Chapter 130 To the climax (4)


The sword was lodged in his chest.

It penetrated completely and came out through the back.

It was a sight seen countless times on the battlefield.

the problem is… It was the first time I had ever suffered.

“Ugh… … .”

I fell down with a groan.

If it was the real world, it would have been a fatal wound, but this is not so because it is the spirit world.

Not a single drop of blood flowed.

still… I felt excruciating pain.

“… … .”

As I collapsed with a hole in my chest, Arkandel, the protagonist of the novel, silently stared at me.

It’s a face that I can’t tell the features apart, so I can’t confirm if it’s looking at me exactly.

“Take it easy, you son of a b*tch… … .”

Arkandel’s swordsmanship was ruthless.

As I described in the novel, it was a swordsmanship that cut the enemy’s vital points quickly and sharply.

We exchanged swords a few times, but I accurately attacked my gap and eventually put the sword in my chest.

“Is a genius a genius after all… … .”

It was I, the author of this novel, who set this guy up as an undisputed genius.

So it was natural for this guy to show off his genius swordsmanship.

“but… … .”

I got up again.

As I raised my sword and stanceed, Arkandel also stanceed again.

“I will surpass you, Arkandel.”

“… … .”


Arkandel’s sharp horizontal slash cut through the air.

I dodged the attack by leaping to the side.

Then I burrowed into Arkandel’s side, but he let go of my attack with just a slight twist.

The ensuing mysterious attack stabbed me in the neck, and I collapsed feeling my mind go blank.

“Keugh… … .”

I got up again and touched my neck.

Also no wounds The pain is excruciating, but the wound heals immediately.

“Let’s go one more time.”

“… … .”

Arkandel ran at me again without a word.

To defeat him, I continued my endless fight.

* * *

“Wow… … !”

From noble mtl dot com.

A shout echoed across the plains of Plation.

It was because the elite troops of the Ignias family led by Raticle Ignias defeated the Academy’s forces.

“Guardius-nim, thank you for your hard work.”

“Hmph, it wasn’t a very interesting fight.”

When Raticle expressed his gratitude, ‘Sword King’ Gardius frowned and replied.

“I fell for your flattery and came to the battlefield, but neither Valentiano nor Angela dealt with me properly.”

“that… … .”

On the academy side, there were two pinnacle professors, Valentiano and Angela.

However, they avoided a head-to-head fight with Gardius.

“Didn’t they decide that they would be at a disadvantage if they fought one-on-one? But it would be too dishonorable for the two of them to attack at the same time… … .”

Apart from Angela, Valentiano from the East is a swordsman who inherited the tradition of chivalry.

It is likely that he thought it would be disgraceful to co-operate with Angela against a single Gardius.

“When it comes to honor, isn’t it a problem in itself to avoid confrontation with me?”

“That is true too, but… … .”

“Hmm, then… … .”

Gardius thought for a moment.

Raticle felt uneasiness when he saw it.

I was afraid that he would insist on not going into battle again.

“They must have had an exploratory battle today.”


“I was trying to check our strength. Are the soldiers well trained, how many high-level graduates are there… And what role am I playing?”

“… … !”

Watching Gardius speak in a calm voice, Raticle’s eyes widened.

“If we had the intention to fight properly, Valentiano and Angela, the best fighters, would have actively attacked. But they came out rather passively.”

“Go, Gardius-sama… … .”

“You said I was the only one who could stop those two. But at the same time, only those two can stop me. The fact that I was openly on the battlefield and those two didn’t come out to stop me… It means that I had no intention of winning today’s battle in the first place.”

“… … !”

Raticle felt astonished.

I thought he was just an eccentric old man with excellent swordsmanship skills, but I would have thought he was a person with insight into the battlefield.

‘Ha, well, reaching the pinnacle of graduate level means that you have gained a deep realization in your own way… … .’

When I understood that, Gardius stroked my chin and muttered.

“Laticle, what do you think their intention was in such a search battle?”

“Yeah… Wouldn’t you like to establish a full-fledged operation after checking our strength?”

“Then, shall we attack tomorrow? With the information we got today, we set up a full-fledged strategy?”

“That, well. that… … .”

“They were just trying to secure information in advance.”

“beforehand… … ?”

“Before Ernas Landstein arrived.”

“… … !”

Leaving the wide-eyed laticle alone, Gardius turned his head to the west.

“I finally understand their strategy.”

“Go, Lady Gardius, then… … .”

“They plan to launch a full-scale attack after Aernas arrives from the west. Today’s battle is just a preliminary investigation.”

Today, the Ignias family easily defeated the academy’s forces.

But what would happen if reinforcements, including Aernas, arrived and attacked in earnest?

“Today’s helpless retreat may have been an attempt to underestimate their strength. After joining Aernas, he will go on the offensive with full force.”

“Well, then what should I do? Shall we ask the family lord for reinforcements?”

“Don’t be silly. Didn’t Carleon entrust this place to us because he thought this was enough?”

“Um, then how… … .”

“Raticle, lend me the quick-footed elite troops.”

“yes? Are you trying to chase down the retreating academy guys? Before reinforcements arrive… … .”


Gardius shook his head.

“Run to the west and catch Aernas first.”

“… … !”

“Even those who retreated probably didn’t expect us to make such a move. It’s perfect for catching them off guard.”

“… … .”

After all, this person just wants to fight Aernas quickly.

Raticle thought for a moment.

“Laticle, how are you?”

“Um… … .”

Right now, the academy guys are planning to kill time, join the reinforcements, and launch a cross-fire.

Therefore, it is a plausible strategy to break each one before joining the reinforcements.

Then, wouldn’t there be a big difference between chasing and attacking the guys who ran away today, or running and attacking the reinforcements coming this way?

“All right. I will lend you my elite troops, including my entourage.”

In the end, Raticle decided to accept Gardius’ offer.

Gardius is a very important force for the Ignias family. Since he is so eager to fight Aernas, it’s good to respect him as much as possible.

“But Gardius-sama, it is highly likely that Aernas is moving with another top-tier professor. Be careful.”

“Heh, I’m worried for nothing.”

Gardius laughed with a wrinkled face.

“Anyone is no match for my plateion annihilation sword.”

* * *

“Today is camping in this forest!”

The troops led by Ferdinand Class entered the East after a 15-day journey.

Because they advanced while making full use of bicorns, which were much faster than normal horses, they were able to enter the East at an exceptional speed.

“Viola, was it you who was on duty today?”

“Yes, I will show my skills!”

“You are full of energy only at mealtime… … .”

Schmitz and Viola conversed as they prepared for camp.

“Come to think of it.”


“Is Aernas-sama really okay with not eating anything?”

“… … .”

Hearing Viola’s question, Schmitz turned his head.

Then, a wagon specially made by the Ferdinand class was seen.

“Aernas-sama, you’ve been stuck in that carriage for 15 days, aren’t you?”

“yes… … .”

“Don’t normal people die? You’re not even drinking water.”

“No, as Professor Ferdinand said, there will be no problem. The elixir works inside the body and maintains life.”

“It’s just written that way in the ancient texts. That could be wrong.”

“Um, well… … .”

“Can I slip some food into the wagon? Aernas-sama might actually be expecting us to put food like that.”

“Do you know that Aernas-sama is on a hunger strike?”

Schmitz frowned.

“Quit it. You don’t know what will happen if you interfere with magic exercises.”

“Ugh, I still care. Even after 15 days, Aernas-nim hasn’t come out. Hasn’t something already happened?”

“… … .”

As Viola said, it was true that the situation was a bit concerning.

Just now, Ferdinand was also looking around the carriage with a worried expression on his face.

There was no sign of Aernas coming out, so everyone had no choice but to think about this and that.

“Perhaps the magical training is over.”


“Even if all the mana of the elixir was stored in the mana heart for 15 days… If Aernas-sama is feeling inadequate, it may take longer.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re using this opportunity to challenge yourself to the pinnacle level.”

“… … !”

peak level.

That is the highest level that only bigwigs such as the academy’s advisors or the masters of swordsmanship can reach.

“I think Aernas-nim is qualified to challenge the peak level.”

“Shu, Schmitz-sama, isn’t it too early? It seems too unrealistic in my opinion.”

“Well, Aernas-sama is originally an unrealistic person.”

Saying that, Schmitz smiled bitterly.

“of course… I don’t even know what it’s like to challenge the peak level. There is a saying that each person is different, and Aernas-sama will challenge the climax in Aernas-sama’s own way.”

“Um… … .”

“There is only one thing we need to do in a situation like this.”

Schmitz said in a clear voice.

“As Aernas-sama’s closest aide, I believe in Aernas-sama and wait for him.”

“Miss Schmidt… … .”

“I think that is our attitude.”

As Schmitz calmed down while saying that, Viola tilted her head.

“If I were close to her, would it be Serene-sama? At most, only Chloe-sama can enter, and we… Ouch!”

“We are also close friends! Aren’t we the closest to Aernas-sama right now!”

“Why are you hitting me! Are you going to give it a try?! Even though you’re weaker than me… … !”

“Hey, what’s the use of ignorantly counting on strength? Your northern swordsmanship is at my speed… … .”

When Schmitz and Viola were having such a low-key squabble.

suddenly… A roar rang out from somewhere.


“This sound… … !”

bang! Quaang!

A continuous roar.

What this meant, both Schmitz and Viola immediately noticed.

The roar that resounds now… It was a sound that occurred when a tremendous sword force broke another sword force.

“Enemy raid! It’s an enemy!”

“… … !”

Both Schmitz and Viola hurriedly got up and grabbed their swords.

And he moved quickly to protect Aernas’ wagon.

“What happened!”

“Looks like the graduates of the Ignias family! furthermore… … !”

The sound of Professor Ferdinand having a conversation with his subordinates could be heard from the front.

“In the lead… It looks like there is a ‘sword king’ Gardius!”

“… … !”

One of the graduates representing the East.

The sword king, Gardius Plation, took advantage of the night to attack.

Knowing this, Schmitz looked at the wagon with a sense of desperation.

‘Aernas-nim, hurry up… … !’

I just said I believed and waited, but my feelings have already changed.

Praying for Aernas to come forward quickly, Schmitz gripped the sword tightly.

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