The Genie's Curse

41 My last attemp

Tsuru knocked on the door one more time, "Keir please, I don't care about the consequences, just please I'm begging you... Wish to be immortal."

There was a rustling from inside the room before the door opened, "You really want this Tsuru? For me to be an immortal and for you to pay the unknown consequences?"

"I'm here aren't I?"

Keir opened the door stepping out of the room and facing Tsuru, the smoke invading the space between them, "There's no going back after I wish for it..."

"I know." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, closing them as tight as she could, "Just say it."

"Tsuru, I wish to be immortal..."

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Like a gush of wind entering her lungs suddenly her eyes opened wide

Tsuru grasped around her, her arms landing instinctively on Keme as she sucked in a deep breath, drops of sweat went down her forehead.

Keme held her hand reassuring her, "You were just asleep."

"He wished for it..." she murmured under her breath, "He's at fault..."

"What are you talking about?" He questioned looking at her by the corner of his eye, "What are you on about Tsuru? Who do you mean by him?"

"Keir! He wished for immortality, he cursed me more than anything in life ever did." She pulled at her hair and leaned against the door feeling her face heat up, turning red from the anger and mix of feelings she felt, "I fooled myself." She grinds her teeth together she glared at nothing, "... I'm such an idiot."

Keme didn't understand what she was on about questioning her, "Explain it to me Tsuru, I want to help. I said I'd help, just let me in."

"What the whole damn point! It doesn't matter! I'm an idiot who fell for it!" She kept on going like that and smashing her fist against the car door, "He manipulated me into doing what he wanted! He lied to me throughout everything... but that's not the worst of it!"

Keme saw her broken smile rising on her lips, "Tell me." He said lowly, stopping the car and giving her his full attention, "I want to help you."

He reached out a hand towards her but having her slap it away, "We're always remembering what we want to forget and we always, always forget what we want to remember... it's that's a little bit of humanity still left in us."

"Damn everything you've just said, I don't need you to tell me how pitiful it is my dang memory loss, or that I'm remembering what I should have never forgotten! I became my own enemy, making things up just to feel a little better about myself, to have a reason to go on and move forward..." she bit her lip and glanced at him, "How can any of us tell what's real anymore!? We've lived thousands of years, we've suffered, we've died, we've loved, we've felt unimaginable pain! What's if it's not real!? What if we're all just crazy and can't tell if we're still in the damn lamp!?"

Keme grabbed her arm and squeezed it tight, "I'm here, and I'm real! Sure maybe I'm a little crazy but that's just what makes me, me! I know you're angry about everything that's happened to you, I understand that you just couldn't handle it and you found your own way to cope with it. So just let me at least be there to help you move on... I don't need you to accept me fully I just need you to let me try and help, even a little."

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