"Good morning," May greeted when she entered the kitchen and saw Riley preparing their breakfast.

He insisted that he would cook meals for them whenever they were home because he knew that she was already tired from working hard by the time she was back.

"Hmm, it smells good. What are you cooking, Boss?" asked May with her bright smile.

Riley blushed, seeing that smile, so he turned around to hide his face from her and replied, "It's chicken soup, with vegetables and herbs. It's good for you… You should eat a lot of vegetables and herbs since you often stay late at night."

May's heart throbbed at Riley's thoughtfulness. He was almost perfect except for the fact that he was too dense and slow when it came to her. She wondered how Riley would react if she would make further advances to him…

Yes, she liked Riley a lot, and that was the truth. Getting to know him with each passing day got her even more interested in him. He was very innocent and caring, and she did not want to lose him.

However, she was afraid of rushing things because Riley might get scared and run away from her, and she did not dare face that risk.

"Boss, can I take a few days off?" Riley suddenly asked as he served the food on the kitchen table at which May, who was observing his every move, was seated.

"Hmm… On which days? And what for, if you don't mind me asking?" May probed in a casual manner as she started to dig into the food.

Riley took a seat in front of her and replied, "It's been a long time since I last visited my hometown. I would like to visit my master's grave. He took care of me well, and he passed away when I was held captive by Leon's men."

May nodded in agreement and said, "Alright, no problem at all. Just tell me when, and I will clear my schedule. I'm exhausted and would like to take a break. Might as well accompany you… I think some fresh air in the countryside will help rejuvenate me."

"Huh? You'll come with me?" asked Riley in disbelief.

"Yes, why? You don't want me to? If you prefer to go alone, then I'll let you…" May muttered in disappointment, with her face totally crumpled. Riley scratched his head. If he said he wanted to go by himself, May would obviously not like it.

"Fine, you just go alone… I'll just hang out with my friends. Maybe go on a little blind date…" May scoffed.

Riley actually did not mind to bring May along with him, but he was worried she would not like the place. His hometown is a bit far away and still a little bit primitive. There was no proper plumbing system, so they were still reliant on wells and mountain springs for their water supply. Electricity was probably worse. Riley knew May was not accustomed to that kind of lifestyle.

But he heard May exhale loudly, so Riley immediately conceded, "Alright, Boss. You can come with me. The air in my hometown is definitely fresh and unpolluted, so it would be good for you. But please understand that when it comes to convenience and comfort, there is none like that. Also, I plan to stay there for at least three days."

May's face immediately brightened. A smile formed from her beautiful lips. "Yay! Don't worry, I'll be fine. I love adventures like that. Wow, I'm excited. I will bring all the things we would need. Wait, pick the dates already, so I can inform my work about it."

Riley gave her an awkward smile. 'How come she looks even more excited than me?' But he could not help but grin at the sight of May getting all happy and excited, just because she was coming with him to his hometown.

Riley's heart was actually glowing with happiness. He initially planned to ask Cobra to accompany him because he thought Cobra would need a break from the strict training he had been getting at the military.

'Maybe it's better not to disturb his training. I'll just ask him to go out for a meal,' Riley compromised.

His thoughts were disrupted when he heard May scream. "Ouch!"

Riley was quick to run to her side. Her face crumpled while she was holding a chair for support.

"What happened?" Riley asked, full of concern.

"Nothing, just a leg cramp, I think," May whispered as she tried to move her leg and walk but ended up cringing in pain.


"Tsk… Don't move," said Riley in a stern voice, and before May could guess what he would do, Riley quickly carried her to the couch in the living room. She automatically enclosed his neck with her arms for support.

As Riley gently put her down, May could not help but stare at his soft and cute face, and his full lips…

Without her even knowing, she was moving forward, trying to get closer to Riley's lips.

Because of that, Riley almost stopped breathing… No, he was still breathing, but his heart was racing so fast… Fast and loud! He could hear his own heart thumping as he looked at May, whose eyes were now closed.

Her lips were puckered and moving slowly toward his…

'What is she doing?' He thought nervously. He was afraid that his lips would end up joining those puckered lips.

He abruptly released May, who fell onto the soft couch. Riley's face was as red as a lobster, as he stammered, "I need to go... to my room..."

Before May could say anything, Riley ran upstairs as fast as he could.

May huffed and frowned. "Such a dense man!" She murmured irritably.

She looked at her puckered lips and patted it gently. She whispered as though consoling her own lips, "Maybe you're meant for food… Hmmph! I'll kiss my cup of coffee instead!"

She got up and yelped from her cramped leg. She walked back to the kitchen, limping as she complained, "How dare he run away like that? I'm not faking the leg cramp… It's really ouchy..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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