The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1922: War of saints

The dragon king's eyes fell cold, standing on the golden coffin, his whole person became more and more mysterious, and his body exuded a powerful emperor's majesty.

Ghost Sword Saint narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Senior Dragon Emperor, do you want to do something with the younger generation?"

"Tell me, how did Samsara die?" the Dragon Emperor asked.

"Haha, it's actually nothing. The Samsara Sword Saint has been guarding the flower of the two generations. I happened to know the news and passed the news to the alien. I didn't expect that the alien was so courageous, and sent hundreds of people to the pinnacle of the gods. The master came and besieged the Samsara Sword Saint."

"Samsara was killed by them?" Dragon King asked again.

"No." Ghost Sword Saint smiled, and said: "The waste of the foreign race, how could it be the opponent of Samsara Sword Saint, after killing these people, the Samsara Sword Saint is still unscathed, but he did not expect that I was in the dark. "

The Dragon Emperor's eyes were cold: "You attacked the Samsara Sword Saint?"

"No." Ghost Sword Saint shook his head.

"Who are you?"

"The Samsara Sword Saint is honored as the three major Sword Saints of the Human Race. Although I am at the same level as him, it is impossible to kill him. Therefore, I had to call the Sword God."

"It turns out that you and the Sword God joined forces to kill Samsara." The Dragon Emperor gritted his teeth and released a murderous aura.

"Senior Dragon King is wrong, he is the samurai sword master killed by the sword god." Ghost sword saint laughed and said, "I didn't make any shots from beginning to end. It's a pity that although the samurai sword saint is powerful, it is not the opponent of the sword **** after all. With a thousand moves, the Samsara Sword Saint will be defeated."

The Dragon Sovereign narrowed his eyes and wanted to destroy a sword saint within a thousand moves. Even if he was, he could only do it at his peak.

The most important thing is that this has been happening many years ago. The Sword God was so powerful back then. It is hard to guess what realm the Sword God's strength has reached now.

"Anyway, the death of reincarnation is related to you, and you still want to kill the person I like. Today, I can't spare you."

Facing the Dragon Emperor, the Ghost Sword Saint was not afraid, but he smiled and said: "Senior Dragon Emperor, do you want to do something to me? I advise you to think twice. The dragon clan is gone, and now there is only one person left. Don't seek a dead end."

"The dragon clan will not be destroyed as long as the emperor is still there." After the dragon emperor finished speaking, the phantom gradually turned into substance, revealing the face of an old man.

He wore a golden crown on his head, his face was majestic, and he was wearing a yellow robe with a dragon pattern. He was eight feet tall and stood there like a big mountain.

Before he took the shot, he already felt a strong killing.


The dragon emperor stepped a hundred miles, strong and domineering, as the lord of the dragon clan, with the majesty of swallowing mountains and rivers, he wanted to kill the ghost sword master.

A black gold long sword appeared in the hand of Ghost Sword Saint, and the sword released biting cold and earth-shattering murderous aura without flinching.

Obviously, he wanted to compete with Dragon Emperor.


Longhuang fist smashed down.

The Ghost Sword Saint stabbed the long sword in his hand and faced the dragon king's fist.

The Dragon Sovereign didn't dodge at all, a roar shook the world, his fist banged on the black sword, and the black sword was smashed to pieces on the spot.

"As expected to be the lord of the dragon race, the flesh is really invincible!" The Ghost Sword Saint stepped back a thousand miles and said with a smile: "However, I want to see how terrifying your flesh is."

call out!

With a flick of his finger, a sword air shot out.

"Humph!" The Dragon Emperor snorted coldly, and showed a pair of sharp golden dragon claws.


The dragon claws collided with the sword qi, sparks splashed, the sea of ​​fire split, and the magma broke directly and flew in all directions.

Their blow trembled the sky and the earth, like a spark bursting apart, very terrifying.

"It's interesting." Ghost Sword Saint's smile gradually disappeared, his face extremely cold.

His sword energy used to penetrate the body of the saint, but he did not expect to be easily blocked by the dragon king, which surprised him a little bit.

"call out!"

Ghost Sword Saint struck another sword aura, and at the same time, his figure quickly approached the Dragon Emperor, and in the blink of an eye, the two collided dozens of times.

But the Dragon Emperor stood on the golden coffin, motionless, the Ghost Sword Saint shot out 108 sword auras around him, but was shocked out, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

How could this be?

Ghost Sword Sage was shocked, and he suffered a lot from the first collision.

"It's no wonder that the Sword God is afraid of you, you are not easy." Ghost Sword Saint has deep eyes and a terrible sword power exudes from his body.

"You are not bad too, but unfortunately, you met me and you are doomed to die." Standing on the giant golden coffin, the Dragon Sovereign had a scornful light in his eyes.

Ghost Sword Saint's heart sank. He had heard Sword God talk about the terrible Dragon King before, but facing it alone today put him under a lot of pressure.

At the moment, he opened his arms and muttered words in his mouth. Suddenly, the surrounding flames and magma all gathered towards him.

Ghost Sword Saint's originally thin body quickly grew stronger, his body's strength continued to rise, and his strength became stronger.


Dragon Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's not stupid to use the essence of fire to improve cultivation."

After a long while, the Ghost Sword Saint roared, his powerful aura utterly extinguished the surrounding flames.


With a loud shout, he killed the Dragon Emperor. At the same time, he burst out from the center of his eyebrows with a dark sword, trying to fight the Dragon Emperor.


The Dragon King smashed out with a fist and collided with the divine sword, making a loud noise.

The two made their moves fiercely, without procrastination, and with deadly moves. Obviously, they wanted to tell the winner in the shortest time.

The two fought together, and the turbulent air current separated the sea of ​​flames, causing magma to fly around and smash it constantly.

Their unreserved sage power, fierce collision, and boundless horror made the sky tremble.

Sword Qi destroys the void and crushes everything.

However, the Dragon Emperor is more powerful. He has no weapons in his hand, so he smashes his fist towards the Ghost Sword Saint, like a meteor, swift and fierce.

From time to time, his hands will change into dragon claws, hitting the divine sword, making terrible sounds of metal crashing.

The black divine sword in the heart of Ghost Sword Saint's eyebrow is very extraordinary, allowing the Dragon Emperor to bombard it, but it is unscathed, but it has become more sharp.

"Let me see how strong you are!" The blood of the real dragon in the dragon emperor's body was constantly bombarding the black sword with his fists.


The Excalibur kept emitting sound waves like bells.


The Dragon Emperor's double fists flowed out of his fists, blasting three hundred and sixty fists in one breath, and then there was a huge explosion.


The black divine sword broke suddenly, turned into a black mist, dissipated in the air, and was instantly drowned in flames.


The Ghost Sword Saint's face changed drastically. This divine sword had been nurtured by him for a long time. It was his natal weapon. If he hadn't met the Dragon Emperor today, he would not have taken it out.

Unexpectedly, it shattered so quickly.

The most important thing is that he discovered that there is still a big gap between himself and the Dragon Emperor.


Suddenly, the sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the sky, and the mighty emperor's might erupted. The dragon king's eyes were as sharp as the blade of a knife, his yellow robe flew, and his body turned into a five-clawed dragon about a hundred meters long, sweeping towards the ghost sword master. Suppress the world.

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