The General Who Hates Me

69 Unrequited Love

Drey felt uneasy that night. He wanted some fresh air so he went out before the curfew to walked around.

"Keira?" He murmured when he saw a woman, resembling Keira, walking so he followed.

Keira was walking back and forth continuously, pausing in between as if thinking about something.

"What is she doing?" He murmured as he kept his pace.

Drey walked near her and when he was already at her back he whispered to her ear, "Booo!"

Keira was so startled that she slapped Drey on the face.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Drey complained and touched his cheek.

"Hmm… Let's balance it on the other cheek then," Keira said with an arched eyebrow.

"Who told you to attack me like that? You know I hate it…" said Keira with pouted lips.

"Yeah, you felt that your heart almost jumped out of your body. How come you never hate Zach since you said your heart always jumps out of your body whenever he's around?" Drey asked with twitched lips.

"Well, it's okay as long as it's Zach," said Keira smiling dreamily.

Drey's face darkened but it quickly went back to normal when Keira looked back at him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Drey gave Keira a side smile, showing his side dimple and answered, "I should be the one asking that? What is it that you want to do really? Walk forward or backward?"

Keira laughed and grabbed Drey's arm.

"Well, I will show you the Meteor Den but make sure to keep it a secret. I'm hesitating because I'm shy. You know the gas chamber we passed a while ago? I looked so horrible, I had a lot of snot and saliva all over my face. It's so gross and Zach saw it all, so I'm not sure how to face him tonight," Keira explained as they walked.

"Shy? Keira the guy has already smelled how nice is your poop!" burst out Drey and Keira unconsciously covered his mouth.

"You, stop it! Don't remind me of the most embarrassing moment of my life. Geez, Drey, I will kill you!" Complained Keira as her face reddened that made Drey laughed.

The two were so consumed with their bantering that they did not notice Zach's presence.

"Soldiers!" He shouted and the two were immediately startled.

Keira instantly let go of Drey's arm as they both froze and answered, "Yes, Sir!"

"This is not a place for your personal rendezvous! This is a training ground and you must avoid closeness even if you know each other. Many soldiers like you roamed in the area so don't cause gossip or any ruckus around! Understood!" Shouted Zach with his irritated baritone.

"You, Russo!" Shouted Zach.

Yes, General!" Replied Drey

"Go back to your unit, now!" Instructed Zach.

Before Drey left he blinked an eye at Keira and whispered, "Goodnight, luv!'

Keira grinned and winked back.

"Russo, go, now!" Repeated Zach.

"You too, Chan, go back to your unit, now!" Said Zach but Keira did not move.

"General, I still have free time and I want to get some air because I feel like the pungent odor is still glued in my nostrils," Keira answered while she stared at the paper bag Zach had brought.

Zach sighed and said, "Alright, stay out, but for five minutes only."

Then he turned around and walked to where he was initially heading the "Meteor Den" and sat on his favorite spot.

His face crumpled when Keira sat beside him. Keira noticed his reaction so she said, "The air here is nice. By the way, is that food?"

Zach looked at the paper bag he had brought and said, "Yeah, this is for Torin since he had been in the gas chamber and he also has to pour a bag of cold milk onto his eyes to relax."

"Ohh, nice…" Keira murmured.

Then she added, "I wonder if that will be effective for me too. I should go now and see if there's cold milk around."

She was about to stand up when Zach said, "Here take this instead. There's no cold milk around, and the canteen will not give you any since your meal is programmed."

"But that's for Torin," said Keira, she was hesitant to accept it.

"Take it. Torin and I are officers, so we can get it anytime we want," murmured Zach so quietly that Keira almost had a hard time hearing it.

Keira smiled and accepted the paper bag that Zach handed over.

"Thank you, General Lim." Keira said, blushing. Why did she felt like the paper bag was actually prepared for her?

'You're making assumptions again, Keira!' She mused as she smiled bashfully at her own thoughts.

Meanwhile, from a distance, Drey stared at the two as he hid.

"What the heck! He dispatched me intentionally, huh?" He murmured.

"Hmm, is there an interesting sight there, Russo?" Whispered a voice that almost made Drey jumped out of his skin.

"Why are you peeking there, huh? Don't you know the word 'privacy'?" said Cielo with an arched eyebrow.

"Sorry, Lieutenant. I will go now." Drey said with a pale face as he quickly ran away.

"Hmm… He's acting weird," she murmured as she looked at Zach and Keira.

"No way! Don't tell me he's on an unrequited love thing?" Cielo burst out as she shifted her gaze back to Drey's leaving figure.

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