Upon hearing her dad's words Keira quickly got up from her bed and ran towards the door.

"Look at that brat, rushing like that," murmured Field Marshal Chan as he shook his head.

He intentionally shooed Zach away to avoid gossip or misunderstanding but he could feel the latter wanted to stay a bit because of the agitated look on his face.

Then he recalled somewhat the same expression on Jeru's face. It seemed like there would be a tug of war happening soon between two men.

Keira rushed back to the meeting room, but Zach was no longer there.

She ended up completing all the medical check-ups and rushed to the canteen to eat lunch with the rest of the unit.

"How are you? Aren't you supposed to rest?" asked Trish.

May laughed and interrupted, "Don't worry, dear, that's normal for Keira as soon as she wakes up then everything's back to normal."

"I'm sure you're too excited as soon as you heard that Wolf uhmm anyway… I miss the Duck, do you think that Duck will be fine on his own?" Asked May all of a sudden.

Trish spoke, totally dumbfounded, "Your pet is a Duck?"

May almost choked on her food while Keira and Lana laughed.

"Oh, Trish, I suddenly feel proud of myself that I'm not alone for being you know, having this chappy signal." May happily declared that made Trish look even more confused.

"What signal? We don't have a mobile phone. It's confiscated. Wait, don't tell me you have managed to sneak a mobile phone? You will be in great trouble." Trish asked and this time her face became serious.

May let out a weary sigh and washed up her face with her palm.

"I will prostrate right now! This signal is totally broken and not chappy." May blurted out.

Then she smiled at Trish and added, "Because of that, Trish, I will let you use my allowance. Tell me the list and I will buy those items for you, promise."

Trish excitedly said, "Really? Wow, that's so awesome of you."

Keira laughed out loud and said, "Haha… Your Smartcard only has 300 dollars a month, May… How will you survive if you share it?"

May pouted her lips and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. Geez, why are they so stingy!"

Trish laughed and said, "You promised though, so you must keep it."

Lana and Keira laughed. It's true, they weren't used to spending little, but maybe, this would teach them to give importance to spending wisely.

So far their experiences were not that bad.


As usual, Keira went out before bedtime to go to what her father called 'Meteor Den'. It was located at higher grounds and would take her around three to five minutes to reach there if she walked quickly.

She loved that area where the invigorating smell of the pine woods and the cool breeze infiltrated her mind.

She did not expect to see Zach, sitting at the edge of one of the stairs before going on a slope down at the other side of the training grounds.

It was already night but the bright light from the moon lit up the area.

She sat beside Zach who seemed to be in deep thought.

"Hmmm, you looked so absorbed by your thoughts that you even fail to notice a beautiful lady beside you," Keira said laughing.

Zach frowned and at that instant, he felt the urge to run but it would look awkward.

Keira, who was closely observing him, noticed it so she laughed and said, "What the heck, General? I won't kiss you tonight, I promise!"

She loved it how Zach seemed to be out of himself whenever she's around because he was always expressionless most of the time.

Zach coughed and when he finally was able to find his voice he said, "What are you doing here, soldier? You should head back to your unit. It's almost lights-off time. Aren't you afraid of something happening? I mean you just passed out a while ago and must not feel that well yet. On the way back, you might trip or pass out since you're not familiar…"

"Stop! I'm okay now. I don't faint in the dark, General, just with needles, okay? You can ask me directly what you want to ask or say so, please don't jumble on your words. You look less charming that way but cuter anyway." Keira said, with her teasing tone as she giggled.

She could almost feel how the gears in Zach's head were spinning. She was happy because Zach remained quiet. It only meant she was right.

"Are you enjoying making fun of me, soldier?" Zach asked in a serious tone. He couldn't take it anymore. He felt like he was inside a game where Keira was the player and he was a pawn.

He intently looked at Keira and said, "Miss Keira Chan, I am your General and you should talk to me in a formal way as your Superior whenever and wherever. Don't you dare do anything beyond that limits because you don't know what will come your way. I am nice as much as I can, but there are limits on how nice I can be."

Keira suppressed her laughter because of the seriousness in Zach's voice and she couldn't help but find him sexier as he spoke. Then she noticed that Zach was trying hard not to glance on her lips.

With a wicked grin, Keira winked at Zach before she stood up and gave him a salute and said, "Sir, I just wanted to thank you for carrying me this morning and I understood you well enough. No kissing or taking any more advances towards General Zach. I will behave well during my training but I will not stop liking you so thank you for your kindness! Soldier Chan will now leave you at peace, Sir! Goodnight!"

Zach was left alone open-mouthed because he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Is she trying to kill me?" he whispered as his expression turned into a weary one and he let out a frustrated sigh.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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