"Hello... Mia..." answering it like that made Tsuru lean back on the seat calmly. As soon as he'd seen that the call was from Keme he knew he had to hide that fact.

"Allon it's Keme." Was the confused reply he got.

"Yes, I know." Trading to answer as normally as possible so Tsuru wouldn't just pone the door and leave. Specifically, while the car was moving.

There was a bit of silence, "Oh... well how did the first stop go?"

Allon clicked his tongue, "Well, I'm glad you're asking, doctor. Tsuru actually remembered a small-time she spent there... she might need more therapy."

Tsuru slammed her hand on his shoulder and glared, "I don't need one of those so soon again." Crossing her arms in a fit she turned her back to him.

Allon finally stopped the car to take the call properly, "As I was saying, she did remember something. And we're already heading to the hotel. Leaving in the morning to the next area, should I expect a call from you then?"

"Yes, and uh... is she alright?" Keme asked concerned, "I actually got a ticket... I'll be over there in hopefully two days. Don't tell her though."

Allon was quiet for a second looking over at Tsuru, only having a look at her back. He sighed, "She's doing fine, actually giving me the cold shoulder because I said she needed therapy... I'm going to drive, I'll call you back."

Hanging up on him Allon got back on the road, looking over at Tsuru and pulling at her hair slightly. She turned around as soon as she felt it, "There are other ways to call my attention. What did Rubio want? Is it normal for doctors to call their patients?"

"Yes...? Yes, all doctors call their patients and just ask what they're doing, and... she was just curious to know if you were alright." Allon was just making it up as he went laughing, tapping his fingers nervously on the door, "Anyways, what would you like to eat?"

"Don't try and distract me by asking me what to eat." Tsuru squinted her eyes at him, it was like she was trying to spot something off, "Any news about Keme."

Allon tightened his grip on the wheel, "No, he only texted to ask once if we were on schedule. You still want him to come?"

She turned away looking dead ahead at the road, "I don't know." Breaking away from the conversation she stopped to think. Trying to remember what happened after the child died. Where had she ended up? She knew for sure that woman never got hold of her, but who was it that found her, maybe they had stolen her?

"Wear this, and you'll be able to open the room door." He helped her put it on and then walked on to their room.

Taking corridor after corridor, the numbers in the rooms just going higher. Until finally they got to the door, showing her how to use the bracelet he opened the door for her. She didn't pay that much attention to the room plopping down onto the bed.

Her eyes shutting, "Today's been too long."

"Not really, it's just been different. You'll get used to it." Allon sat next to her, "How does it feel to be so close to home, but know no one is waiting?"

She chuckled for some odd reason, "It feels like the cold slap of reality." Sitting up she took her phone out her pocket, "Do you think I should call?"

"Do you want to call?"

Tsuru slowly nodded, "I kinda do... but what if he doesn't want to talk to me. I'll sound so stupid calling him."

Allon huffed over how much she seemed to think of Keme. But he didn't want her feeling bad, "Well it's a risk to take. Honestly... he'll want to talk to you."

She raised an eyebrow, "And how would you know?"

He raised his hands in defense, "I'm just trying to encourage you." Letting his hands fall he smiled reassuringly, "just call him."

She fiddled with the phone briefly, until she finally pressed forward and called him, "hmm," it was ringing for a few seconds and she began to get impatient.

"Tsuru? Hi." Keme's voice evening sounded a little cheerful when he answered.

Allon got up from the bed, not even looking at her when he walking out of the room.

She just sat there unsure of what to say, "..."

"Are you still there?... Tsuru?" Still in the silence, he sighed, "I'm sorry I left so suddenly-"

"No... I had it coming." She broke her silence, "How... how are you?"

Hearing him chuckle on the other end made her feel comfortable, "I'm good, and you?"

"Alright, I guess. Remembering who I am... who knows, I might forget again in a hindered years." Her pessimist personality kicking back up.

"You won't Tsuru... you'll be fine with or without us." He grumbled on his side, "I'll see you in two days... goodbye." Hanging up on her, she threw the phone on the other bed.

Falling back and grabbing the pillow, "Allon?!" She hadn't noticed when he had left before, where had he gone? Was he uncomfortable with her calling Keme?

However, she didn't get up from the bed, didn't even bother looking around the room enough. Why did she care he left the room, why did she care Keme was coming back? She didn't want to feel this way, not after the way it had ended last time.

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