The General Who Hates Me

259 Pairs Of Eyes

"Still nothing?" Jim asked John as they switched shifts to monitor the signal that might come from the tracking device on Zach's bracelet. Field Marshal Chan had dispatched as many naval ships as possible, all over the Pacific Ocean. Those ships were built with an advanced satellite communication system that could identify high-frequency signals.

Field Marshal Chan made sure that the transmitted wave from Zach's bracelet, should it be sending any, would be detected immediately.

John, with slumped shoulders, shook his head. He, too, was frustrated. It had already been four weeks, and yet, they could not find the couple.

The Pacific Ocean was the largest body of seawater in the world, and given the large amount of islands that were scattered over it, it would definitely take quite some time for the search to yield any results.

Even more than skills or any other thing, they would need luck to find the couple soon.

"Alright, I got this, so go and rest," shooed Jim. "And go home, John! Why are you always sleeping here at the base with our main witnesses?" shouted Jim.

"Because it's closer by," John answered with a grin on his face.

"You cunning fellow! Just confess, and your dilemma will end soon!" shouted Jim to John, who was almost out of the room.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

In the hallway, John took out his phone and dialed May's number. "Yes, John?" May answered on the other line. John cleared his throat and replied, "Miss May, are you free now? I would like to meet you if you have time. I have an important matter to talk to you about."

"Alright, I will bring lunch for Riley and Cobra. There'll be enough for you too. We can talk there. Bye and see you…" he heard May say before the call ended.

"Huh?" John muttered as he let out a long frustrated sigh.

He immediately walked to the safe house where Riley and Cobra were staying, with a crumpled face. He would try to convince Riley to work for their agency instead before May arrived.

"How come Riley get to eat May's dishes often?" John complained. He felt like he was the third wheel between May and Riley because as much as he hated to admit it, May's cooking was definitely only meant for Riley. Well, there was Cobra, too, but he could not really be counted.


"Gosh, we are a true survivalist couple. I bet we would be trending online if we vlog or live stream about our daily life here," Keira stated as she made a passive fish trap.

She was making a woven funnel trap from the bamboos that Zach had cut. Trapping required less energy than actively hunting for food, and it would allow them to focus more on other essential things.

She had weaved enough baskets to store their food and for other things.

"Hmm, I think we'll be trending more as the shameless survivalist couple whose favorite activity is lovemaking. They will probably complain about why we have to do it so often," Zach teased her. Keira's ears and cheeks turned pink from bashfulness because, lately, she had always been the one who initiated their intimate moments.

She couldn't explain it either. Of course, she had always enjoyed making love to her husband and would have never rejected his advances, but lately, she craved more of it. Her desire for Zach seemed to have intensified even more.

"Do you have any complaints about it, General?" Keira lifted her chin haughtily and pouted her lips before she stood up to head to the waterfall. She would set the traps surrounding the foot of the cascade so if fish fell down the stream, they would be led straight to the trap.

Zach only answered her with a gale of laughter. Of course, he had no complaints. As long as they were in their safe period, he would always respond to his wife's yearning for him.

"Do you know how to set it up? Wait, let me go with you." Zach said as he grabbed the funnel trap from Keira.

They were walking toward the waterfall, and they could already hear the smooth and soothing sound of the rushing water toppling the cascade. Keira listened to it and smiled in delight, "The way this waterfall sounds is so calm and peaceful, don't you think?" Keira asked.

Zach concurred, "Yes, very peaceful."

"I love it. It relaxes me. I should give this waterfall a name," Keira decided.

Zach laughed and said, "Why do you like giving names to inanimate things? Your practice gun from before, you named it Zaira, you said it was your baby…"

"Hmm, maybe because I grew up without any siblings at home? And being the only daughter of the Field Marshal and the Chan family also comes with its own consequences. Dad always insisted that my safety and protection were the most important, so although mom and dad had always tried to give me a normal childhood as much as they possibly could, it was still hard to keep friendships because of the restrictions. So, I got used to give an object a name and pretended it was alive. That way, I didn't feel lonely. I was lucky that I met Lana, May, and Drey afterward. Otherwise, I would probably have grown up with only imaginary friends," Keira explained lightheartedly.

Then she added, "And just like Zaira, this waterfall is also my baby, so I shall give it a name. I'll think of something later."

Zach pulled her shoulders toward him and hugged her from the side as he kissed her head and whispered, "Let's make a lot of real babies and build ourselves a big family then, Mrs. Lim? That way, you'll never be lonely."

Keira giggled, "Okay. But just make sure that you'll always be by my side. Then I'll never be lonely, my General!"

They arrived at the waterfall, and Keira proceeded to set the trap while Zach watched her in delight. His wife was a quick learner, and he was proud of her.

"This island seems quite huge. I wonder if there's really no other people living here beside us. What if there's a native tribe living on the other side of the island?" Keira suddenly wondered.

Zach's face turned grim. It was indeed a big island, so he had already thought about the possibility of indigenous tribes living there. He always thought it would be too risky for them to explore more of the island.

He had come across a lot of such tribes before. Some were kind, but others were violent, especially if you intruded their territories. The worst kind was the cannibal tribes. He could not imagine what would happen if they would meet that kind of tribe here on this island.

If they were indeed not the only occupants of this island, then Zach could only hope that they would not come across each other's paths with the others. It would be great if they could just live peacefully like this while they waited for their rescuers.

Keira's playful mode was activated. She cupped a palmful of water and tossed it at Zach. They played like kids, splashing water at each other.

They were having so much fun that they did not notice the pairs of eyes watching them from a distance...

Both of their clothes were soaking wet from playing in the waterfall, so Keira suggested with her trademark wink, "SInce we are already wet, how about treating ourselves to some skinny dipping, my General?"

She was about to remove her shirt when they heard the rustling sound of the leaves on both sides.

To Keira's horror, a man in nude appeared before them with a spear aimed at her. "Oh, my God…" Her jaw dropped as more nude men appeared with various weapons like spears, bows, and arrows pointed both at Zach and her.

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