The General Who Hates Me

298 Bridal Shower

Several days had passed, and both families, the Chans, and the Lims were busy preparing for Zach and Keira's upcoming wedding ceremony. The elders had decided that they would hold a classic church wedding.

"Aren't you nervous?" Lana asked as she sipped her wine.

Lana and May were throwing Keira a combined bridal and baby shower in Keira's old apartment, before her wedding ceremony the day after tomorrow. Only a selected few were invited, including Thea, Cielo, and Zach's sisters.

Meanwhile, a bachelor party for the groom was being held just next door in Zach's old apartment and prepared by the groom's closest friend, Torin.

"Of course not… We're already married. The formal ceremony is to pay respect to the elders. It's only right to do because they also have the right to invite all of their acquaintances to celebrate with them," Keira answered before she went on, "By the way, I thought you guys booked some handsome performers for us to watch? Where are they?"

Keira was anticipating a great fun from watching a sexy performance by hot male dancers, just as she had seen in movies. Just the thought of them dancing and parading their abdominal muscles in front of her eyes made her giggle.

"I hope you booked handsome ones, so we all can squeal out loud!" Keira chortled in excitement.

Lana gulped hard while May almost choked on her drink. They actually tried to get some sexy male performers for Keira's bridal and baby shower but got a subtle notice from the groom who told them he would need to inspect the performers, and he would be the one to confirm their booking. However, they had not heard anything from the agency until they decided to call the agency yesterday.

They were instead reprimanded by the agent because their booking was still not confirmed, "Listen, ladies. If you're not going to hire them, don't book them. There hasn't been any confirmation for your reservation, so we already canceled it!"

May looked at Lana while Thea laughed, seeing the conflicted look on the two women's faces, as they gestured for each other to do the explaining to Keira.

Cielo decided to be the messenger, and explained, "Well, apparently your husband has sabotaged the booking of those handsome and sexy male performers. In short, there will be no abs to squeal at..."

After being reprimanded by the agency yesterday, May asked Cielo to ask Zach directly about the booking. So she called him, but Zach's only answer was an indifferent, "Oh, sorry, I forgot. They canceled the reservation? Well, too bad, nothing much to do about it now." When Cielo confronted him that it was just him being petty, not letting his wife have fun at her bridal and baby shower by watching other men dance sexily for her, Zach only snorted. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Keira's face crumpled as she complained, "Whaaaat!? What a killjoy! I even told Torin to choose some sexy female performers to entertain them!"

Rizie, who was also anticipating a great show for the first time in her life, shrugged her shoulders in disappointment by his brother's ungenerous reasoning.

"Hmph, can't we just remind big bro that's it's only for fun? Why can't he let sis-in-law have fun before the wedding?" Rizie protested to which Lyra laughed.

"So, why don't you call him and tell him that then?" Lyra teased her.

Cielo's phone rang, and it was Torin. "What??? And what are we supposed to do with them, Torin? Geez... Just send them home then!" Cielo grumbled and hung up.

She then looked at Keira and told her, "Your husband refused to receive the female performers and told them to just come here instead to entertain and eat with us. Goodness, gracious. Is he for real?"

Keira's eyes widened, and she quickly stood up to go to Zach's apartment to fume at him. "Geez! That man! What the heck!?" She complained when her doorbell suddenly rang.

"Stay... stay... I'll go get it," May offered as she quickly rushed toward the door to open it.

And as soon as May opened the door, her jaw dropped, and she took a few steps backward.

"May, are they the female dan…" Lana asked, who also walked toward the door, but was too startled at what she saw that she couldn't finish her sentence.

Men in full-face masks, only revealing their eyes and nostrils entered her apartment. Then the music started to play.

"What the…" Keira muttered but then stopped as the men started to dance…

"Woahhhhhh…" Cielo squealed, seeing a man suddenly ripped his shirt off.

May also started to squeal as she watched the men dance in unison as some of them stripped.

"Abs… One… Two… Three…" May muttered as she counted the abs on one of the men.

"Ohhh! This is fun!" Rizie squealed.

Keira, meanwhile, frowned as she noticed a familiar figure among the men who was still wearing his sleeveless undershirt…

"Why is that one not stripping yet!?" shouted May at one particular man who didn't strip at all, to which the rest of the ladies laughed. And one man was awkwardly standing not knowing what kind of sexy movements he should do.

Lyra almost spit her drink when the man that ripped his shirt off earlier suddenly danced wildly before her and never left her.

"Why do I feel like they all look familiar?" Cielo remarked as she looked at them closely.

Keira grinned and shook her head as she gestured with her finger for the man who was still in his white undershirt to come to her. She asked with her trademarked mischievous smile, "How come my General is not stripping in front of me yet?"

That instant, all the women's eyes were shifted and glued to him…

"Big bro?" Rizie murmured in shock.

Cielo shook her head and grinned as she walked toward the man who was just awkwardly standing, not knowing what kind of movement he should make, and took off his mask. It was Drey.

Thea almost died in laughter when Jeru removed his mask. He was the one at whom May shouted for not stripping at all.

"Hahaha! Bro Torin is the only shameless one here," Rizie commented while laughing out loud.

Torin also laughed and answered, "What can we do? This is the General's order… He even influenced General Liu, by saying that if he didn't do this, Thea would drool over other men instead…"

Thea's face reddened…

Keira folded her arms over her chest and said in a menacing tone, "Well, go on then! Since you want to do this, then continue with the show! If I see even one person, not dancing and stripping at all… We will just go out to watch the real show!"

Every woman in the room nodded in agreement, while the men, Jeru, Drey, Riley, Lt. Jiang, Janus, looked at Zach with a conflicted look on their faces, except for Torin, who already started dancing energetically in front of Lyra...

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