The General Who Hates Me

251 Unpredictable

"Why is he often here?" Whispered Riley after John left their safe house as soon as his shift to monitor Zach's signal was up.

Cobra shrugged his shoulders and said, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

"What? He has an enemy? In here? Who? You?" Riley cluelessly asked, to which Cobra rolled his eyes. "Me?!" Riley blurted as he twisted his mouth.

Cobra scratched his head as he stated, "Well, maybe not enemies. I think rivals is the right word…"

Cobra saw Riley appear to be buried in thoughts and he sighed, "He finally got it. Thank God…"

But then Riley opened his mouth and asked, "Oh right, maybe he thought I'm a rival because I want to become a bodyguard too, just like him. Right? Wait, is there also a competition for that line of work?"

Cobra's jaws dropped. He did not respond and just left while rubbing his face impatiently. He grumbled, "Just how dense could this kid be? Geez…"

Meanwhile, John was also lost in thoughts. Riley seemed like a genuine and kind person. But of course, he would not raise a white flag without putting up a fight.

He was contemplating how he should start to approach May and confess his true feelings to her. It was okay that she didn't know about it before because she was too busy with her studies and career. But the situation was different now with Riley's appearance. John knew that he should make his move soon.

He took out his mobile phone as he walked in the hallway, but then sighed and put it back in his pocket. He can't confess his feelings now because he was very busy with work. So, he would keep an eye on Riley instead. Those two were not allowed to leave the military base anytime soon anyway, and that would buy him some time.


"How long will she stay overseas?" Jeru asked his father. He was hesitant to inquire about his grandmother's schedule from her secretary because he knew his grandmother would find out. And when she found out that he had requested information about her, she would get suspicious and start asking questions.

"At least one month, from what I know. It's an important project, so she wanted to oversee it directly," Jeru's father answered while reading the newspaper.

"Why? Do you want her to stay there longer?" Senior Liu asked with a grin on his face.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Both father and son felt more at ease whenever Old Madam Liu was not around.

Jeru coughed and cleared his throat. He had already informed his father about his marriage to Thea. And as expected, his dad was utterly floored, since he had never heard anything about him dating her.

Jeru was grateful that his dad did not prod any further about the details, but he did inform him of the part in which he would soon become a grandfather.

"I only see her on television, but I have a good impression of her. She is good at anchoring and beautiful too. But you know how meddlesome and overbearing your grandmother can be. Every single detail about your wife will be investigated, Jeru," his father warned him.

"Yes, I understand. I already talked to Thea about it. We will visit you in the weekend, so you can meet her personally, dad," said Jeru with an assuring smile.

"Alright, I will clear my schedule then. If you need anything, you know I'm always here for you, right, son?" Senior Liu said with a smile.

Jeru smiled wistfully and replied, "Even if you'll have to go against grandmother?" He knew his father well. He was probably the most doting son in the whole world. His father had never failed to do as his grandmother wished.

"Yes, of course, I'll back you up. But let's do it low-key?" Senior Liu chortled, to which Jeru's heart cheered.

But then Senior Liu's expression suddenly turned solemn as he asked, "By the way, how is the search for General Zacharias Lim and his wife, Keira?"

Jeru creased his forehead before answering, "Still no update, dad… Right now, we're waiting for the result from forensics to identify the second body that was found ashore. It was hard to recognize his face, and some parts of his body were also missing. We believed the sharks have feasted on them."

Lately, his father seemed to be often asking about the status of the search for Zach and Keira. He found this unusually strange because although the Chans and their family knew each other, but they were not particularly close with each other.

Senior Liu noticed Jeru's questioning eyes, and carefully explained, "It's just that I feel bad, son. I heard he is a good and loyal soldier, and I also feel bad for Field Marshal Chan and his wife. Keira is their only daughter."

"Do you think grandma had seen it on the news?" Jeru suddenly asked, out of curiosity.

"Hmmm… You mean about Keira missing? Maybe yes, maybe not. Who knows? No one can predict what's in your grandma's head, except for herself. Not even me, you see," Senior Liu replied to which Jeru nodded in agreement. His grandmother was indeed unpredictable most of the time. It was as though she had multiple personalities, and knew how to use each of those personalities to her own advantage.

And she was really scary that way...

"Maybe, she was not aware of it yet, since I haven't had her bugging me for being an incompetent grandson," Jeru concluded with a grin on his face, to which Senior Liu responded with a roar of laughter.

"Because you lost her to General Lim? Haha, don't worry, son, she would bug you soon, so brace yourself…" Senior Liu warned him with a warm smile.

He would, of course, back his son up no matter what happened because he did not want his son to end up like him. His son should at least live the life that he wanted.

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