The General Who Hates Me

277 Kill Her With Kindness

Two weeks have passed since their discharge from the hospital, and Keira woke up early as she was so eager to go back to work again.

She was humming while she was readying herself. Zach laughed, seeing how excited his wife is, and asked, "Ready to go?" Keira nodded, and they headed to the car.

"Madam, please bring this," said one of their helpers. It was a packed meal.

Her mother insisted on sending a few helpers for the couple, and they did not refuse. Zach agreed that having some helpers around the house would help in looking after his wife and monitoring her well-being better, especially when it comes to dealing with all her cravings. Having the helpers around, Keira could now have any dish she wanted, and it would be homemade instead of store-bought, so Zach wouldn't have to worry about the meal being unhealthy.

"What's this?" Keira asked, and Zach answered, "I made it for you. Just try it later and see if you like it."

Keira beamed and gave her husband a sweet smile followed by tiny smooches on his face, which made the helper look away in embarrassment.

Zach dropped her off in front of the Cooper Network building. The moment she stepped into the newsroom, she was warmly welcomed by the news crew. Everyone was excited to see her again and hugged her while giving her words of affirmation.

"Welcome back, Keira!"

"We all missed you, kiddo!"

"You're amazing, and we're so glad you came back safe."

"We should celebrate later!" Jazz suggested, and they all agreed. They also heard the news about her pregnancy, so they congratulated her on that too.

Thea watched them from afar, with a gentle smile on her face as the scene before her warmed her heart. Keira was well-loved by everyone, not because of her true identity, but because of her personality. And she really admired her for that.

"You did not tell them yet?" Keira asked when they were left alone to review some news items.

Thea shook her head and smiled as she replied, "I informed them about my pregnancy, but not about Jeru. I want to keep it private for his sake. Thankfully none of them has pried into it. Besides, my growing stomach would not be that noticeable to the viewers anyway."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

It was true. As a news anchor who delivered primetime news from the studio, it was not difficult to hide her pregnancy. She only had to sit behind a desk, of which height they could always adjust to conceal her lower body.

"Oh yeah, right, Gavin will be leaving soon, and they were looking for his replacement. I think you should try," Suggested Thea.

Keira laughed as she said, "But then they would have two pregnant women delivering the primetime news. I could already imagine Director Holmes going bald from scratching his head as he goes nuts from it. Besides, I'm sure they prefer a male anchor to accompany you…"

Thea laughed too, but then she recalled, "No, no, no, I think you really should try. I remember they said they were planning to add two anchors next to me, one male and one female."

Keira's eyes twinkled when she heard that, "Really? Okay, I'll think about it."

Then she looked intently at Thea before she added, "By the way, you seem really happy now, and I'm so glad to see that. It was nice to see you and Jeru the other day, and both of you seem to understand each other well. Jeru was a bit too rigid and full of pride before because he's the only son of the Lius. But behind all that, he really is a nice person. He will definitely take good care of you and your baby."

Thea smiled and nodded. Her cheeks blushed when the topic changed to Jeru. That day, she and Jeru could not finish what they had started because Jeru received an urgent call from the office right after his grandmother had left.

'Maybe we could continue later,' Thea thought and giggled unconsciously. Keira gave her a mischievous smile as she teased her, "Did you just have a naughty thought? I can tell you already like him a lot."

Thea could only give Keira a bashful smile. Then she suddenly smacked her forehead as though she just remembered something and told Keira, "Oh, right! I met her. Old Madam Liu."

"Ah, such an overbearing lady, right?" Keira commented with a smirk. She was sure the old lady must have made Thea feel intimidated at their first meeting.

Keira listened attentively as Thea narrated how she met Jeru's grandmother and confided about how the meeting had made her feel.

"Don't worry too much and trust your husband to handle it. Just try to be as nice as possible to Old Madam Liu because she's still an elder, and she's Jeru's family. You know the saying, kill her with kindness, and leave her confused," Keira advised her with a wink, which made Thea laugh.

Keira suddenly sighed and looked so dejected, "I'm craving for something sweet now..." Thea laughed at Keira's pitiful expression. She stood up and said, "Let's go have a snack at the cafe. There's a lot of sweets there you could choose from."

The two women entered the cafe and were greeted by their big boss, Bernard Cooper. "It's good you're finally back, Keira… Safe and sound," Bernard said, as he treated them both to some sweet snacks.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Keira asked when he noticed Bernard keep looking at the clock. "Yeah.." Bernard answered, timidly.

A woman approached them. Although she was wearing quite a simple dress, it did not hide her sophisticated look. She smiled at them when Bernard introduced her.

"This is Deyna Song, my girlfriend. Please don't mention this to Xander, Keira… You know that bully won't stop teasing me once he finds out," Bernard pleaded, which made Keira laugh.

"Alright, boss, no problem! Just remember to treat us to more snacks in the future and rest assured that these lips are sealed," Keira said as she gestured the act of zipping her own lips.

Keira suddenly felt her stomach churn and quickly excused herself to the restroom.

"My girlfriend is a doctor, and she's a good one. She's the one who helped Ryu Ken regain his consciousness," Bernard said when Keira was back. Thea had informed him that both of them were pregnant.

Deyna smiled shyly as she gestured for Bernard to stop praising her. 'She's so cute,' Keira thought, and casually stated, "Geez, how I hope big bro Xander could also meet a nice woman like Deyna…"

"Let her check on you, girls. She's really an excellent doctor. She could tell your conditions simply by checking your pulse…" Bernard proudly offered.

Keira immediately extended her wrist to Deyna to get her pulse checked.

"Hmm, are you in the first trimester? Your pulse rate is considerably fast. I may be wrong, but it looks like you're pregnant with twins. But please let the ultrasound confirm it because I could be wrong," Deyna advised. She then informed Keira that she was quite healthy and there was nothing to worry about so far.

Keira could barely conceal her delight as she tightly clenched Deyna's hands and declared, "Oh gosh, if you're correct about the twins… I promise I will grant you any wish!"

Then she turned to Bernard and jested, "Boss, you should have her work at Yang Hospital. She'll be able to kick my cousin brother out and replace him as the director…"

"That's what I told her…" Bernard said as he looked at Deyna lovingly, who only answered them with a shy smile.

Keira could not help but chuckle when she imagined her big bro Xander having a timid girlfriend like her… It should be funny considering what a chatterbox her cousin brother was. The two would absolutely complement each other perfectly.

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