The General Who Hates Me

330 My Wife Comes Firs

Keira was humming as she entered the Liu Group's building. She brought some snacks for Zach. Most of the employees already knew her, so they stopped whatever they were doing to greet their President's wife.

Keira had tried to persuade Thea into coming with her, so she could visit Jeru discreetly, but Thea refused for fear of getting caught up in a scandal. For Jeru's sake, she would never take that risk. Not until her past connection with the underworld was totally wiped out, which Keira understood, so she no longer insisted.

She went inside the elevator and pressed the button for Zach's floor. The Liu Group owned a massive building complex, and this was the main building. She heard Zach's office occupied a whole story of the main building because it also included his private conference room, his private resting room, and some space for his own executive staff.

As soon as Keira stepped out of the elevator, the receptionist and guards greeted her in the reception area. They led her to an inner section of the floor where the walls were made of clear glass, so Keira could see Zach's main office room. She only saw a woman inside. Neither Zach nor his assistant, Dave, was around, so she assumed that the woman must be Zach's secretary.

She walked directly toward Zach's main office room but was stopped by the woman. "I'm sorry, Ma'am, do you have an appointment? No one is allowed to enter the President's office, especially when he's out. You can wait in the reception area. The President is currently in a meeting in the conference room."

Keira raised an eyebrow. She did not call Zach on purpose because she wanted to surprise him, and therefore she did not know he was away from his room. 'He must be in an important meeting.' She thought.

But why was this secretary so lacking? She should be able to recognize her boss's wife, even if she had not seen her in person yet. Keira smiled and said, "Hmm, you must be my husband's secretary. I'm assuming you're new? I've never seen you before. I'm Keira Liu-Chan, by the way..."

The woman only stared at her with a blank expression. First, she stared at Keira's face, then her gaze shifted down to her pregnant belly. 'What's wrong with her?' Keira thought as she started to get irritated. This woman was weird... Then Keira saw the woman's facial expression change into an apologetic one.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Liu, I'm new here, and I did not recognize you in person. It's my first day today. Would you like something to drink?" The woman asked as she quickly opened the door to Zach's office and let Keira in so she could wait inside.

Keira had already guessed she was new, but she was a bit disappointed that they hired a secretary like her for Zach. A good secretary should be proactive enough to look into their boss's family members so they would be able to recognize them.

"Thanks," Keira said as she followed the secretary into Zach's office, and once inside, she turned around to look at the woman. She noticed the tight and revealing dress the woman was wearing.

"What's your name?" Keira asked, smiling. She felt a bit bad for judging the woman quickly. But, her gut feeling never lied.

"Megan, Ma'am…" The secretary answered before she quickly bid her farewell to go back to her desk.

Once Megan was out of the room, Keira took out her mobile phone from her purse and dialed Dave's number to inform him she was in Zach's office. Just a few minutes later, the door opened, and Zach entered. "Why didn't you call me?" He said, beaming as soon as he saw his wife, and quickly hugged her.

Keira gave him a sweet smile and said, "It wouldn't be a surprise, then…"

Zach turned around to look at his assistant and firmly instructed, "Make sure you brief Megan about Keira. My wife always comes first. I want to be informed immediately whenever she's here to visit me, no matter what kind of meeting I'm in."

"Noted, Sir," Dave answered and quickly left the room. Keira smiled and hugged Zach. "Soon enough, we won't be able to hug like this," murmured Keira, referring to her baby bump.

"Well, I can still hug you from behind," Zach said, chuckling. "You're better than a pillow," Zach added with a teasing grin.

"Are you teasing me again, or was that a compliment…?" Keira murmured with pouty lips as she raised her head to meet Zach's eyes. Zach immediately sealed her pouty lips with his and lovingly whispered, "Of course, it's a compliment, my star... Can't you see that this General is always crazy about you?"

Keira giggled and encircled her arms on his neck, as Zach tightened his hug on her. But then, she caught Megan staring at them from her desk, but quickly turned her gaze away as soon as she saw Keira's eyes on her. Keira knitted her eyebrows.

"I think you should close the blinds…" Keira mumbled, and Zach immediately obeyed and pressed the button to lower the blinds.

"Your new secretary… Hmm… She's creepy." Zach laughed and pinched her nose as he gently pulled Keira onto the couch with him.

"What are these?" He asked when he saw the paper bags on the table.

Keira immediately put aside her doubtful thoughts on Megan and answered, "There's a new shop near my office selling these snacks, and everyone was raging about it, so I brought you some." She took out the snacks from the paper bags and cheerfully fed her husband.

But she still couldn't dismiss her suspicions of Megan. She felt something was definitely off with that woman. Or, is this perhaps her pregnancy hormones talking again? The woman had done nothing wrong so far, so she knew she should not judge her quickly.

But then again, her hunch was telling her to keep an eye on that woman, and her gut feeling was never wrong. So, she would trust her instincts... She would definitely watch that woman closely in the following days...


"Megan, are you listening to me?" Dave asked as he noticed Megan's attention was at Zach's office. The blinds were raised, so the couple's hugging could be seen.

"See that? The President loves his wife so much, so we must take a proactive approach when it comes to Mrs. Keira Liu. Didn't you study the file I've sent you about his family?" Dave reminded.

"I'm sorry, Dave, I will check it now," Megan murmured, finally shifting her gaze to Dave when she saw Keira catching her staring at them.

Dave sighed. It was Megan's first day, so he cut her some slack. "Make sure you remember every single detail. I'll let this pass now because it's your first day at work. The President and his wife are considerate and understanding people, but if this reaches Old Madam Liu, you would definitely get fired immediately. Trust me…" He explained. Dave was sure of it because he had been serving the Liu Family for years.

Megan cowered at the word 'Fired.' That couldn't happen because she would make sure that it wouldn't happen.

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