The General Who Hates Me

315 According To Her Way

Keira automatically creased her forehead as soon as they entered Old Madam Liu's private ward. She could not believe what her eyes were seeing. Thea and the old madam hugging and being cordial with each other? That was the most bizarre thing she had ever seen lately.

'Are they for real?' She mused suspiciously.

Then Old Madam Liu broke away from Thea's embrace and asked Zach and her to sit beside her. Zach and Keira sat down, and Zach asked, "How are you, Ma'am?"

Old Madam Liu's lips curled downward and muttered, "Please call me 'Grandma'... I'm your grandma, dear…"

Keira witnessed how soft and loving Old Madam Liu had become. Her gaze on Zach was gentle. Even the arrogance in her voice was not present. Unlike before.

Keira saw her husband give the old madam an awkward smile. He looked a bit uncomfortable, so she held his hand.

"Alright, I understand that you are still in shock, but I really hope that you would call me Grandma. Because I am your grandma..." Then she shifted her gaze to Keira. She smiled and jested, "I guess you're really destined to become my granddaughter-in-law…"

Keira smiled as she replied, "Yeah… How ironic…"

Old Madam Liu shifted her gaze back to Zach. She studied his face so eagerly that Zach felt a bit awkward.

"You really look like your father. Your eyes, nose, and lips. Charles lives in you, my grandson. It's a blessing that I got the chance to meet you… I miss your father so much…" Old Madam Liu's clear voice started to tremble as tears unconsciously fell from her already swollen eyes at the thought of her deceased son.

"I keep all of his pictures with me. I will show them to you..." She murmured.

Then she continued, "I know... I have done some unpleasant things in the past, but I hope we all can start afresh. Please give me a chance…"

Zach could no longer take it because he had soft spots for the elderlies, and he did not want to see any more tears from Old Madam Liu. So he held her hands and said, "Please stop crying… Don't stress yourself too much."

Then he sighed before he added, "Alright. I will use my real identity as you requested, and my wife and I will live at the ancestral mansion for six months…"

Old Madam Liu's face instantly lit up, and her lips curled up. "Oh... Thank you so much, my grandson!" Old Madam Liu burst out as she opened her arms, hoping Zach would respond by hugging her.

Zach stood up and accepted her hug. Keira sighed as she wondered how things would go once they live at Liu's ancestral mansion. She found that mansion to be creepy.

Keira's mouth twitched at another thought that just popped into her mind. The doctors said Old Madam Liu was not allowed to get stressed. Does that mean she would have to follow the old madam's each and every wish?

Old Madam Liu gently released Zach from her embrace and held his hands. "Everything I have is yours. I know you don't need it, but I hope you can help your uncle Thom and your cousin Jeru to maintain it. I'm already too old to still be working at the company. So, I want you to try managing our empire, together with Jeru and your uncle, Thom."

"But… I'm not qualified to manage such a large business." Zach stated. It was true, he was not confident enough to manage such a large group.

"Hmm, I understand, dear. Don't worry, I'll train you myself… Besides, Jeru and your Uncle will be there to assist you… Please think about it." Old Madam Liu said as she patted Zach's hand.

Then she added, "I mean no offense, but the fact still remains… the Chan Family, Keira's Family, is also a prominent family. And people have been whispering, dear... They have been commenting on how she married a man from a simple background,"

Keira raised an eyebrow as she retorted, "Simple background? He is a General of the army, and he has accomplished so many great things. In fact, they should be thankful because he has done a lot to protect our country. No wealth or background could compare with all of his achievements. So, tell me who has been spewing that kind of nonsense? I'll teach them something..." She strongly objected but felt Zach gently squeezed her hand, so she stopped.

Old Madam Liu smiled and told her, "Don't get too worked up, dear. I'm simply stating the truth."

Zach had actually thought about it while he was driving before. He would soon retire from the military and manage the ranch business. He already had this plan even before he knew he was a Liu.

But Josh was already doing well with the ranch, and in fact, he could understand where Old Madam Liu was coming from. It had also been his dilemma before.

He did not want Keira and her family to receive a backlash because of him. He knew Keira and her family did not care about superficial things like that, but not everyone was like them. He did not see the harm in accepting Old Madam Liu's offer. As the old madam said, she simply stated the fact of how most people in the upper society think.

He let out a long sigh and said, "I understand it well, and I will try to do it as you requested."

Keira pouted her lips but did not say anything. She trusted all of his decisions, and she would support him and be with him no matter what.

She caught a glimpse of a wicked smile on Old Madam Liu's face. She mused, 'Hmm, she looks so happy now that things are going her way.'

Old Madam Liu looked at her and said, "Keira, please call me Grandma too, like Thea… Let's get along well, shall we?"

Keira smiled back and answered, "Alright, Grandma… Of course, we should get along well. As long as you don't have anything bad up your sleeve."

Old Madam Liu gulped and gave her a half-smile as she defensively said, "Of course not, dear. Why on earth would you think that? I only want my grandson to have his right… Is that considered bad?"

Old Madam Liu had a point there, but then Keira could smell something fishy...

"Oh, I heard you are carrying twins! I can't wait to see all of my great-grandchildren in the future. I hope I'm still here by then…" Old Madam Liu sighed. She abruptly changed the topic because of Keira's scrutinizing look.

Zach answered and said, "Of course, Grandma. You will see your great-grandchildren. You have to take care of your health well… Don't worry, Keira and Thea will take care of you."

Keira's eyes rounded as she pinched Zach's side and mouthed, 'Me?'

Zach laughed and nodded. Old Madam Liu naturally chuckled too, seeing the couple banter. 'So this was the feeling when you smile and laugh genuinely? It's not bad at all... It feels great,' She thought to herself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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