The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1919: Big secret

Huang Wu's heart beat faster and faster.

She felt that the temperature of her body was rising constantly, staying in Lu Yi's arms, the strong male scent puffed her nose, she suddenly felt an unclear feeling in her heart, as if she was eager for something, but what exactly it was, she again Unable to speak.

Lu Yi muttered the Heart-Clearing Mantra silently, suppressing the evil fire in his body, and then rushed forward quickly, and an amazing wave was opened in the sea of ​​fire.

Gradually, flowing magma began to appear in front.

Without slowing down, Lu Yi embraced Huang Wu and rushed forward unscrupulously. Because of the golden light protection, he was fearless.

"Huh, what is that?" Huang Wu suddenly said.

Following the direction of her finger, Lu Yi saw that there was a little blue light flashing and dimly tens of meters ahead, and he couldn't see exactly what it was.

After walking for dozens of steps, Lu Yi and Huang Wu realized that the distance of the blue light had not been close to them. The green light was a kilometer away.

"Could it be the magic medicine that grows in the sea of ​​fire?" Huang Wu said.

"Is there a magical medicine born in the sea of ​​flames?" Lu Yi asked.

"Yes. There was a record in the Mingyuelou classics, and there was more than one." Huang Wu replied.

Lu Yi became interested, and said with a smile: "Whatever it is, let's go over and see."

The two continued on.

Finally, it was only fifty meters away from the blue light. When the two of them saw it clearly, they were all dumbfounded.

"How is it a corpse?" Lu Yi asked in surprise.

What they saw now was not a magical medicine at all, but a three-foot-high skeleton, gleaming with blue light and exuding an icy chill.

It is strange to say that there is magma all around now, the temperature is terrifying, but the corpse is undamaged in the magma, and the strangest thing is that the corpse still exudes a cold chill.

Lu Yi and Huang Wu were standing fifty meters away, and they all felt it clearly.

"Who's corpse is here?" Lu Yi was surprised, and at the same time the eyebrows were full of vigilance, because he found that the corpse was not easy.

"After the death of a master in the Transformation Realm, the bones will be white and jade. After the death of the strong in the Longmen realm, the corpse will be black. Only the corpse of the strong in the gods will turn blue after death." Huang Wu said.

"You mean, this is the corpse of a strong man in the God-Sound Realm?" Lu Yi asked.

"It should be." Huang Wu frowned and said, "But it's weird. It's impossible for ordinary humans to grow so high, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless this person is not a human, he is an alien."

"Alien?" Lu Yi was even more surprised.

Huang Wu said: "The height of the alien race is higher than that of human beings, and the limbs are more developed."

"Why are the corpses of the foreign race here?" Lu Yi wondered.

Huang Wu shook his head, saying that he didn't understand.

Lu Yi thought for a while and said, "Let's go over and take a look."


The two approached the corpse cautiously. After approaching, they found a deadly sword mark on the chest of the corpse.

"It seems that he died in the hands of a kendo master." Huang Wudao.

"Will it be the master of this saint tomb?" Lu Yi asked.

"It's hard to tell." Huang Wu raised her head, and suddenly, she saw dense cyan light spots in front of her, her face changed, and she called Lu Yi: "Look at it."

Lu Yi looked forward, took a breath of air-conditioning, and said in shock, "Is it right? They are all the corpses of a strong man in the realm of God?"

"Let's take a look."

The two of them swiftly moved forward and checked. As Lu Yi said, these azure lights were all the corpses of the powerhouses of the God-Through the God Realm. They were all scarred sword marks, and they were all over three meters tall.

These corpses float in the magma, unsinkable.

"I just counted the corpses of more than three hundred strong gods." Huang Wu said in a deep voice.

"They all died under the sword. It seems that the same master killed them." Lu Yi said: "If my guess is correct, it should be the owner of the tomb of the saint who killed them."

"Isn't it said that the strong of the gods can't enter the tomb of the saint, why they will all die here?" Lu Yi puzzled.

"When they came here, Senior Sword Saint should not have died." Huang Wu said: "I agree with your guess, they should all have died under the sword of Senior Reincarnation Sword God."

"Reincarnation Sword Saint? The owner of this tomb?" Lu Yi asked.

"Yeah." Huang Wu nodded slightly, and said, "Senior Samsara Sword Sage was very powerful before his death. He was as famous as the Sword God of the Sword God Temple and the Invincible Sword God of the Shushan Sword Sect. At that time, the three great sword masters even joined forces to resist the alien race."

"Unfortunately, to this day, the Samsara Sword Saint has passed away, and the lonely and invincible senior is also missing." Huang Wu sighed.

"I have seen Dugu invincible." Lu Yi said.

Huang Wu was taken aback: "Where?"

"Shushan Sword Sect." Lu Yi said: "Shushan Sword Sect was destroyed by the Sword God Temple many years ago, and now there is only one person left alone."

"The Sword God Temple destroyed the Shushan Sword Sect? How could this be possible. If it is true, why is there no wind in the cultivation world?" Huang Wu was incredulous.

"I've been to the Shushan Sword Sect, and it has indeed been destroyed. It is now in dilapidated condition, and there are disciples of the Sword God Temple standing there. If it weren't for appearing alone and invincible that day, I'm afraid I would die." Lu Yi said.

"The Sword God Temple is so terrible that it actually destroyed the Shushan Sword Sect. I think back then, the Shushan Sword Sect was the number one Sword Sect in the world." Huang Wu was shocked.

"Okay, let's talk about it now!" Lu Yi pointed to the bodies of the powerhouses around the gods, and said in doubt: "I am very strange now, what are these powerhouses doing here?"

"Hundreds of supernatural powers from different races have died here. It's definitely not easy. Maybe there is some big secret." Huang Wu said.

"Let's go ahead and take a look." Lu Yi always felt that there must be something else ahead.

The two continued to move forward.

Wherever he passed, occasionally the corpse of a strong man in the God-passing realm would be seen.

The two walked ten kilometers.

Finally, a mountain of flames appeared ahead. The top of the mountain is only tens of meters high, with magma flowing on it, surrounded by raging fireworks.

It's strange to say that on the mountainside above the flames, there is an epiphany growing unexpectedly.

The epiphany is against the light green buds, the huge buds are matched with the huge leaves, but there is no clumsy feeling at all, and the contrast is a touch of elegance.

The petals are like light clouds and thin as paper, like carved glaze, exuding layers of divine light, looking very extraordinary.

The most amazing thing is that there is a white halo around the epiphany, covering the epiphany and blocking the flames outside.

A strong anger came out, and Lu Yi and Huang Wu suddenly felt the exhaustion of their bodies wiped out.

Both of them stared at Epiphany.

Lu Yi didn't notice, Huang Wu's eyes were shocked, joyful, and excited.

"Interesting, this epiphany grows here." Lu Yi smiled.

"I know why foreign masters come here." Huang Wu looked at Tan Hua and said, "They came for it."

"Is this a magical medicine?"

"Yes." Huang Wu nodded and said: "It is not only a magical medicine, but also one of the most mysterious magical medicines in the legend."

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