The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1916: Treasure

The means of crossing the cliff at Xingkong Pavilion is very unusual.

They engraved the formations in the void, each of the formations appeared like a bright starry sky, and then stepped on the formations, like walking on the ground.

Seeing their actions, Lu Yi secretly regretted.

I knew that when I was in Longhu Mountain, I should study more formations, and I wouldn't be blocked by the cliff now.

"Hateful, if it wasn't for my inner strength, I would definitely help the sisters in the Star Sky Pavilion seek justice." Huang Wu gritted his teeth.

"I knew that the people of the Heavenly Sect were not good things, but I didn't expect them to be such a beast." Lu Luo was also angry.

"When I saw them earlier, I should kill them." Lu Yi said.

"The cultivation bases of the disciples of the Tiansha Sect are not weak, and I don't know if Senior Sister Li can beat them?" Huang Wu was worried, and said, "We have to find a way to pass it."

"Yes, how did you go there?" Lu Luo was also anxious.

Just at this moment, a few more figures quickly flashed over here, and after a while, they arrived at the edge of the cliff.

Those few people were all wearing Taoist robes, and they didn't say hello when they saw Huang Wu.

"Who are they?" Lu Yi asked.

"A disciple of the Seven Star Sect." Huang Wu said coldly: "A third-rate little school, attached to the Heavenly Sect, is not a good thing."

"Really?" A smile suddenly appeared in Lu Yi's eyes.

The disciple headed by the Seven Star Sect took out a white jade gourd. I didn't know what spell he had chanted. Suddenly, the white jade gourd suddenly became extremely big, and several disciples of the Seven Star Sect all sat on it.

"I knew that, I should also bring the flying treasure." Huang Wu regretted it.

"Owner, if you can use your inner strength, then you can summon Xiaofeng to take us over." Luluo said.

"It's okay. Although we don't have flying weapons, others have them." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he strode towards the Seven Star Sect disciples.

Several disciples of the Seven Star Sect had already sat on the white jade gourd and were about to fly across the cliff, when suddenly, a voice came from their ears.

"A few fellow daoists, please wait!" Lu Yi said with a fist and a smile.

"Who are you?"

"Fart, let go."

The disciple of the Seven Star Sect looked bad at Lu Yi.

"I'm a small person, that's the case. I want to discuss with you. We can't cross this cliff. Please give us a ride." Lu Yi said.

"Give you a ride?" The disciple of the Seven Star Sect glanced at Huang Wu and Luluo, his gaze fell on Lu Yi, disdainfully said: "What are you? Why should we pick you up?"

"Yes, why?"

"Brother, ignore him, let's go."

"Wait!" Lu Yi said again: "You guys don't take us seriously?"

"You're **** deaf, didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Little Vagrant!"

"Hahaha!" Lu Yi laughed for a while, and said: "Since these few are so unfeeling, then no one can blame me."


Lu Yi's figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"What about people?"

"What is that kid doing?"

Several disciples of the Seven Star Sect had a bad feeling.

"Who knows the origin of that kid?"

"Before entering the tomb, I saw him with Qi Tian, ​​the big disciple of Kuzhuzhai, and it seemed to have a relationship."

"Is he a disciple of Ku Zhuzhai?"

"Whoever he is, let's go!"

"Go? Where do you want to go?" Lu Yi's figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, standing in front of the white jade gourd, only two meters away from them.


"I asked a few people to take us a ride, but if you don't agree, then I have to use my means." Lu Yi said indifferently.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" a disciple of the Seven Star Sect asked.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yi smiled, "Killing!"

call out!

A sword aura shot out, piercing through the guy's head, and immediately, the guy fell from the white jade gourd.

"Do you dare to kill our disciples of the Seven Star Sect, don't you want to live?" Someone shouted the remaining disciples of the Seven Star Sect.

"Seven Star Sect? What is it? I haven't heard of it." Lu Yi finished speaking and started again.

The shot was clean and unrelenting.

Since the realm of cultivation respects the strong, there is no need to talk about kindness.

Of those people in the Seven Star Sect, only two were in the Huatian Realm cultivation base, and the others were in the other side realm, and they were not Lu Yi's opponents at all.

Lu Yi's moves were swift, and quickly killed four people, leaving only one fellow who transformed the world.

"My lord, please don't kill me, don't kill me..." The guy was already scared and knelt to beg for mercy.

"Why do you keep you?" Lu Yi said coldly.

"My lord, as long as you don't kill me, I can be a cow and a horse for you, I can..."

"You don't need to be a cow or a horse. Tell me, how do you use this gourd?" The reason why Lu Yi didn't kill this guy was because he saw that the guy in front of him took out the gourd.

"This..." Hesitation appeared on the guy's face.

call out!

A sword gas brushed his throat, leaving a blood stain.

"Give you one last chance and tell me how to use the gourd, otherwise, I will send you on the road now." Lu Yi's voice was full of murderous intent.

"I..." The guy raised his head, plucked up the courage to look at Lu Yi, and said, "My lord, did I say that you really wouldn't kill me?"

Obviously, he was afraid that Lu Yi would kill him after he told the gourd usage method.

"I have a good word, as long as you can say what I want, I will never kill you. The poster Mingyue can testify." Lu Yi pointed to Huang Wu not far away.

Huang Wu nodded slightly.

Fart testimony, you are all the same.

The disciple of Seven Star Sect cursed secretly in his heart, but now he was under the eaves and had to bow his head. He didn't dare to hesitate, afraid that Lu Yi would kill him, so he had to tell Lu Yi how to use the white jade gourd.

After Lu Yi got the usage method, he tried it twice and made sure that the guy didn't mess around, then he said to the disciple of the Seven Star Sect: "Our Kuzhuzhai people do what we say, you go!"

"Thank you, sir, thank you!" The guy ran away, secretly gritted his teeth, Ku Zhu Zhai, you will wait for me, and sooner or later I will find you to collect this blood debt.

"Lu Gongzi, why did you really let him go? You killed the Seven Star Sect. If he returns alive, he will definitely tell the story here." Huang Wu said anxiously.

"It's okay, he will count this blood debt on Ku Zhuzhai's head." Lu Yi smiled.

Huang Wu was taken aback, and then reacted. Just now, Lu Yi told the disciple of the Seven Star Sect that he was a disciple of Ku Zhuzhai, and he made it clear that he wanted Ku Zhuzhai to take the blame.

"Young Master Li, you are too bad." Huang Wu smiled.

Lu Yi looked at her blankly.

"Master Lu, is there anything on my face?" Huang Wu asked.

"No." Lu Yi looked serious, looked at Huang Wu and said, "You look good when you smile."

In an instant, Huang Wuqiao flushed.

"Okay." Lu Luo couldn't stand it, and said: "Owner, Lu Gongzi, let's get over the cliff as soon as possible!"


The three of them sat on the white jade gourd and flew across the cliff.

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