"What's wrong mom?" asked Torin full of concern from another line. His mom called him sobbing so hard that he could not understand her well.

"Mom calm down. What happened? Where are you?" he asked as he  started to worry Lyra who was preparing dinner walked towards her husband.

"What's wrong?" she asked as soon as she saw him ending the call. "I have to go to the hospital. Mom is there… My dad… He… he is in a critical condition and he is asking for me." said Torin as he walked to the door.

"I will go with you. Give me the car key. I'll drive," instructed Lyra because she didn't want to allow Torin to drive in this disoriented state.

While they were inside the car, Lyra grabbed Torin's hand  and gently squeezed it as she drove. She was not good with comforting words so she held Torin's hand along the way.

Lyra could feel Torin's trembling as soon as they arrived at the hospital. "It's alright… Let's go…" she mumbled as she pulled Torin inside. His father was inside the Intensive Care Unit and was in a very critical condition due to heart failure. Shock and other organ failure has occurred.

"You two go inside… Your father wants to see you and your wife…" murmured Torin's mother. Her eyes were swollen and her voice was hoarse from crying.

Torin was still zoned out  that Lyra would often call him to get him back. The couple entered the Intensive Care Unit where his father was. There were so many things that were connected to his body. He was mad at his father but he did not want to see him in this state

Lyra inhaled and pulled Torin towards to his dad. His dad opened his eyes and tears welled in those eyes as soon as he saw his son. "I'm s-o-r-ry son…" Torin's dad struggled to say the words as he was having a hard time to breath. He couldn't stop his tears and Lyra could tell how regretful Torin's father was

"I'm s-o-r-ry son…" he kept mumbling repeatedly, trying his best to say it clearly. Torin started to cry and held his father's hand as he said, "Please dad. You're suffering. I heard you… Don't say anymore. I… I'm sorry I let you down and I did not follow what you wanted  from me..."

Torin felt his father squeez his hand hard as he shook his head, gesturing Torin to stop apologizing.

"It's a-ll my f-ault so-n. It's to-o late… I realized it t-oo l-ate…" Torin's father mumbled stuttering as he gasped for air.

"I'm r-eally s-orry. Plea-se forgiv-e me.." Torin's father continued even though Torin tried to stop him.

"Stop dad it's alright. Just get strong soon…" Torin whimpered as he cried. His mother told him that his father was a hopeless case and he would soon leave them.

For so many years, this was the first time Torin saw his father smile. He looked  so happy as he stared at Lyra and then to Torin before he whispered, "I lo-ve y-ou so-n."

That moment the monitor made a loud straight beep and Torin saw his dad closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

"NO!" Torin hysterically shouted as he hugged his father. "Please wake up dad. My wife… You haven't met her properly… Your grandchildren… You should wait for your grandchildren!!!"

Lyra called for the doctors and they entered the room and tried to revive Torin's father. Torin was crying hard and Lyra hugged him tight as she gently pat his back. Lyra and Torin's mom were crying too.

Then they heard the doctor say…"Time of death… 8:00 P.M."

Torin's mother passed out hearing it.


Lyra stayed with Torin. This was the first time she saw Torin quiet for a long time. She took care of everything related to the funeral of Torin's father because Torin and his mother were still in shock.

They were sitting in the waiting area of the funeral home where Torin's father was getting ready for the wake. Lyra already informed her family about what happened and they were on their way to comfort Torin and his mother.

Torin was no longer crying but he only looked at a particular direction with dropped shoulders.

She hugged Torin tightly while she rested her chin on his shoulder while she whispered, "Your dad is proud of you. I'm sure of that… He loves you though it was a bit too late when  he said it but at least we came right in time so he could tell you what he wanted to say."

It was a very unfortunate event that Torin's father realized his mistakes late. But at least, the grudge and resentment her husband kept deep inside his heart for his father was lifted out. It was good that they were able to see each other and talk.

Torin did not respond but turned and face Lyra as he hugged her tightly. His heart was aching…. Everything happened so fast that he could not help but cry as the last scene and words of his father replayed in his head. He could not help his tears. Lyra gently stroked and patted his back to comfort him.

After a few minutes, Torin murmured, "He's smiling right? He left at peace…"

"Yeah, he left at peace... because you forgave him..." Lyra muttered as she continued to comfort him.

That was the only thing that mattered to him that his father at least left with peace in his heart. 'Thank you dad,' Torin mused as he closed his eyes. and recalled all the good memories he had with his dad.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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