sleeps in my room, how would she react?' he wondered, and another sigh escaped his mouth without him even knowing.

Little that Jeru knew, Thea was observing his every movement. 'What's with him?' She puzzled. She noticed his glances at her. It was as though he wanted to say something to her but stopped himself because he had qualms about it.

Well, she couldn't force him to say it, but she, too, had something to say...Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Thea straightened her back as she spoke, "By the way, I'm thinking of transferring my things to your room if you don't mind. So we can sleep in one room. I mean… That's the proper way to do things, right? We are already married, so it's not normal to sleep separately. But, if you are not comfortable with it, it's also okay to continue the current set-up. You might want your priva..."

"No, not at all! I don't mind at all... Yes, you can do whatever you like, and I really don't mind," Jeru quickly cut in before Thea could even finish her last sentence.

Though taken aback by Jeru's sudden interruption, Thea immediately concurred, "Oh, alright then. I'll transfer my things soon, maybe on my day-off this weekend…"

Although it looked like she was just casually mentioning it to Jeru, but she was actually very nervous when she said it. But she knew that she should at least give it a shot.

Gavin encouraged her to follow her heart, to listen to whatever it was telling her before it was too late. He told her to do things that she really wanted to do without any hesitation. She should express herself freely because regret always came late.

It took her a lot of courage to take the initiative for raising the matter about them sharing the same room to Jeru. She had waited for him to mention it first, but he never did. She was worried that he would not prefer it since Jeru seemed like a person who really valued his privacy.

But when she mentioned this to Gavin, his only answer was that she would never know if she didn't at least try. And now that she had tried and succeeded, she was bursting with joy and just wanted to squeal loudly. She was really thankful to Gavin for his encouragement and glad that she followed his advice.

As usual, after breakfast, Jeru would drop Thea off at her work first before heading to his own office.

As soon as Thea went out of the car, Jeru called his assistant.

"Renovate my room immediately. Make it bigger. Connect it to the vacant guest room next to it to make more space for Thea's stuff. And decorate the room according to the design she prefers," Jeru instructed.

Then he added, "Make sure they finish it as fast as they can…"

He smiled as sunshine flooded his soul. 'You used to hate it when someone invaded your privacy, right?' he mocked himself.

Because it was true. All throughout his military training, the thing Jeru hated the most was sleeping with all the other soldiers. He preferred to sleep alone and hated to share his stuff with others. Was he changing now? Because it definitely looked like it. He could not explain why, but he was looking forward to Thea invading his privacy.

The sooner, the better...

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