The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1974: Kill again

Lu Yi and the others are still on the way.

"Master, you said that when I arrived at Fang's house, would it cause Fang's trouble?" Lu Yi was a little worried.

"Don't think so much. Before I came, the ancestor of the Fang family said that after letting me find you, he will take you back to the Fang family. He wants to see you." Lu Wushuang dressed in white and led the way.

"Fang family ancestor wants to see me? What are you doing?" Lu Yi wondered.

"I don't know." Lu Wushuang said, "The ancestor of the Fang family is very powerful. He broke through not long ago and has now entered the realm of the Saint King."

"Has the ancestor of the Fang family been promoted to the king of saints?" Huang Wu said in surprise: "Faster than my master can break through."

"Not only that, the Fang family has a lot of secret techniques. I have a feeling that although the ancestors of the Fang family are not as strong as the sword god, they can't be far behind." Lu Wushuang said, "So, as long as we get to the Fang family, whoever doesn't Long eyes come to trouble us, it's just a dead end."

Lu Yi felt at ease.

There is a powerful saint king, as long as the sword **** does not make a move, others are not afraid.


Suddenly, Luluo let out a painful cry.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Yi asked back.

"My feet are broken." Luluo's pitiful appearance was arousing affection.

"Master, Huang Wu, let's take a break!" After Lu Yi finished speaking, he walked quickly to help Luluo sit on the ground, and then treated Luluo.

It was cured in less than half a minute.

"Not bad!" Lu Yi admired: "On the way of medicine, you really are more talented than me."

"I'm not like you, Master, who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. If you focus on cultivating and don't touch other ways, I'm afraid you will become a saint." Lu Yi said with a smile.

"How is the Nine-turn Golden Body Finale?" Lu Wushuang was very concerned.

"It's the middle of the practice. It is estimated that in a few months, I will be able to break through to the fifteenth or sixteenth rank." Lu Yi said.

"Come on. When there is a chance, I will get back the first part for you." Lu Wushuang said: "As long as you complete the Nine Turns Golden Body Judgment practice, you can become a saint and fight the sword **** at that time. Even if you want to win, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

"Yeah." Lu Yi nodded, took out some snacks and yogurt from the space ring, distributed them to everyone, and released the sable.

This guy hasn't seen him for a while, he's already fat, and he has big round eyes, cute and cute.

Everyone was resting and eating, Lu Yi told Lu Wushuang all the things that happened after entering the realm of cultivation.

Lu Wushuang's expression was calm. When he heard that Lu Yi and Qin Shubao had killed Lianpo Kuzhuzhai City, Feng Yixue and others, and won the Primordial Golden Lotus, a smile appeared on their faces.

"Good job! The realm of comprehension is a world where the weak eat the strong, and the strong respects the strong. Not causing trouble does not mean being afraid. As for Kuzhuzhai's waste, kill it!"

"By the way, that Qin Shubao you were from the underworld?" Lu Wushuang asked.


"As far as I know, the underground palace seems to have been destroyed many years ago." Lu Wushuang said.

"Yes." Huang Wu interjected: "The underground palace was once very powerful, but it was later destroyed by the Sword God Temple, and the Sword God himself shot it."

Huang Wu went on to say: "But they didn't die. I was a little surprised. The reputation of the underworld in the cultivation world was not very good."

"No matter what others think, Lao Qin helped me. He is my brother." Lu Yi is such a person, as long as he is a brother he identifies, no matter what others think, he will not care.

"Yeah." Lu Wushuang nodded and said, "After returning to Fang's house, I will ask the ancestor, he should know more about the underground palace."

Several people were talking. Suddenly, a ray of murderous intent rose up from Lu Wushuang's body, then stood up and turned around.

His face was cold.

Lu Yi and Huang Wu stood up and turned to look around.

I saw a group of people walking towards this side quickly, with a murderous aura.

"It's a member of the Heavenly Sect." Huang Wu said.

"They came too. It seems that your killing of the disciple of the Heavenly Sect in the tomb of the saint has been exposed." Huang Wu said.

"It's okay! The big deal will kill a few more." Lu Yi sneered.

He had already seen that of the seven opponents, four of them were Transformation Realm, and three were Longmen Realm.

Not to mention that there is Lu Wushuang by his side now, even if not, Lu Yi is not afraid.

"The kid surnamed Lu, you killed my sect disciple in the tomb of the saint. Brother Ren sent us to arrest you. If you know him, please go back with us."

After the disciples of the Tiansha Sect walked over, the leader shouted to Lu Yi.

"Stupid-force!" Lu Yi cursed, then rushed out and started directly, he didn't even have the desire to talk to this gang.

"court death!"

Seeing Lu Yi rushing over, the disciple headed by the Tiansha Sect coldly snorted, then sacrificed the magic weapon and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

Suddenly, everyone rushed towards Lu Yi together.

The war broke out.

There are magic weapons everywhere in the sky, and murderous aura is permeated.

Those guys from Tiansha Sect were a killer move, and they didn't want to give Lu Yi any chance to survive.

At this moment, Lu Yi was indomitable, and all kinds of tricks were used by him, because he had Lu Wushuang put him down, and he had no worries.


One punch blasted a guy to death, and then Xuanyuanjian jumped out of his eyes by surprise, and slashed towards the nearest Dragon Gate realm master.


The void shook. When the Dragon Gate realm master saw the long sword slaying over, he was about to shift his shape, but suddenly realized that he couldn't move his body.

"what happened……"


Xuanyuan Jian was cut down, and his soul was destroyed.

Then, Lu Yi was even more brutal.

Directly sacrificed the ultimate trump card-Tai Chi Yin Yang Jian Yi.

A dense array of sword intents appeared on the surface of his body. These sword intents were no more than an inch long, like fish swimming in the water.

In an instant, between heaven and earth, a sharp sword aura was flooded.

Numerous sword qi formed a Yin-Yang Tai Chi behind Lu Yi. Lu Yi stood in the air with a shining golden light. At this moment, he seemed to be the master of the heavens and the world.

on the ground.

Lu Wushuang's eyes lit up, and a pleased smile appeared on his face.

After offering the Tai Chi Yin and Yang sword intent, Lu Yi did not rush to do it, but used the Xuanyuan sword to unlock the power of the sword domain.

The group of Tianshazong immediately found that their bodies were imprisoned and could no longer move, and Lu Yi's aura became stronger and stronger.

"what happened?"

"That kid will be evil!"

"What did you do to us?" someone yelled.

"Everyone, after you die, please remember to give you the dream of the head teacher of Tiansha Sect, and say that I, Lu Yi, killed you." Lu Yi showed a cold smile on his face.

"You can't kill us, we came to you on the orders of senior brother..."

"Let's get on the road!" Lu Yi finished, making a strong move.




The place was overwhelmed by the fierce sword energy, the void shattered, the blood rained, and the three swords fell. The remaining few people did not even have time to scream, and died.

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