At Riley's Hometown

"Hmm, Boss. How long do you plan to stay here?" Riley asked as he sat on the wooden chair in the living area of the house and watched May typing on her laptop.

May paused to look at him and smiled. "Why? I'm enjoying it here. Everything is so natural here. Oh by the way, today is the birthday party right?" said May and looked at her wrist watch. They still had two hours to prepare because the party was at lunch and it was just past 9:00 in the morning.

May closed her laptop and excitedly stood up to prepare. "I'll go and change," May murmured as she walked towards the bedroom but she paused and turned her head to teasingly say, "Do you wanna help me get changed?" Followed by a wink as she quickly ran inside the bedroom.

Riley's face crumpled, he was a celibate man but if Rizie kept on teasing him, he was afraid being celibate would be a struggle in the remaining days to come.

He let out a long sigh before smiling brightly, excited for the surprise he prepared for May later. Riley quickly stood up and got ready.

It was the first time May attended a birthday party celebration in Riley's uncles' house. A small area was decorated in a very homely manner, for a kid's party. The decorations were some yet felt very aesthetic to eyes. And even the party and the people attending were very simple, compared to what she was used to attend however, the warmth the people showed to each other was too overwhelming. It was as if everyone knew each other well and they were treating her as one of their own.

May enjoyed the lunch too much, especially the various dishes Riley's uncle had prepared for the party. "Oh dear, you don't need to eat it all," Riley's uncle commented as he gulped. This was the first time he witnessed a petite woman eating that much. He noticed May had not stopped eating since she had arrived. He was worried that Rizie was forcing herself to eat everything because she did not want to turn down any dish they offered to her.

Riley burst in laughter seeing the conflicted look on his uncles' face. "Haha… Don't worry uncle, it's her hobby…" Riley commented, still laughing.

"You mean eating is her hobby?" asked his uncle in rounded eyes.

Riley nodded and added, "She loves to eat . I was even in awe at first but then I got used to it after staying with her. She has a great appetite and I guess her stomach is really flexible.

May was busy eating and did not mind the conversation between the two of them . She paused in between her eating and blinked at Riley's uncle while she defended, "Uncle, I have a very good metabolism. My digestion is really amazing so I'm still small even though I eat so much. Please don't be bothered with my eating. Like Riley said, I'm always like this. Plus the food your family prepared is really amazing."

Riley's uncle felt happy with May's praises as he nodded his head understanding May's explanation.

After eating lunch, they had a small program for the birthday celebrant. Riley and May laughed occasionally while watching various performances and games for the kids. "How many children do you want to have in future," Riley suddenly whispered in May's ears.

May was caught off guard with that sudden question and her heart fluttered and she felt frozen in time. 'What's with you May? It's not like Riley is planning to give you those kids if you mention the number. Why are you frozen suddenly?' She scolded herself inwardly.

May coughed lightly to clear her throat before she sincerely answered, "To be honest, I only want  two kids. One boy and one girl. I'm actually afraid of the labor pains and delivery, both normal or cesarean."

May looked at Riley who had his lips pouted as he watched the magic performance of the clowns his uncle hired. Then he muttered in a complaining tone, "though I want to have more, like six children, but if you prefer only two then maybe it will do. It's actually good to have more children though. It's more fun and having a big family is actually one of my dreams."

May squealed inside because it was inappropriate to do it loudly right now with other people around them. She poked Riley and teased, "Hmm, if that's what you want, I can probably make adjustments."

She grinned widely seeing how Riley reddened. But he quickly gave her a timid smile. As soon as the magic performance ended, Riley stood up and held May's hand, urging her to do the same. May looked confused but stood up while holding hands with Riley who turned her to face him.

"Boss, do you know that you always make my heart flutter?" Riley started and May was taken aback by his words, she could only open her mouth, totally flustered.

"Boss, do you know how I hate it when there's always a man near you?"

May creased her forehead and mused, 'Should I answer him?' Riley continued with his 'Do you know' sentences and May only listened not minding other people around them. For some reason her heart was thumping so hard that she could almost hear it out loud.

"Boss, do you know how much I like you?" she heard Riley say next, and this sentence made her pout her lips because she had expected something more. However, she got startled when Riley suddenly fell on his knees and opened a box with a ring inside and said, "Do you know how much I love you?" May unconsciously shook her head as her eyes welled with tears because of joy.

"Please be the Boss of my life forever…" said Riley followed by a chorus from the kids shouting, "Please marry our uncle Riley!" May looked at them and only then she noticed the banner they were holding with words, "Boss, will you marry me!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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