The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1949: Panic

Of these two people, one was a foreigner, tall, with a pair of huge wings growing behind his back, just like the foreigner Lu Yi killed in the tomb.

Another person, seven feet tall, wrapped in a black cloak, wrapped himself tightly, only showing a pair of eyes outside.

It can be seen that he is very young.

"Young Master, why didn't you just take action?" the alien asked.

"I'm not sure," the young man said.

"No, you are not sure, Young Master?" The Inhuman Race was surprised.

"That kid is not easy."

"Hmph, if it weren't for him, everyone who entered the tomb would have died." The alien said dissatisfied.

"Don't you think this is very interesting, at least in the future, I will have one more opponent, and the road to sanctification will not be lonely." The young man laughed.

"But Young Master, that kid took the stone sword away."

A coldness appeared in the youth's eyes, and said: "What if I take it away, I have all my father's inheritance, and I will take it all back in the future."

"Well, let's go back!" said the young man.

"Yes!" The alien waved his arm, and a luminous round door appeared in front of them, and then the two walked in, and the aperture disappeared instantly.

The three of Lu Yi were in the teleportation array.

With eyes closed, there was a whistling wind in my ears.

"What happened to you just now? How did I feel murderous from you?" Huang Wu asked.

"I had a feeling just now, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at me in secret, but the strange thing is whether I saw anyone." Lu Yi replied.

"Lu Gongzi, I think you are overly nervous. If there are people, everyone will have discovered it a long time ago." Lu Luo said.


I don't know how long it took, a few people finally landed, opened their eyes, and there was a barren mountain in front of them.

"This is the site of Kuzhuzhai." Huang Wu observed and said.

"How far is it from Mingyue Tower?" Lu Yi asked.

"There are only 1.2 million kilometers left."

I'll stop, Lu Yi is speechless. Such a long distance can't be reached unless the teleportation array is used.

"Huang Wu, do you still have a teleportation formation?" Lu Yi asked.

"Yes." Huang Wu gave Lu Luo a look.

Luluo suddenly took out a lot of teleportation formations.

After taking a look at the small teleportation formations, Lu Yi shook his head and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Huang Wu asked.

"I wanted to save my brother, but now it seems that it is too late." Lu Yi said. He is now very worried about Qin Shubao's safety.

He was afraid that the things in the tomb would be known from the outside. Ku Zhuzhai and the Sword God Temple would act on Qin Shubao. If Qin Shubao's identity was revealed, it would be a big trouble.

"Don't worry, your senior brother Ji Ren has his own vision, and he will be fine." Huang Wu shook Lu Yi's hand and comforted.

"Lu Gongzi, the host, let's hurry back to Mingyue Tower, I'm afraid the Sword God Temple will trouble you." Lu Luo said.

"Yes, let's go back quickly, Ling Tian is dead, and the ancestor of the sky must be angry." Huang Wu also said.

"All right, I'll go to Mingyue Tower with you."

The three hurried again. On the way back to Mingyue Tower, Huang Wu asked Luluo to send a text message to her master, telling her master what happened in the tomb, so as to deal with it in advance.

Dongtu Shenzhou, the Temple of Sword.

On a sacred mountain by the sea.

Suddenly, a loud roar erupted, and the starry sky was buzzing and trembling, almost falling down, and then, a violent breath spread over the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor Volley appeared on the top of the mountain, disheveled.

"Kill my descendants, destroy my Dao body, don't kill Zhuzi, it's hard to dispel my only hatred!" The ancestor Volley was furious, his hands violently ripped the void, then jumped in and disappeared.

Everyone was shocked.

"What's wrong with the ancestor? Why is it so angry?"

"The ancestor just said that someone killed his descendants. Could it be that Junior Brother Ling Tian died?"

"Impossible. Junior Brother Ling Tian is a genius of our Sword God Temple and a descendant of our ancestors. Who dares to move him?"

"You didn't hear that the Dao body of the ancestor was destroyed?"

"Oh my god, isn't it a saint who made the shot!"

The disciples of the Sword God Temple talked a lot, and they all felt uneasy.

Exit from the tomb of the saints.

Most of the people from several major forces have already been withdrawn.

Qi Tian continued to track down the murderer who killed Kuzhuzhai's disciple. Only Qiongqi and a few disciples were left at the scene. Xiao Wuhen from the Sword God Temple took three or five disciples, the people of the Heavenly Evil Sect had completely withdrawn, and the fairy in Starry Sky Pavilion Yuyi was still there.

"How come no one has come out yet?" Fairy Yuyi said: "According to the schedule, Li Biyue and the others should have come out too!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ground shook suddenly, and everyone looked towards the exit, only to see Li Biyue coming out with the disciples of Xingkong Pavilion.

"It's Sister Li and the others!"

"I'm finally out." Li Biyue sighed, and then led the juniors, walked to Fairy Yuyi, bowed and said: "I have seen Senior Sister Yuyi."

"Have you got it?" Fairy Yuyi stared at Li Biyue with beautiful eyes, full of expectation.

Li Biyue shook her head, and said, "Biyue is incompetent and could not get the inheritance of the saint."

"Who got the inheritance?" Fairy Yuyi asked.

Li Biyue shook her head: "I don't know."

"I do not know what it meant?"

"Returning to Senior Sister, when we went, the inheritance was gone, only one sentence was seen."

"What is it?"

Li Biyue hesitated, and then said the sentence at the bottom of the coffin.

Fairy Yuyi sat on the treasure elephant and did not make a sound. After a while, he said: "So, Kuzhuzhai and the Sword Temple have not been inherited?"

"No." Li Biyue glanced around and asked: "Where are the people from the Tiansha Sect?"


"Huh! It's cheaper for them." Li Biyue was full of anger, and then told Fairy Yuyi about the murder of her junior sister in the tomb.

"Are you serious?" Fairy Yuyi was filled with a huge murderous intent, and immediately surprised Qiongqi and Xiao Wuhen in the distance.

"I have witnessed it with my own eyes. It is absolutely true." Li Biyue said, "The beasts of the Heavenly Sect Sect are truly utterly conscienceless."

"After I go back and report to Master, I will make plans." Fairy Yuyi finished speaking, and said to Xiao Wuhen and Qiongqi in the distance: "Two, goodbye."

"Farewell!" Qiongqi was carefree and didn't think much.

"Is the fairy leaving now?" Xiao Wuhen stood up, walked over, and asked, "All the disciples of the Starry Sky Pavilion have come out. I want to ask, why did the disciples of our Sword God Temple come out?"

"This one……"

Li Biyue didn't know how to answer for a while, and looked back at Fairy Yuyi.

Fairy Yuyi nodded slightly.

Li Biyue said: "Senior Brother Xiao, don't wait anymore!"

"What do you mean?"

"Senior Brother Ling Tian and the other senior brothers from the Sword God Temple all died in the tomb." Li Biyue's words were like a boring thunder, which made Xiao Wuhen almost fall to the ground, his face pale.

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