The General Who Hates Me

67 Chamber Of Horror

That day, Keira's unit was getting introduced with Chemical Radioactive Biological and Nuclear (CBRN) readiness, which included the proper usage of breathing masks.

They began with the theoretical instruction where they were taught about the equipment they would be using, how to protect themselves against a chemical/biological hazard.

Recruits were taught how to put on gas masks, how to clean their skin and masks after exposure, how to test unknown substances with a paper that turns different colors, and how to deal with casualties.

They had a break for lunch, then lined up in front of a chamber.

"This is the gas chamber. It goes by many names - house of horror, confidence chamber, chamber of horror - but no matter what the soldiers call it, they all must pass through its walls during Basic Training." Lieutenant Jang started his introduction.

"Here, you will learn how to recognize and properly react to dangers of chemical biological, radiological and nuclear attacks," said Sergeant Cole.

Then he looked at General Zach and said, "It's better you stay out, General. Sergeant Park and I can manage everything."

Zach's eyebrow arched and he replied, "It's been a while, Sergeant since I have last observed how you do this training. I'm sure Lieutenant Jang by my side has been missing the gas chamber by now too. You can make him inspire the recruits and show them how Lieutenant Jang has mastered the gas chamber."

Torin gulped upon hearing Zach and he looked at him with wide eyes, as his nostrils flared in bewilderment.

This was the worst part of the training that he hated the most during their times.

He couldn't forget how he threw up several times back then. He could still smell something horribly pungent when he was near the gas chamber.

"Am I right, Lieutenant Jang? Show the soldiers how tough you can be by reciting the Soldier's Creed," added Zach and Torin almost wanted to run away.

"Alright, soldiers! Get ready and wear your protective masks and special chemical-protective gear. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."  shouted Sergeant Park.

They had already been instructed how to dawn, clear and seal the mass in a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear environment.

Keira was a bit nervous because she had seen in the videos before how terrible the experience could be.

Zach checked Keira's line to see if the masks were properly sealed.

He instructed the Sergeants and Torin to do the same to other lines.

Sergeant Park looked at Torin with questioning eyes because they had never checked the masks before.

It's the consequences the recruits must face if they didn't listen well during the instructions.

Torin answered Lieutenant Park by shrugging his shoulders.

'More suspicious moves and soon, you'll be digging your own grave, Bro!' Torin wanted to shout to Zach who was now busy on making sure Keira's mask had no leaks.

"What the hell is wrong with your mask?" Trish asked with a concerned voice because she noticed that General Lim took time on inspecting Keira's while hers and the others' didn't take that long.

"Hmm, I'm not sure but I feel like he wanted to glue this mask to me. It's freakin' tight, Trish!" Keira complained as her heart was still thumping fast because of Zach's gentle hands on her face as he adjusted the mask.

Lieutenant Jang had already informed them that they would do some talking, facial expressions, and light exercises to increase their heart rate and breathing inside the gas chamber.

"Look to your left and right now, left and right, look up and down now, up and down..." instructed Sergeant Cole.

"Now run at your place, knees high. Now!" Added Sergeant Cole.

"Aye, Sergeant!" Answered the soldiers as they followed his commands.

Then they marched one group at a time to the building where capsules of orange powder (the color of turmeric) were burned to release their toxic fumes.

They lined up toe to heel outside, and Sergeant Cole asked one recruit if she'd ever been close to death before.

The recruit nodded and said, "Yes, Sergeant."

"Well, you're going to have that sensation again," he said with just a hint of glee.

After a pause, he walked down the line. "Breathe normal, trainees. Breathe normal, and you'll be just fine," he said.

"Until the mask comes off, then take real, real deep breaths."

"Let me check your mask," Torin said as he stood in front of Lana and checked it.

"There's no need, Lieutenant, as Sergeant Cole has already double checked it!" Lana replied, feeling uncomfortable.

"Shut up! Because if you guys don't make sure it's sealed, trust me you won't like it there. It must be sealed properly and clearly. If you haven't, then any little hole that might be in the mask will let the gas inside, so we have to make sure and watch out for that. There's a lot of gasses out there that other countries could use against us that you really can't smell or you won't even know that it's there, so that's why it's important that you always have your mask sealed properly," Torin explained and grinned when Lana stopped mumbling.

'Why are you always showing off?' Lana wanted to voice out but rolled her eyes instead.

Torin saw that and he sighed. It seemed that he would have a hard time getting the interest of this aloof soldier.

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