Keira couldn't wait for the night to come to have some time alone with Zach at the Meteor Den.

She was even practicing over and over again in her mind what she would say once they met at night.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the training, a cadet ran to Zach and whispered something in his ear that had caused him to run off from the training area at that very instant.

Keira saw that and she murmured, "Is there an emergency?"

She noticed how Zach's face paled and his usually blank expression changed to a worried one.

"Looks like there is no date tonight," teased May who was at Keira's back.

"He looks so worried. I think something bad has happened," she murmured.

'There's still plenty of time anyway, no need to rush," said May when she noticed Keira's shoulders drop.

That evening, Keira still went to the Meteor Den before the curfew though she already knew that Zach went to his hometown.

She found it through her father, that Zach filed an emergency leave because his grandfather was rushed to a hospital.

She was startled when Lana spoke from her back, "So this is the forbidden place, huh?"

"Forbidden? Since when?" May asked laughing.

"Well, since Keira's arrival. This area is exclusive for her and Wolf, don't you know? At least for Keira, it is," said Lana who suddenly burst out into laughter seeing Drey walking towards them.

"Here comes the demo boy. How's your body?" asked Lana with a teasing smile.

Drey's face crumpled.

"Can't you smell his patches all over? It's all over the night breeze air! That's what you get for being too intimate with Keira," May said laughing.

"I've been close to Keira way before he got in the picture! I mean what the heck is wrong with him? Darn, my body aches all over!" complained Drey irritably as he sat beside Keira on the bench.

Keira leaned on Dre's shoulder as she watched the night sky.

"I'm sorry, Drey, but I prefer to believe that Zach has intentionally trashed your body," Keira burst out.

She felt Drey shake his shoulder, so Keira's head dropped from his shoulder.

"What the heck?" she exclaimed, staring at Drey with rounded eyes.

"What? Don't you dare lean on my precious shoulder! How dare you exchange our long-time friendship for that childish General?!" murmured Drey filled with sulkiness.

May laughed and interrupted, "Here, Keira, use my shoulder whenever you need it. I'm happy with every half of the meal you'll give me in return. Don't mind Drey, he's just jealous."

"Don't get jealous, Drey. I can sense you will soon have a tigress," said Lana, teasing Drey with Lieutenant Kang.

"Shut up, Lana!" Drey hissed.

"What? Lana is right. That tigress is not bad. I actually like her." Keira commented and looked at Drey encouragingly.

"What kind of friends are you? Do you want me to end up dead? Gosh, that prick General almost broke my bones and that tigress you are talking about will cut me into pieces!" said Drey wearily, recalling how that woman made him ran miles without a shirt on.

He wanted to add the word 'pervert' before tigress but thought it would be inappropriate to give so many details to his friends because they would definitely tease him to no end.

Keira continued looking at the sky. She wanted to check on Zach's grandfather too but she had no right, besides, she couldn't go out of the military academy without any valid reason.

Then her lips suddenly curved upwards as she said, "What do you think about me visiting my future in-laws at the hospital? I heard grandpa was moved from their hometown to City since the facilities here are better."

"Are you nuts? Won't you look like a stalker?" Lana exclaimed with an arched eyebrow.

"Stalker? Me? Will I look like a stalker if I coincidentally get admitted to the same hospital?" asked Keira with her trademark smile.

That smile definitely meant that she had a wicked plan being created in her mind.

Drey's shoulders dropped as he shook his head while Lana's eyes rounded as she excitedly waited for Keira to tell them about her plan in details.


"Are you monitoring how's the training of your daughter going? Whether she eats her meals in time? By the way, I want to visit her this weekend and make sure that she still looks the same." said Mrs. Chan to her husband who was busy reading and reviewing some documents.

"She's doing fine. But I think she's sad right now since she won't be able to see Zach for a few days. His grandfather was transferred to the hospital today and Zach will be the one to look after him. Since his siblings are still studying, his mother will stay in their hometown with kids. His other sister has just started to work and Zach doesn't want her to file for a leave; it can give them a bad impression about her as a new employee. His grandmother is too old to be the one taking care of his grandfather, so Zach needs to be there." explained Field Marshal Chan that made Mrs. Chan smile.

"Darling, you're so well informed about Keira and Zach's whereabouts. I guess there's nothing else to be worried then," said Mrs. Chan who continued her threading.

After a few minutes, Field Marshal Chan's mobile phone rang.

"What?" he burst out and continued, "Alright, give her the phone!"

"Keira, what's going on? Why would you refuse to get treatment inside? We have reliable physicians there!" scolded Field Marshal Chan.

"Dad, I need to see Dr. Yang, he knows my record so well and this sickness is a bit private and I don't want the news of it to be spread all over the military academy," said Keira meaningfully from the other end of the line. She was hunched acting like she is in great pain. From the corner of her eye, she looked at Sergeant Cole who accompanied her to make a call.

"Ahhh, Dad… hurry and make the arrangements, the military ambulance will take me to the Yang Global Hospital," added Keira with a pained voice.

Field Marshal Chan let out a long sigh and called Dr. Yang, "You handle that brat! She's so hopeless!"

"Don't worry, Uncle, I'll take good care of her " answered Dr. Yang on the other end of the line.

"What happened? Is Keira alright?" Mrs. Chan asked with a concerned tone.

"Yes, she's fine. That brat is up to something again!" exclaimed Field Marshal Chan as he scratched his head.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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