From a dark alley of an underground place somewhere in the Capital City, a boy ran out with a backpack on his back and went inside a black car.

The black car stopped at the side of the city's busy road and dropped the boy at one of the subway stations in the Capital City. The boy walked towards the subway like other civilians. He wore a highschool uniform with headset on  his head.

At another subway station, a pregnant woman with a bag  stepped out of a black car and walked towards the subway.

While at one of the stations, a normal senior citizen with black bag walked towards the subway.

One woman was dropped by another black car at a market who bought fruits from there before walking towards the subway. She also had the same backpack like others.

A man in a business suit and with a suitcase in his hands stopped walking and bought a coffee from the nearest cafe opened recently, before heading towards the subway station.

All of them had the same distinctive mark on their arms… A black cyclone mark...


At Cooper Network

"At least two hundred people were killed today after five explosions tore through packed commuter trains in the Capital City, financial centre, police said. The blasts - suspected to be caused by bombs - ripped through passenger compartments in a choreographed terrorist attack on several different trains at separate sites." Keira read the report written  in the projector live in the studio. She felt disdain as she watched a lot of bodies being pulled out in the video.

"The attacks, in the city centre and suburbs, came at the height of the evening rush hour, causing devastation and chaos on one of the world's busiest railway lines. Witnesses described seeing body parts strewn about the blast sites. More than two hundred people were killed and around five hundred were injured." Gavin followed as he continued to read the rest of the report because Keira pinched his leg. It was a signal from her that she was unable to continue.

Gavin could only complain inwardly because there were some delicate issues with Keira as she was not in the mood to read due to her pregnancy.

Keira watched the actual footage on the wide screen playing at the studio while their field reporters reported the situation live from  different sites where the terrorist attacks happened.

Then she suddenly thought about Zach, wherein her husband delegated more bodyguards to her and most of them were soldiers like Cobra.

'Was there a threat to my life?' she mused. She was already used to this kind of thing as the daughter of their country's Field Marshal who handled the military and security defense.

As soon as she was done with the anchoring, Keira checked her mobile phone and saw a lot of missed calls from Zach.

She returned his call and was startled when Megan was the one who answered it. "I'm sorry but the president is in an important meeting right now. I will tell him you called Mrs. Liu so he can call you back." Megan explained.

"Alright, tell him that please. Thanks Megan," answered Keira before she ended the call. She felt a bit weird because Zach never let anyone handle his mobile phone, he would always bring his mobile phone with him even if he was in an important meeting.

Keira called her father next because she was worried.

"Dad is everything alright?" she asked.

"Yes, don't worry and just stay at home or at work for now. Avoid going to places like the malls and commercial stores where there is  a lot of crowd. The terrorists are targeting the Capital City. If possible, please don't come to work too." her father requested as he briefed Keira further about the current situation.

'Is it possible that they may target one of the broadcasting stations in the Capital City?' Keira mused as she felt alarmed. She must inform Chairman Cooper and the security team about the matter.

She once again dialled Zach's number but his mobile phone was turned off. "What's this?" Keira complained with crumpled eyebrows.

She contacted assistant Dave instead but apparently his mobile phone only kept on ringing.


At President Liu's office...

Megan feasted her eyes on Zach's face as the latter took a nap on his couch. Her plan would soon succeed and Zach would forget about Keira and the rest where she would be the only one Zach would remember.

She was startled when assistant Dave entered and asked, "Megan have you seen my mobile phone? I remember I left it on my desk."

Megan shook her head as she commented, "Maybe you left it somewhere else. Try checking it  at the restaurant where you and president had last meeting with a client or try places you've been to"

"Okay, I'll check it there. Call Mrs. Liu and inform her that president Liu will come home late." instructed assistant Dave before he left to check his mobile phone in the car and other places he had been to.

Megan smirked as she stood up to lock the door. She had added something in Zach's tea everyday so soon everything would take effect. No wonder he was often sleepy because it was a side effect of it.

In one more week, Zach would come with her willingly because of the hypnotic drug she was using on him. She would bring Zach with her in their country as soon as their mission was finished in this country.

She crumpled her face as she took out assistant Dave's mobile phone that kept on vibrating in her pocket. It was Keira who kept on calling him, probably because she had turned off Zach's mobile phone.

Megan saw Zach moved so she quickly waited until he opened his eyes. She must make sure that she would be the first person Zach should always see on waking up, whenever he would fall asleep after taking the tea she prepared.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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