It was still dark and a few more hours before the sun would be up in the sky, and if his calculations were right, it was already 1:00 AM.

"I can't believe this," he heard Megan muttered with clenched fist. "I'm so disappointed right now Zach… How dare you fool me like this? I will make sure your wife and unborn twins will be inside your building when it explodes!" Megan hissed as she dialed her mobile phone and called assistant Ron.

"Tell Mrs. Liu that the President would like to talk to her in the office now. Yes now! And he said you have to make sure she waits inside his office until he returns!" Megan ordered assistant Ron on the other line. Zach struggled hard but he couldn't make a sound at all because they had covered his mouth.

"You have left me with no choice my love. Had you not deceived me, I might have considered sparing the lives of your wife and twins…" mumbled Megan irritably. She waited for so many days for nothing. She could easily have just abducted Zach and hypnotized him in their captivity, inside their base, but it would have jeopardized their mission since Zach was connected with very powerful people and his leach of a wife would raise a ruckus on her husband's disappearance for sure.

"The King will not be happy Megan about this mess you have made," commented one of the men inside the car. "Shut up! Didn't I said I would take the responsibility for everything!" hissed Megan, totally annoyed. The King loved all his subjects and people and among his daughters, she was one of his favorites. So she was confident that the King would allow her a second chance to straighten things up and set them right, and would agree for her to let Zach joined their group as soon as she had completely cleared his memory and successfully hypnotized him with a new one.

"You're too confident. You are not the Princess, I hope you have considered that fact." commented Jones, one of Megan's loyal subordinates. He was referring to the Princess, who was the King's real daughter, and was trained and grew up with other female members like her, the favorites, the selected 'shadow beauties'. Shadow beauties were trained to be a fighter, to kill and to achieve the main goal of the Clan.

The Princess often disobeyed her father and would always do things according to her will. Unlike her, who had always obeyed him and eventually gained favor from the King. Whatever she requested was always granted to her, but Jones was right, she was not the real daughter of the King, so every failure would not be acceptable. But even then, she would not let them hurt her man.

Zach noticed that their vehicle entered a cemetery. He had heard of this cemetery before. If he remembered correctly, it was built during his junior days.

'Could it be that they were planning a terrorist attack for years now,' he mused because it was obvious that this cemetery was one of their hideouts. Something opened up from the ground and their vehicle rode inside. 'It is an underground base,' Zach mused.

It never occurred to them that this cemetery could be used as a hideout. If he was not mistaken about the ownership of the property, it was owned by one of the well known families in the capital, so there was a high possibility of that family being connected with this terrorist group. His father-in-law was right, it was not the Quan Clan from the Triads because Megan clearly mentioned that the cyclone mark was fake and that terrorist group obviously wanted the blame to be put on Quan Clan in the end.

The vehicle finally stopped and all stepped out from the armored van. Just as Zach had predicted, it was an underground base thoughtfully made in the cemetery and was very well hidden from the security forces.

As they walked inside Zach's eyes rounded in surprise and horror seeing how they had managed to build such a huge structure like this one, without being discovered and even coming into notice by authorities soon enough.

The base was adorned with all kinds of facilities and very high end technology was used in everything. The base was most likely spread in a vast area. He noticed there were several rooms while they walked down a long corridor to reach a particular room. They stopped at that room and he was abruptly pushed inside it.

Inside the room, Megan removed the cover on his mouth. "Wait here while I talk to others." she said before she left him inside a closed room made of steel walls. Zach looked around and there was nothing at all inside the room. It was empty.


On the other side, Keira looked at her watch and said, "John, activate the tracking device now." John nodded and quickly started typing with a fast speed in his laptop. The screen showed some graphics and a percentage sign, the percentage started going up and when it reached 100%, a word successful appeared. It was then that the tracking device was activated. John immediately  picked up Megan's location and gave the details to the rest of the team.

"It won't be safe for you to follow. The location is isolated. It's an underground base." explained John. Keira understood everything and prayed that everything goes well.

Meanwhile, a team of soldiers were dispatched and Torin led the operation. "Soldiers, we must capture them all! Do not let any of those pests escape and bring more harm to the innocents. Shoot if you must!" ordered Torin and signaled each unit to move to their positions.

After an agonizing amount of time , gunshots were heard from the radios. Keira could hear all communications from Torin's radio and his every instructions.

"Did you see a visual of General Zach?!" Torin asked his men. "Not yet Sir!" replied the soldier.

"Search every room!" ordered Torin. Keira was getting anxious as the time passed and she heard they had not even seen Zach.

"Dad? Are you there?" she asked from the other line. "Yes dear I'm here."

"Send Torin at Megan's location. John will send you her current location and also keep me updated about her movements. No! Actually much better if you connect John and me directly with Torin now!" Keira instructed then she looked at John and said, "Make sure you follow Megan's location and guide Torin all the way!" She was sure Megan would definitely get Zach out first from those shootings and Zach would be with her for sure.

As soon as the lines were connected John guided Torin while he looked at Torin's signal on the screen. "You're just 20 meters away from her. Go straight then turn to the second right…" guided John and continued to give Torin the way he should run. Torin would pause every now and then. Keira could hear gunshots with almost every five steps that Torin took. She was praying fervently at that time so that Torin could finally see Zach.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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