The General Who Hates Me

303 Chose To Save

At the hospital, it was confirmed that Old Madam Liu had passed out because of her high blood pressure. She was now being treated and would soon wake up. Thea sat beside her bed as she watched over her, while Senior Liu went out to the garden of the hospital to have a serious talk with Jeru.

"Dad… Tell me everything… I want to know," Jeru murmured. From the dramatic scene at the church, he could already deduce that he and Zach were cousins. But he wanted to know more. He wanted to know everything.

Senior Liu stared at one random direction blankly as he recalled everything that had happened that day… He remained silent for a while.

Then he suddenly whispered, "That accident happened because of me. It's because I was jealous and envious of my own brother. No one knew about their location, except for me. Brother trusted me so much, he told me everything. He did not know that I also loved Sheila at that time... I kept my feelings to myself because I found out that Sheila had reciprocated my brother's feelings."

"That day, he called me. Brother was so happy because it was the day they found out that Sheila was pregnant. He proudly told me that he was going to be a dad… I congratulated him, but as soon as the call ended, I felt my heart was crushed. And I wished for them to be separated… It was very selfish of me. Very very selfish... But I just could not stand the pain… That time, mother accidentally heard some parts of what I said, and she demanded to know whom I had been talking to on the phone," Senior Liu narrated in a shaking voice. He had to stop to breathe in some air into his lungs.

"I don't know what came into me… I was too clouded by jealousy, greed, and envy toward my own brother. It was not just because of Sheila, but it was because of everything... He had our mother's love. He had always been the favored one. The son who was good at everything… Even at love... I had always been the loser when put next to my brother… So instead of keeping their location a secret, I told mother where they were."

"But then I realized how wrong it was of me. I called my brother. I wanted to confess what I had done and tell him that mother's men were already on their way to get him. But brother never picked up... So I personally drove as fast as I could to go to their hiding place."

"I caught up to mother's men and saw the car chase. I tried to block some of their cars, but then everything happened so fast… Brother's car was driving into an ongoing construction area… There was a big crane with a large stone clamped in it. The car hit the crane quite hard, which made the clamp move. It was gonna fall onto their car, so I hurried out of my car to save them…"

"Your uncle was still breathing when I got there. Sheila was totally unconscious. That big stone would fall at any moment... I ran to Sheila's side and pulled her out of the car first…" Senior Liu whispered, his voice shaky, and his eyes teary.

He continued, "Everything happened so fast, and as soon as I pulled her out of that car, that stone fell onto the car…"

Senior Liu started to wail as he continued, "I chose to save the woman that I loved instead of my own brother… I knew that stone would fall at any moment, but… My heart and my head instructed me to get Sheila first…"

However, to his horror, Sheila was no longer breathing, and she was pronounced dead at the hospital… While his brother died from being crushed by the large boulder…Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Senior Liu had been feeling guilty for as long as he could remember. His conscience kept gnawing at his heart, knowing if he had only saved his brother first, Charles would have still been alive. Because he was still breathing when he ran to Sheila's side.

His mother could not accept the tragic event that had led to Charles' death and had almost gone crazy. She demanded the cremation of Sheila's body instead of handing it over to her family in one piece. She didn't want Sheila's family to be able to recognize their daughter when she could no longer recognize her son, who had died a horrible death, and whose body had been crushed completely.

Several months had passed, and Senior Liu buried himself in work as a punishment to himself. He had become a workaholic and had spent most of his waking hours at the office.

He obeyed his mother's order when she arranged for a business marriage for him, just a few months after Charles' death.

His late wife, Jeru's mom, had tried her best to have a fulfilled and happy married life with him. But Senior Liu was uncooperative.

He did not feel that he deserved any kind of happiness in the world. He wanted to be punished. He wanted to feel miserable for the rest of his life.

Then his wife died in childbirth... He became a single parent, and yet he ignored the child...

After listening to his father's story, Jeru now understood why he grew up so lonely, longing for familial love. It was because both his father and his grandmother were still caged inside their past. Both of them had chosen to be miserable and spread their miseries to the people around them…

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