The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1956: Soul Slayer

As soon as a certain thought appeared in Lu Yi's mind, he saw Jin Yi Jin three two brothers hugging each other tightly in the air, and the two became one, face to face, mouth to mouth.

The picture is disgusting.

Rarely inappropriate.

Huang Wu and Lu Luo even covered their eyes.

"How come there are such kind of brothers." Luluo despised.

Gradually, I saw Jin San's two legs crossed Jin Yi's waist, and the picture was even more pitiful, and Lu Yi was dumbfounded.

"What kind of posture is this? Guanyin sitting on the lotus or hanging upside down with a golden hook?"

Even Lu Yi could not name the gesture.

Huang Wu and Lu Luo turned their heads away and stopped watching.

But at this moment, a black whirlwind suddenly appeared in the sky, hanging over Jin Yi Jin San's head like a huge curtain, protecting them in it.

Soon, Jin Yi and Jin San were back to back, their bodies merged completely.

One body, but two heads and four hands.

"What kind of effort is this?" Lu Yi's eyes almost fell out.

"I see!" Huang Wu said suddenly: "This skill is called three heads and six arms. If Jin Er is not injured by you, the three brothers should be able to fuse together."

"Three people are fused together, three people? I yeah." Lu Yi felt very sick.

If it were three beautiful women, it would be fine. It happened that it was three big men, the bodies were still fused together, could it not be sick?


There was a shock in the void, and a rolling black mist appeared on Jin Yi's Jin San's arm at the same time, gradually spreading around, the black mist was as heavy as a mountain, and it was very difficult for people to breathe under pressure.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to waste time with you."

After Lu Yi finished speaking, he shot.


The golden fist went straight forward.

Before he approached, the black whirlwind hanging over Jin Yi and their heads suddenly fell.


Lu Yi changed direction with his fist, hitting the whirlwind, he lifted the sky with one hand, only felt as heavy as a Yue, his arms trembled slightly when pressed.

At the same time, Jin Yi and Jin San were making seals quickly, constantly injecting strength into the whirlwind, and Lu Yi suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

"Hmph, I really underestimated you."

Lu Yi snorted coldly, with bright golden light in his hands, and then punched with both hands at the same time, all of a sudden, the whirlwind was swept away, and the void was shattered.

"Damn, what the **** is this kid, why is he so powerful?" Jin San asked in horror.

"It's definitely not easy for him to kill the king's body Lingtian. I didn't want to make a move at first because I was not sure to capture him. Sure enough, this kid is very strong." Jin said.

"Big brother, when is this? It's too late to say these. Now we have to find a way to capture this kid." Jin San said anxiously.

"It's a pity that the second child is injured, otherwise the three of us will fit together, and the three heads and six arms will be enough for this kid." Jin Yi sighed, looked at Lu Yi, there was a fierce light on his face, and said: "The third child, don't stay there. The kid is dead."

"What do you mean?"

"With the current strength of our joint efforts, even if we really capture that kid, one of us will definitely die. Didn't the great elder say that, as long as you bring people back, you can live or die."

"Big brother, you mean to kill him?"

"That's right." Jin Yi said: "Let's use the trick, kill him, and make a quick decision. Don't forget, the original poster Mingyue hasn't made any moves yet."

They didn't know that Huang Wu couldn't use inner strength, only knew that Huang Wu hadn't made a move until now, which was a great threat to them.

They were afraid that Huang Wu would interfere.

After all, Huang Wu is the original poster of Mingyue, and he has Phoenix blood on his body. Once he takes a shot, it is still unknown whether they can fight.

"Brother, I listen to you, we are quick to fight, it is best not to give Mingyue the opportunity to shoot." Jin San said.

"Yeah." Jin nodded a little.

Then, their bodies quickly rotated in the air, and then, the black mist gathered around them became denser and denser. After a while, a black big knife appeared in each of them.

The broad sword was several tens of feet long, and the murderous intent was released from it, even if it was 100 meters apart, Lu Yi felt cold all over.

"These two knives seem a bit interesting." Lu Yi said.

"That is not an ordinary knife, but a soul-killing knife." Huang Wu said.

"Soul Killer? Can it kill people's souls?"

"Yes." Huang Wu said: "This kind of knife can indeed kill people's souls. You have to be careful."

"Don't worry!" After Lu Yi finished speaking, he took a step twenty feet, and then, with a low growl, his arms shook, and he threw thirty-six punches in a row.


After he hit the last lap, the sky was dark fog rolling, and the two soul-killing knives turned into dust, which was smashed by his fist.


Jin Yi and Jin San vomited blood.

"Damn, who is he, how could his body be so powerful?" Jin San scolded.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought we had encountered an artifact." Jin Yi was also shocked and said, "This is the first time I have seen a person with such a powerful body."

"Big brother, shouldn't he be an alien?" Jin San said suddenly.

"Impossible." Jin Yi said: "Aliens have blood and deep feuds with our human races, and it is impossible to live in peace. If he is an alien, Huang Wu would not be with him anyway."

"Then who is he?"

"No matter who he is, kill him." After Jin Yi finished speaking, two soul-killing knives appeared in his and Jin San's hands.

However, this time the Soul Extinguishing Knife was even more terrifying than the previous one. It was about a hundred feet long. As soon as it appeared, the void was cut open, and the infiltrating aura permeated the world.

"I'm talking about you two, do you have any other skills? There is something to do with the same trick against me," Lu Yi said.

"Boy, you are crazy, we will kill you today." Jin San finished speaking and waved the knife in his hand.


The Soul Extinguishing Knife struck with lightning, and the chill was biting.


Lu Yi grabbed the blade with a single hand, his entire hand was like a dragon's claw, leaving a deep palm print on the soul-killing knife.

"Grass, it's still not human!" Jin San was shocked and angry.


Jin Yi also waved the Soul Extinguishing Knife and slashed it towards the top of Lu Yi's head.


Not only did Lu Yi not evade, but instead rushed forward, smashing seventy-two punches in succession, smashing the two soul-killing knives again.

Jin Yi and Jin San were separated and fell on the ground, their faces pale, and they kept vomiting blood in their mouths.

Lu Yi's toughness completely restrained them.

"The third child, take the second child, let's withdraw!" After Jin said, he turned and ran.

"Did I let you go?" After Lu Yi finished speaking, Xuanyuanjian jumped out of his eyes, with a sharp sound, the sword light drew out like a meteor.


With a scream, Jin Yi cut off on the spot, and the soul was destroyed.

Jin Yi was so frightened, he thumped and knelt on the ground, kowtow to Lu Yi: "Please spare my life, son."

"What's the use of keeping you!" Lu Yi finished, and was about to do it, but Huang Wu's voice came from his ear, "Wait a minute!"

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