Chapter 153 The Remnant of Iron Blood (2)

Iron Blooded Sword.

It is one of the swordsmanships created by the Iron Blood Sword Master.

It has been passed down from generation to generation in the imperial family, and only the descendants of the iron-blooded sword masters can master it.

The characteristic of the iron blood martial sword is that it does not use a physical sword.

Instead, it controls the swordsman’s blood with magic, creating a bloody sword.

Because it uses the blood that flowed along with magic in the swordsman’s veins, its magical efficiency is superior to any other sword.

It also has the advantage of being able to freely change the shape of the sword, and being able to surprise the opponent without holding the sword.

The emperor must have thought that he would be able to subdue me with a surprise attack with this iron-blooded martial sword.

“It is useless.”

“… … !”

From noble mtl dot com.


The bloody sword that was about to stab me froze in the air.

While the emperor was startled, the frozen iron-blooded sword was shattered.

“You guys… … !”

The iron-blooded martial arts sword extended from the emperor again.

Like Archbishop Catoleas’ sword, several bloody swords flew and tried to stab me.

But, this time too, it was to no avail.

The coldness of Kerbert’s white-fired sword technique that I developed froze all the iron blooded martial arts swords.

“Keugh… … !”

If the emperor’s physical condition had been normal, he would have continued to attack.

However, the emperor was not in the physical condition to do such a thing.

“Ugh… … .”

The emperor fell forward.

I was in a situation where I could fall off the bed, so I stretched out my arms and supported him.

“Stop it, Your Majesty.”

“Aernas… … !”

While gasping for breath, the emperor was revealing his intention to kill me.

But that life was meaningless.

The emperor was no longer in a state where he could attack me.

“You’d better calm down.”

I put the Emperor back on the bed.

The emperor was glaring at him with fearful eyes, but he couldn’t do anything more than that.

“It is useless to try to take my body. This is because the Biederkeren magic trick that is currently passed down in the imperial palace is incomplete.”

“You bastard, how… … .”

“Your Majesty would have intended to use the knowledge of the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult to supplement Biederkeren’s Marriage Art, but it would have been meaningless. It must have failed in the end.”

As I recalled the information in the novel and talked about it, the emperor looked at my face in disbelief.

“How come you know that? Maybe from Perfectio… … .”

“your majesty.”

I interrupted the emperor and said.

“Your Majesty wasn’t originally like this.”


“He wasn’t someone who would sacrifice others to prolong his own lifespan. More noble and great than anyone else… He was like an emperor of this empire.”

“… … .”

“Your Majesty, think calmly. Your Majesty’s behavior right now is strange.”

It may also be because of the shaking of the mind before death.

But, it’s not just that.

“No matter how much it is meant to prolong life… Does it make sense to just leave the plot of the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult that has sneaked into the Iron Blood Knights?”

“… … !”

“Your Majesty has fallen for the tricks of the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult. I had been weak mentally and physically due to a long illness, but Archbishop Catoleas approached and seduced me with all sorts of words… It is impossible to make a sober judgment.”

The emperor opened his eyes wide.

As described in the novel… The emperor would be able to realize that he had been seduced by Archbishop Catoleas just by explaining it like this.

“Keep your senses, Your Majesty.”

“You guys… … .”

It was a disrespectful remark, in my opinion.

However, the emperor never raised his voice in anger.

The emperor listened to my point and only bit his lip hard.

He realized that he had fallen for the tricks of Archbishop Catoleas and had lost his cool judgment.

“… … .”

I waited with my mouth shut.

After a few minutes… The emperor opened his mouth again.

“You are right, Aernas.”

“your majesty.”

“I guess I… It seems that you have lost your judgment.”

Having said that, the emperor sighed for a long time.

“You really did something shameful.”

“… … .”

“To myself, and to the great Iron Blood Sword Emperor… I did something very embarrassing.”

The emperor said in a mixed voice.

“But I hope you will understand, Aernas.”

“… … .”

“I admit that I was seduced by Archbishop Catoleas. But apart from that… This empire faces a great crisis.”

“… … .”

“Aernas, this is your responsibility too.”

The emperor’s gaze turned to me.

“Too many peak graduates died while I was lying in the sick bed and couldn’t see what was going on outside.”

“… … .”

“Except for Perfectio and others who are in the mausoleum, there are now less than 10 top performers left in this country.”

Me, Brantley, Aldbaut, Valentiano, Angela, Ferdinand, Yoles… It can be said that there are about seven of them.

However, since Ferdinand and Yoles are in need of recuperation, the peak level currently active is actually five.

“Aernas, a culminating graduate with powerful arms can pose a threat to the imperial authority. That’s why it’s not so wrong for the palace to support your actions.”

“… … .”

“but… The peak grade graduates were also a deterrent to the archbishops of the Black Heaven Demonic Cult.”

The archbishops of the Black Heaven Demonic Cult are also skilled people who have reached the pinnacle level.

We’ve already defeated Arteklas and Catoleas, but there are still more archbishops left.

“In the meantime, you have defeated several masters of swordsmanship and slaughtered their heads. Thanks to that… It has become a good environment for the Black Heaven Demonic Cult to work in earnest.”

“… … .”

“To remedy this situation… It made me think that I have to stand up again.”

It is also because Archbishop Catoleas was deluded.

But apart from that, there was also the idea that the emperor himself had to step in and take care of the empire.

“Your Majesty, that is a wrong idea.”

“what… … ?”

“Even if His Majesty steps up and commands the Empire again, it will be difficult to deal with the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult.”

“… … !”

If the emperor directly stepped forward and issued an order to mobilize swordsmanship masters in each region, he would be able to secure enough troops.

However, that doesn’t mean you can subdue the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult.

“The Dark Heaven Demonic Cult will pass the time while keeping an eye on His Majesty’s condition. and… We will start full-fledged activities in time for His Majesty to reach the limit again.”

“… … !”

“Like the Archbishop of Catoleas this time, he will devise all sorts of conspiracies to throw the empire into chaos, and then he will try to swallow the whole empire in earnest.”

If the emperor had normal judgment, he would have noticed this even if I didn’t explain.

However, because the current emperor is not in a proper physical condition… I had no choice but to point it out.

“then… … .”

The emperor said in a trembling voice.

“Then, what should I do… … .”

“Leave it to me, Your Majesty.”

“to you… … ?”

“Yes, this is what I have to do.”

I said while making eye contact with the emperor.

“I will subdue the headquarters of the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult. Then, Her Majesty will be able to hand over the throne to Her Highness the Princess with peace of mind.”


The emperor opened his eyes wide at the sound of subjugating the base of the Black Heaven Demonic Cult, whose location no one knows.

“you… Are you going to subdue the headquarters?”

“Yes, I will cut the head of the Patriarch who leads the Dark Heaven Demonic Church.”

“No, nonsense. No one knows where the head office is… … .”

“I can find it.”

“… … .”

The emperor stared at my face, speechless.

“you… What is it?”

“I am Ernas Landstein, Your Majesty.”

“Perfectio Landstein was also an erratic guy. But, you… It’s hard to understand in a different sense from him.”

“Your Majesty, there is no need to think complicatedly.”

I said in a calm voice.

“At this point, think about who is the most suitable person for Your Majesty to take care of.”

“… … .”

“I will do it. Defeat all who threaten the empire… We will create a peaceful era ruled by Her Highness the Princess.”

The emperor’s eyes trembled as he looked at me.

If he had been an emperor in his heyday, he might have suggested a different countermeasure.

However, he was too old and sick for that.

After all, the emperor… You have no choice but to rely on me.

“So, Your Majesty the Emperor.”

I looked at the emperor and spoke in a calm voice.

“Please give me permission.”

To subdue the Black Heaven Demonic Cult.

I needed the authority granted by the emperor.

* * *

“Your Majesty the Emperor!”

When I opened the door, the secretary was the first to run into the room.

Chaldeas and Poltiana also urgently checked the emperor’s condition.

“Your Majesty is asleep. You must be very tired.”

“… … !”

As I said, the Emperor was asleep.

No, it might be more appropriate to say that he passed out.

It was because he lost consciousness as soon as he finished his conversation with me and reaped his mana.

‘From now on, I won’t be able to wake up again.’

It’s because he forced his magic power up.

He attacked me with an iron blood sword and had a long conversation with me.

I was in a state where I couldn’t speak normally, but I was forced to move my body using magic… I have no choice but to reach the limit.

“Hmm, it sure looks like your complexion has gotten worse.”

The secretary who doubles as the attending physician looked at the emperor and sighed.

“Looks like you used too much magic to have a conversation.”

“Secretary… Are you feeling very ill?”

“I guess I’ll just have to watch it.”

The blood she had released to use the Iron Blood Sword had already been removed.

No one will know that there was an armed conflict between me and the emperor here.

“Aernas-sama, what are you talking about with His Majesty the Emperor… … ?”

“Your Majesty was concerned about the future of the empire.”

To Chaldeas’ question, I replied with a calm expression.

“You were especially wary of the Black Heaven Demonic Cult. In the current situation, if the Black Heaven Demonic Cult begins its full-fledged activities, the foundations of the empire will be shaken.”

“Wow, it certainly is, but… … .”

“So His Majesty the Emperor gave me an order.”

“Order… … ?”


I showed the paper I was holding in my hand from earlier.

It was an order written by the emperor with the last of his strength before losing consciousness.

“I order Aernas Landsstein to subdue the headquarters of the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult. Ernas Landsstein will form the Knights of Lichtenauer to subdue it, and until the subjugation is completed, he will have authority comparable to that of the Grand Duke of Lichtenauer… … !

Chaldeas read the phrase written in the order and marveled.

“Eh, Aernas-sama, this story… … !”

“Your voice is too loud, Officer Chaldeas.”

It was natural for Chaldeas to be surprised.

Because the document signed by the Emperor stated that he gave me the same powers as the Archduke of Lichtenauer.

“Isn’t this the same as His Majesty the Emperor’s promise to give Aernas-sama the seat of Grand Duke of Lichtenau?”

“It means that we will give you such authority only until the subjugation is completed.”

“No. This means that you are the temporary Grand Duke of Lichtenau until you complete the subjugation, and you become the official Grand Duke of Lichtenau after completing the subjugation. Of course, I’m talking about when the subjugation is successfully completed.”

Chaldeas looked at me with excited eyes.

From noble mtl dot com.

“You’ve finally come this far, Sir Aernas.”

“no. This is just the beginning.”

Anyway, my goal is not to become Archduke of Lichtenau.

To win the battle to come in this world and reach an ending that was not reached in the novel… that’s my real goal

To do so, wield the powers granted by the emperor… We must defeat the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult.

‘and… It’s not just the authority of the Grand Duke of Lichtenau that I got from the emperor.’

Thinking so, I touched the ring on my left hand.

Then, the abilities acquired through Eusrecht began to appear.

[Currently, the abilities acquired through ‘Ability Reproduction’ are as follows.]

— Provisional Acquisition —

[Cervest White Flower Swordsmanship (SS Rank)]

[Wald Felt Diamond Sword (SS Rank)]

[Marteris Two-wheeled Swordsmanship (SS Rank)]

[Black Sky Magic Technique (SS Rank)]

[Iron-Blooded Sword Magic (SS Rank)]

— Permanent Bind —

[Ionian speedy swordsmanship (SS rank)]

[Kalessius Lightning Swordsmanship (S Rank)]

[Lichtenauer Sensitivity (S Rank)]

[Atilion magic detection (S rank)]

[Eastern magic technique (Rank A)]

Iron Blood Sword Magic.

Acquired by Usrecht’s ‘Ability Reproduction’ after the Emperor fell asleep… A magical power practice method exclusive to the imperial family.

The ultimate magical practice method created by the Iron Blood Sword Emperor was now dwelling within me.

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