The General Who Hates Me

312 More Than Home

The next day, Zach and Keira visited the grave of Zach's biological father, Charles Liu. His uncle, Thom, had given him a pass to enter the Liu's private graveyard.

Keira sighed as she watched her husband stare at the gravestone solemnly. On it, was a photograph of Charles Liu, smiling.

"You really resemble him a lot… Look at those attractive eyes and lips… And that smile..." Keira noted while she examined every single detail of Charles Liu's facial feature in the photograph.

"Yeah… Senior Liu… I mean, Uncle Thom and my mom said that too," Zach muttered before he let out a long deep sigh.

"Dad, Father, Pa… I'm not sure which one you prefer... But I'm really grateful to you for giving me life. Mom said, you were a responsible man and would definitely be a great father if you were alive… I grew up well, and I'm married now. You have a beautiful daughter-in-law…" Zach proudly introduced Keira as he grabbed her waist with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Father, wherever you are... I'm Keira, your daughter-in-law. Uhm, although it's a bit awkward to talk to you like this, but I'm happy and pleased to meet you. I want you to know that your son right here is someone that you can really be proud of. He is really the best! And by the way, you'll soon have grandchildren… I'm carrying twins… Isn't he amazing?" Keira chirped as she introduced herself.

Zach chuckled and said, "See how adorable my wife is, Dad? She was actually the one who worked hard on the twins. Not me..."

Keira's eyes rounded as she pinched her husband's waist. "Stop that. I don't want my father-in-law to think of me as a perverted daughter in law."

Zach laughed and pinched Keira's nose in return as he whispered, "Dad must think we're one weird couple…"

The couple bid their farewell after they told the deceased Charles Liu some more of Zach's stories.

They were walking hand in hand toward the graveyard's exit when Zach suddenly spoke," By the way, Uncle Thom requested me to use the name Liu instead of Lim… Also, Old Madam Liu would like us to live with them at Liu's Ancestral Mansion. For a few months, if possible..."

"You did not mention anything about this last night?" Keira asked with pouty lips.

"I was planning to mention it today because you had a tiring day yesterday…" Zach answered as he kissed his wife's hand.

She was indeed too tired that she had climbed directly to their bed to hug Zach and sleep without even bothering to clean herself up as soon as she arrived home last night.

"Hmm, it's a given that they want to get to know you and to give you their family name because it's also your right. So, what did you tell him?" Keira asked as she swung their clasped hands.

"What do you think I should do?" Zach stopped walking and sat on a bench just next to them and pulled her to sit beside him. He then looked at the sky.

Keira followed her husband to look at the sky too.

"Well, I'm not sure... But whatever it is that you will decide to do, I will always support you," Keira said while she stretched her arms open, embracing the light and refreshing breeze.

"I already declined to change my name to Liu. And I also told him that we can't live at Liu's Ancestral Mansion for a few months. Instead of that, we will visit Old Madam Liu and pay respect," Zach informed her.

Zach looked at her and added, "You don't like her, right? I remember you calling her Old Madam Hitler before."

Keira laughed and explained, "It's because she's the notorious Old Madam Hitler… I didn't come up with that name. They were already calling her by that name even before I was born, my General. But when I met her for the first time, I could already tell why they gave her that nickname. She was really overbearing… Wait… Don't tell me you refused because of that? Because you thought I don't like her?"

Zach nodded, and Keira dropped her jaw. Zach chuckled as he pulled her toward him and hugged her tightly. It felt so good to hug his wife like this. So he murmured, "Hmm, this feels good…"

"Yeah, I agree… The weather is so nice, not too hot, not too cold… It's just the right temperature," Keira seconded, nodding her head. Zach smiled at his wife's oblivious response.

"I'm just really happy with where I am now. Having my wife and unborn twins by my side… I'm more than home… I don't need anything else. So I can't see the point of claiming the name Liu legally and living with them," Zach whispered in her ear.

Then he let go of his wife to look at her and asked, "Why? Do you want to become Keira Liu-Chan instead of Keira Lim-Chan?"

Keira knitted her eyebrows and tapped her finger on her chin, acting as if she was giving it a serious thought. "Lim and Liu? Hmmm… Let me ask our babies… Cayden and Stella, what do you think? Which surname do you want? Do you want to be Cayden Lim and Stella Lim or Cayden Liu and Stella Liu?"

Keira even bent down her head as she touched and caressed her tummy as if she were waiting for an answer, "What's that? Oh, both of you want to think about it first? Okay, you think about it first and let me know. I'll pass on your message to your daddy."

Zach let out a hearty laugh at his wife's silly act and continued to stare at her lovingly while gently caressing her hair. He would never get tired of looking at his beautiful and adorable wife. She was shining brightly in his eyes, above anything else…

"Well, what did they say, my star? By the way, we still need to think of another set of names. I mean, it's not confirmed yet that they'll be a pair of a boy and a girl. What if they're two boys or two girls instead?" Zach remarked as he pulled Keira's head to rest on his shoulder and planted it with little kisses.

"Hmm, we can always think of another name after their genders are confirmed. But my gut feeling says they'll be a boy and a girl. And you know my gut feeling is often correct," Keira declared, smiling. She then grabbed Zach's arm that was hugging her shoulder and rubbed her nose on it.

"Whatever you say, my star… Besides, you earned it since you were the one who worked hard on our twins," Zach teased. Keira giggled and murmured, "Do you want more twins in the future, my General?"

Zach grinned and pulled his wife to stand up as he suggested, "How about we go home now and try to upgrade our twins to triplets or quadruplets?"

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