Keira's face reddened when she saw who were inside the Conference Room B. How she wanted to take back time at that moment and return to the times her mom asked her to watch and learn cooking stuff.

"Oh, dinner is here. It was prepared by our juniors and I'm sure it's good. Come on inside," said Torin with a wide grin and gestured to Keira and May to serve the food.

Keira gave May a worn-out look because she suddenly felt nervous. She was well versed in the saying that a key to a man's heart was through his stomach. That was why after the training she had already programmed herself to study cooking.

Just why the hell Torin did not even bother to mention who was the specific person they were about cooking for and yet she thought that it would be for soldiers receiving a punishment since Torin seemed to be anticipating it. That was the reason they say that they couldn't cook without any problem.

Then they started to serve the food, she twitched her mouth as she tried to bow her head down, avoiding any eye contact with the people inside the room.

She couldn't bear to look at anyone inside that room at all. It seemed to be an important meeting because Jeru was also present, together with General Lei and one more Lieutenant under his command.

'I will kill this Torin!' She cursed inwardly.

She wanted the ground to eat her wholly at that time when General Lei, her father's closest friend, spoke, "Oh, I did not know that you can cook?"

Keira smiled lightly as she greeted Uncle Lei, who was smiling widely to her, more of a teasing smile because he knew well that Keira did not know anything about cooking and the moment he saw the dish he couldn't help but chortle.

"I'm actually full and won't eat tonight. Please enjoy the meal, I'm sure these two soldiers have put all their efforts into cooking this, gentlemen," said Torin as he gestured May not to give him a serving.

Zach narrowed his eyes as he glared at Torin. He could already sense that Torin was up to something not good, so he said, "Soldier Kim, don't skip Lieutenant Jang and give him his food!"

Torin twitched his mouth but chose not to say a word anymore.

Jeru looked at the dish and asked with a pleasant smile, "What's this?"

Keira elbowed May to answer the question instead.

May got the signal and answered, "It's a beef stew, Sir. Soldier Chan has personally prepared and cooked the dish, Sir! I did only the rice. Please, enjoy the meal."

Keira wanted to choke May at that moment for being specific that she made the beef stew.

Zach arched a brow as he looked at Torin with questioning gaze.

Torin smiled and said, "They are being punished for bantering about food during the obstacle training."

"And you instructed them to prepare a meal? Did you even ask them if they know how to cook? Anyway, does this food has poison, soldiers?" Asked General Lei in a jest.

"Of course not Uncl… Ahm General Lei. It's totally clean," Keira answered defensively.

"Alright, then let's have a hearty meal, gentlemen, shall we?" Said General Lei as he looked at Zach and Jeru as if he was waiting for the two to eat it and try it first.

Torin was suppressing his laughter while he observed Zach.

'Eat it, Bro!' He cheered silently.

Zach looked at the beef stew, then looked at the others who seemed to be hesitating to eat it since the way the potato and carrots were chopped was an eyesore.

If there was one thing that could have been considered a flaw in Zach's character, it was him being a picky eater. Maybe because his mother, Auntie Sheila, was a very good cook. She could turn a simple dish into a grand one.

Torin remembered how a simple cabbage turned into a very nice meal when Auntie Sheila cooked it, that alone made him feel contentment and full.

'C' mon Bro… Eat it!' He persuaded inwardly as he grinned at Zach's hesitant expression.

Keira, on the other hand, wanted to scream and ran because she did not even bother to taste it and just added salt and spice as much as she thought would be enough to give it a taste and to justify that it's a beef stew.

Her face was becoming paler as she slightly raised her head and watched Zach scoop.

'Oh dear Lord! Someone, please save me!' She cried inwardly.

How she hoped that a miracle would happen like someone arriving at the scene and calling Zach away at that moment.

Her heart was racing hard as she followed Zach's hand movements as it gently raised the spoon to his mouth.

Her shoulders dropped when Zach let the spoon out.

The word COOKING appeared before her eyes and it was marked a big, fat 'X'.

She felt like she added another turn-off scenario on Zach's checklist whether he would consider her or not as a partner…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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