"Alright, candidates, this has been a roller coaster ride for all of you and I must say you all did your best. To tell you honestly, the tests ended in the second round. If you recall my speech before we all began doing the third round, I've already called you all 'SURVIVORS', right?" Lieutenant Long announced.

His words made all the candidates murmur among themselves.

"Oh, that's why I was a bit confused when I heard the word 'survivors' from Lieutenant Long because I clearly recall that he previously said that only survivors will pass the final tests." Lana murmured.

"So, this final round thing is actually only a trial for you guys, so you can experience the basic training inside the Military Academy and in the end, we will give you the freedom to choose if you wish to continue or not. We are so glad that all of you still managed to complete the tasks in time, but then sadly, two among you were left behind and did not make it in time. As I said earlier, this course should have been treated as a real battle and all of you should have been doing everything you can to survive, right?" Lieutenant Long said.

"Aye!" All the candidates answered in chorus.

"But then to make everything fair, and because we still need to follow certain rules, our five Generals in charge of these tests still needed to vote," declared Lieutenant Long.

Then he smiled and added, "And I must say those five had a crucial opinion on the matter. I won't say who voted 'Yes' and who voted 'NO', but excitingly, each got two votes, leaving the final decision to one of the Generals."

The candidates gasped. Keira and Vel held hands, both feeling nervous as if it was the judgment day for both of them.

"So, that General has actually voted… Hmm, but wait... I should say what he said before he cast his vote and we do hope that this serves as an inspiration for you guys." Lieutenant Long elaborated.

"Soldiery is not only about surviving and saving yourselves in a battle. You are a soldier because you have to save others around you as long as you can," quoted Lieutenant Long.

Upon hearing from Lieutenant Long what the General had said, Keira jumped up and screamed as she still held Vel's hand.

"We passed!!! He voted YES! I will kiss that General!" Shouted Keira, not caring about the people around her.

Lieutenant Kang's laughter roared in the microphone, which stopped Keira.

She bit her lip and suddenly bowed and apologized for being carried away.

"That girl is really funny and adorable," most of the soldiers commented as they laughed.

"Too bad I'm not that General who can receive that kiss from our young lady. But anyway, I think I don't need to announce it since Miss Keira Chan has already shouted it to us. Yes, the last General voted for YES, so congratulations Miss Keira and Miss Vel. You two have also passed the test and congratulations, once more, to all of you because you are survivors and we welcome you all to the Military Academy. You can now go back to your tents. Go and get cleaned. We will do the Oath-Taking Ceremony and Reception Rites in the evening so rest for a while." Lieutenant Kang said with humor.

Keira quickly ran to her friends and they all hugged each other while crying. They all felt very good because their hardships finally came to success.

"We all smell muddy and yucky," Keira complained still crying tears of happiness.

"We should all go and clean up now. By the way, I owe that General a kiss. I just hope it's not the Seniors!" Keira murmured in a jest that made her friends laugh.

"Who knows… He could be General Lim," May said as she wiped her tears. It was also her fault that Keira's passing was hung like that.

"It could also be General Liu," Lana said, which made Keira's expression turn wary.

"Or one of the three Seniors since there are only two young Generals," commented Drey who laughed and pinched Keira's cheeks.


"Field Marshal Chan, Miss Keira made it. She has passed!" reported John to Field Marshal who was having tea with his wife.

After a signal from Field Marshal Chan, John began to narrate everything that had happened…

"Oh, that's my daughter! I told you that we should have watched it!" Mrs. Chan exclaimed as regret crossed her face for not seeing her daughter in action.

"Don't worry, darling, it's all recorded and you can watch it now all you want. I just asked John to narrate it since I'm too excited to know what happened," said Field Marshal Chan laughing as he signaled John to play the said video on the wide screen in the living room.

"By the way, tell me who voted Yes and voted No," asked Field Marshal Chan.

John answered and Mrs. Chan smiled widely and said, "I guess your daughter's effort won't be in vain and seems to be progressing well"

"It's too early to predict, it's Zach's nature to do the right thing so it's given, however, I'm still thankful that he considered to let Keira get admitted to the Academy," Field Marshal Chan commented with a smile.

His daughter really had good eyes and chose well.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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