The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1905: Devil Valley


The assassin's body fell to the ground with a stunned look.

He felt that he was not killed by Lu Yi, but was killed by Lu Yi.

"It's stupid!" Lu Yi smiled.

"Lu Gongzi, you are too bad, you clearly said that you don't want to kill him, you should kill him." Luluo covered her mouth and smiled.

"How can you blame me? He is a killer. He didn't rush to finish the goal. Hearing me being here for a long time, it's obviously looking for death." Lu Yi said.

"Well, he is looking for death by himself." Huang Wu rarely stood on the united front with Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was surprised.

"Don't be surprised, I'm just telling the truth." Huang Wu finished speaking and pointed to the killer and said to Luluo: "Uncover his mask, I want to see who he is?"

Luluo obeyed the order and unmasked the killer, revealing a young man's face.

Looking at his age, he was only in his twenties, and his face was pale and almost sick. At first glance, he was not seeing the sun all the year round.

"Do you know?" Lu Yi asked.

"Never seen before." Huang Wu replied.

"This guy is good at swordsmanship, and good at assassinations and assassinations. Isn't he from the Sword God Temple?" Lu Yi guessed.

"If he is from the Sword God Temple, why didn't he help when you killed Xiao Yifan?" Lu Luo asked.

Xiao Yifan's position in the Sword God Temple is not low. It stands to reason that anyone in the Sword God Temple will help him if he sees Xiao Yifan's life and death.

But this killer does not.

"If he is really a member of the Sword God Temple, it can only show that he is very tolerant." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he knelt down and began to check carefully.

He wants to figure out the identity of this killer.

After half a minute, Lu Yi finally found something.

"Look at it."

Lu Yi pointed to the killer's collarbone and said.

When Huang Wu and Lu Luo looked at them, they saw a small sword tattooed on the assassin's collarbone, which was very delicate and beautiful, and was a unique symbol of the Sword Temple.

"He is really from the Sword God Temple!" Huang Wu and Lu Luo were surprised.

"The identity has been verified, this corpse can't be kept." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he took out the corpse powder and sprinkled it on the corpse. After a while, blue smoke appeared on the assassin's body. A pot of thick water.

"Let's go!" Huang Wu's face was solemn.

The three of them walked forward again.

"The assassin just now was the cultivation base of the Transformation Realm. With his strength, he should be a bit famous among the younger generation of Sword God Temple, but I didn't even know him." Huang Wu's expression was strange.

"How can you know all the 100,000 disciples of the Sword God Temple?" Lu Yi said with a smile.

Huang Wu shook his head and said, "Xiao Yifan can become a genius of the younger generation. The assassin just now has a strength above Xiao Yifan. I should know that it is normal."

Lu Yi said: "Xiao Yifan's strength is very ordinary, can be called a genius, mostly because of the family behind him and Xiao Wuhen. As for the killer I killed just now, he may be hidden by the Sword God Temple."

"What do you mean?" Huang Wu paused, looking straight into Lu Yi's eyes, "Aren't you trying to say that the Sword God Temple organized a killer organization?"

"I don't know. If the Sword God Temple really formed a killer organization, and the killer just now belonged to them, I can only say that the Sword God Temple group is very brain-dead." Lu Yi said: "If it were me, I would not stay. Any traces related to me."

"Could the assassin not be from the Sword God Temple, but a fake?" Huang Wu asked.

"What you said may exist, but the truth is very small." Lu Yi said, "No matter what organization or person the killer came from, his relationship with Xiao Yifan and Li Qiuhan was not shallow. Ku Zhuzhai died of so many disciples along the way. Many of them were assassinated by the killer. I don’t believe that Xiao Yifan and Li Qiuhan don’t know."

"Maybe they are still accomplices?" Luluo interjected.

"They must be accomplices." Lu Yi said: "I told the killer first that he was an accomplice of Xiao Yifan and Li Qiuhan, he did not deny it, and..."

Lu Yi paused and asked Huang Wu, "When I said the last sentence, did you notice the killer's reaction?"

"The last sentence?" Lu Luo said: "Lu Gongzi, your last sentence said he was an idiot."

"Not this sentence."

"Say he has accomplices?"

"Yes." Lu Yi said with a smile: "I lied to him and said that his accomplice came and he turned his head to look back. What does this mean?"

Huang Wu was taken aback: "It shows that he really has an accomplice."

"Correct answer." Lu Yi said: "According to his reaction at the time, if there were no accomplices, he would never look back. It can be seen that he really has accomplices in it."

"These guys are not weak, and they are particularly good at assassinations. I'm afraid that many people will be unlucky." Lu Yi said.

Huang Wu looked solemn, and said bitterly: "The troubled times are coming, this group of people didn't think about how to deal with the troubled times, but they took the opportunity to make trouble. What a damn."

"That said, if you meet again, you have no objection if I kill them?" Lu Yi asked with a smile.

"No opinion." Huang Wu said coldly: "You kill it!"

Great, just wait for your words.

Lu Yi wanted to kill a long time ago.

But he is relatively cheap, and said to Huang Wu, "You know, I am kinder, soft in heart, and don't like killing..."

"Speaking!" Huang Wu interrupted him.

"Is there any benefit if I help you kill people?" Lu Yi asked with a smile.

"What does it mean to help me kill? You are doing this to maintain justice in the realm of cultivation, and it has nothing to do with me personally."

"How can it be said that it doesn't matter?" Lu Yi said: "You think, you are a member of the cultivation world, or the owner of the Mingyue Tower, you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders."

"You kill if you want to kill, you don't want to kill whatever." Huang Wu finished speaking, turned his head and left.

I go!

This woman has a personality!

"That's what you said, yes, if you encounter a killer again, I will let them go and let them kill the people who enter the tomb."

Huang Wu paused.

There is a play!

Lu Yi immediately added: "If Fairy Huang Wu gives me a little benefit, I can consider and help you kill them."

Huang Wu didn't turn his head back, and said coldly: "I still said that. You can kill or not. But if you dare not listen to me, I will tell everyone about your secrets."


Lu Yi suddenly froze, and said weakly, "Can you threaten me with another method?"

"No." The corners of Huang Wu's lips curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

"Okay! You fart, you are right." Lu Yi said, almost causing Huang Wu to fall on the spot, this dead hooligan, shameless!

The three of them walked forward.

Passing over a dozen mountains, a canyon appeared in front of it.

The entrance to the gorge is three meters wide, with towering cliffs on both sides, and there is no grass growing.

As soon as he stood in front of the canyon, Lu Yi felt an uneasy mood.

"Is there only one way?" Lu Yi asked.

"If you want to get the inheritance of the sword master, you must enter from here." Huang Wu said.

"Why do I feel uneasy?" Lu Yi asked.

"Your anxiety is correct." Huang Wu said, "Because this is Devil Valley."

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