"What do you mean terrorist attack?" Field Marshal Chan growled. He was with Torin who was now one of the newly appointed General and Drey as  the Lieutenant under him."Sir, we are still waiting for  more details but it is very clear that the target was our capital city. I strongly believe that this is from Country X. They deployed spies in the city everywhere according to our reliable sources…" explained Drey as he presented the data he gathered."A mole inside our base?!" Field Marshal Chan hissed. Torin let out a long deep sigh and nodded. They were still trying to figure  it out… Right now what was important was to disclose things in a very restricted manner and to just a few trusted soldiers."Put a tail on every high ranking official. That mole will soon be dead meat…" instructed Field Marshal Chan. Right now the two men in front of him were the only ones he could  trust. "Hmmm, how about me Sir? Will you put a tail on me too?" Torin asked grinning that made Field Marshal Chan purse his lips. "Do you want me to demote you to the rank of a soldier?" asked Field Marshal Chan with an arched eyebrow. "No Sir!" Torin answered immediately. "Then stop cracking jokes! Go and work harder! Show others that you deserve that position soldier!" said Field Marshal Chan before he dismissed the two.He sat on his chair and looked in the folder for the possible candidates for his position and shook his head. "Geez, am I too picky or none of them fits enough?" he mumbled a complaint. Those officers were not up to mark . They still lacked important things or maybe he was judging too strictly… General Lei was the Field Marshal he replaced and he was quite good in his time.  Field Marshal Chan himself was also good but however, he was getting old already… He looked at the profile of General Min. He was the one whom he thought would be best to hand his position to but for some reason he was not at ease when he thought of him as the next Field Marshal.Another conflicted deep sigh escaped Field Marshal Chan's mouth. If it was Zach or Jeru, he would surely be at ease but they had already resigned. He was not biased at all but he really believed that anyone of the two would be a great Field Marshal someday. Those two were good leaders in their on way. They had different approach and tactics but both were impressive in their own way. He scratched his head at the thought of the two men who had just left. They both were very promising but there is still a long way to go for them… ......"Hey, let's all go out some time… All of us you know Zach and Jeru… I miss the boys..." suggested Torin to Drey."Yeah sure why not. Call me once you have fixed a schedule," said Drey nonchalantly. "Why are you not addressing me by my rank? I'm your General you know and what's with me fixing the schedule? It's you who should fix a schedule and call me alright?" instructed Torin with authority grinning inside and seeing Drey pursing his lips and salute him before he left.Drey shook his head and sighed. He was teamed up with a bully General. He knew he should work harder so he gets promoted soon and his bully General would stop boasting his rank to him. He smiled at the thought that he would soon go home to his lovely wife and son so he immediately ran toward his car and headed on his way home.At Russo Mansion…Cielo checked herself in their full size mirror in their room. Drey would arrive soon after being gone for so long and she wanted to look good. She even wore a dress . It stopped a little above her knee and fitted her well. She had her hair tied up a little bit loosely so she would not look as if she had made a lot of efforts overall.She wondered if he would eat lunch first or her? She giggled at the perverted thoughts she was having. The thought of her husband back in her arms brought too much anticipation and excitement in her heart."I'm so silly!" she mumbled before she turned around to go out of the room. She was startled when the door suddenly opened and Drey stood there, smiling widely at her."Huh? I thought you'll arrive before lunch?" she said as she looked at their wall clock. Drey was an hour earlier than expected. He gave Cielo a roguish grin before he walked and closed the gap between them."Hmm… What's with that question? Aren't you happy to see me? I basically raced every car on my way here…" he murmured before he pulled Cielo closer to him."What? I'm not leaving the house you know so don't you dare drive like that!" she scolded because she got worried. The thought of Drey getting into an accident  while driving fast would make her crazy.Drey chuckled and pointed his index finger on Cielo's curvy nose, "Hmm, this is not how I expected my wife to greet me after months of being gone… I missed you so much and yet the first thing you do is to nag me?" Cielo saw Drey's sulking look so she quickly encircled his neck by her slender arms and gave Drey a drunken kiss."What's with the sloppy kiss?" Drey hoarsely commented as soon as Cielo let his lips go. He even licked her saliva that was left on his lips and added, "since when did you become a lousy kisser?"Cielo pouted her lips as she mumbled, "This happens when I lack practice. You've been away for too long so you have to teach me everything from scratch."Drey laughed at how adorable his wife looked right now. Then he immediately picked her up and carried her to their bed. "I will replenish your memories right away!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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