After Four Hours…

Megan woke up on Zach's couch in his office. "Are you alright Megan?" Zach asked in his worried tone. Megan tried to sit and Zach helped her.

A man was beside her checking her pulse. "Doc, are you sure it's just sleeping pills and nothing else is wrong? Please make sure to check her thoroughly." Zach instructed the man beside her.

"She'll be alright. There's nothing to be worried about. I will go now President." said the doctor and stood up as soon as Zach nodded.

"What happened?" Megan asked confused. The last thing she remembered was Keira kissing her Zach then all turned pitch black.

It was assistant Dave who was still inside the office who answered, "The President was too furious as soon as you passed out and asked for a doctor. They found sleeping pill component in your body. He was furious a while ago and had sent Mrs. Liu away and now has instructed me to sue Mrs. Liu…"

"Stop calling her Mrs. Liu! I don't even know her! How many times do I have to repeat that!" hissed Zach. Megan saw the confused expression on assistant Dave and how he scratched his head confusingly so she quickly said, "Assistant Dave, I'll take care of it. The president is just shocked and let me calm him alone."

But assistant Ron did not leave as if he was waiting for Zach's instructions with his eyes on Zach. "What are you waiting for? Leave…" seconded Zach that made Megan let out a broad satisfied smile. She felt Zach held her hands and said, "Are you feeling better now? Go get some rest. You said we will leave early. There's still time for you to rest more."

Megan looked at the clock and quickly stood up. "We have to leave now…" murmured Megan.

Zach knitted his eyebrows and said, "Now? It's not midnight yet. I thought we have to leave tomorrow?"

Yes, it was true, but Zach was already in Megan's  hands now so she did not see any point of delaying her move. She should leave with Zach now before Keira came back and took Zach away from her.

She pulled Zach toward the door while she firmly instructed, "Let's go now. And no matter what happens, make sure that you stay only by my side."

Assistant Dave was outside as the two went out. "President where are you going? I will go with you," he said as he stood up, but Megan stopped him saying, "No, I'll go with him and you stay here!"

"Who are you to tell me that?" assistant Dave exclaimed as part of the act he was briefed with. He was well aware of what was going on, but regarding Megan's evil deed to get hold of the President,  all his dialogues and reactions were to be acted as instructed by Mrs. Liu, to be able to catch Megan red handed with her actual motive towards the President.

He walked quickly to block Megan and said, "No! What are you doing Megan! I will call Mrs. Liu! Something is so wrong here… The President is not in his right mind, it is defimitely because of staying with you. Mrs. Liu is right, you must have done something to the President!"

Megan's face twitched, she would not have a second thought to break assistant Dave's neck if the latter would continue to block her. She moved ready to snap the man's neck when Zach moved forward and pushed assistant Dave saying, "Move! I'm your President so don't you dare meddle with my personal affairs! Megan is my woman so if you don't want to get fired, show her respect!"

Assistant Dave gulped at  this statement of Zach and bowed his head and apologized saying, "Sorry President. I will take note and heed as you instructed."

By then Zach had pulled Megan's hand who was smiling widely seeing all her plans coming into action and they continued to walk out from Zach's office.


At Military Headquarters

"All units be ready, target is now on the move!" called out the soldier to alert all assigned units in the control room.

Torin and Drey quickly moved to their assigned positions. They must not lose track of Zach by all means. He had a tracking device fitted within him but it was still dangerous because they did not know how technologically advanced devices the enemy had to detect tracking devices set within Zach.

Torin and Drey cursed this plan but they did not have a choice. It was almost like the incident with their mission in saving Zach from Leon, with the difference being that this time Zach had set trackers in his body himself to make sure that at least one would pass through the detector. Infact, the trackers were not only on him but Megan was also bugged, on all the things he gave her they had put tracking devices of various types, not easily recognisable with the eye.

On the other side, John was back with Keira to assist on this mission, together with Cobra and Jim, they were also monitoring the signals while following Zach, at the same time. They kept their distance at least two kilometers away from where Zach's signal was leading too. To avoid suspicion they maintained their speed with other civilian cars.

"If there's no more civilian cars going their way, we must change our route and start walking." muttered Keira. John shook his head and commented, "Why don't you just wait in the car instead. Are you sure you will walk with us? Gosh I feel like your stomach would burst out any moment Mrs. Liu." Keira laughed and casually said, "Of course I won't walk… I have a very nice bicycle to use. You three walk and I will ride a bike.

Cobra looked at the other two with crumpled and bemused expressions. The two only answered him with a shrug while their eyes said, "We are immune to her mate. You'll get used to her too soon.'

'Was this a joke? How can Mrs. Liu still laugh?' Cobra mused and John seemed to read his thoughts when he commented, "It's her way of releasing her nervousness and tension. She is always stronger that way."

Cobra saw Jim nodded in agreement while he let out a long deep sigh, hoping everything turned out well. Their priority was to keep Mrs. Liu safe by all means.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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