The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1992: Shocking

how can that be!

Not only Sun Laojiu, but even Gu Changsheng and Wuji Demon Venerable were extremely shocked at this moment.

You know, for so long in the realm of cultivation, the saint king has been a rare existence, and even the head teacher of Ku Zhuzhai is attacking this realm in retreat.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Fang family had already been promoted to the king of saints.

The bodies of the three saints were cold and their colors changed.

"You lie to me!" Sun Laojiu scolded.

"I said that you are stupid, and you still like to be smart." Fang family ancestor said: "You slaughtered millions of people in Central China. Today, I will take holy blood to pay tribute to their spirit in heaven."

"The ancestor killed them."

"Don't let them go."

"Those who offend me in Zhongzhou will be killed without pardon!"

On the ground, the Fang family disciples shouted angrily. At this moment when they knew the realm of the Fang family ancestors, their morale skyrocketed, and they no longer had the fear they had before.

It turned out that the ancestors had been hiding the cultivation base in order to catch them all.

Gu Changsheng's eyes flickered a few times, and then he said politely: "Brother Fang, we had the fault first for today's matter. We Kuzhuzhai are willing to pay compensation. We only hope that this matter will stop here, and that Brother Fang will not go into details. "

He didn't want to fight with a saint king. In order to save himself, he changed his previous murderous aura and began to seek peace.

"Compensation? What compensation are you going to use? Is your life?" The ancestor of the Fang family was expressionless.

Gu Changsheng's face became stiff, and then he said, "Brother Fang is promoted to the King of Saints. It is a gratifying thing. To congratulate Brother Fang on his cultivation, and to make up for our mistake this time, I can promise to compensate you. Wanjin, I will give you ten cities."

"Senior Brother..." Sun Laojiu was shocked, but he wanted to speak but stopped with a harsher look in his eyes than Gu Changsheng.

"A million catties of spirit stones, ten cities, you are really willing." The ancestor of the Fang family said: "It's just that the people of Zhongzhou have already died less than one thing. What use do I need to have spirit stones and cities?"

"Then what do you want? Say it, if Kuzhuzhai can't satisfy you, my Heavenly Evil Sect can satisfy you." Wuji Demon Venerable said.

He didn't want to fight with the ancestors of the Fang family. After all, the other party was a saint king.

"You can really satisfy me with what I want." Fang family ancestor said.


"Your life." The ancestor of the Fang family looked cold, and said: "My Fang family is a puppet, not to cause trouble, but not afraid of trouble, today you slaughter creatures, break my city, and want to destroy my Fang family, only yours Life can satisfy me."

"Brother Fang, although your realm is higher than ours, please don't be aggressive. In any case, the lives of dozens of masters and the old eight are enough to comfort the dead people." Gu Changsheng said. .

"Not enough! Only a saint, how can it be enough?" The ancestor of the Fang family looked cold and said: "If I were not the king of saints, you would definitely leave the chickens and dogs killed in Zhongzhou. Now you see that my realm is higher than you. Is it a bit ironic to start seeking peace again?"

"Old things, I advise you to get to know each other better." Sun Laojiu stood in the void with his hands on his hips and shouted, "Don't think that you have been promoted to the King of Saints. We are afraid of you. The three of us will join hands. You can’t kill the Saint King. And, even if you kill us, don’t forget, there are still two great forces behind us. Do you want to be an enemy of Kuzhuzhai Tiansha Sect?"

The ancestor of the Fang family raised his head and stared at Sun Laojiu. After watching for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Do you know who is the easiest to die? It's the talker."


After finishing talking, the ancestor of the Fang family took the initiative to launch an attack. He no longer retains his strength at the moment, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning, violent, no one can stop him.

"Hurry up and don't confront each other." Gu Changsheng shouted.

However, the ancestor of the Fang family was too fast, he reached in front of the three saints in an instant, and then launched a fierce attack.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Fang family could not see any mysterious and ethereal aura, only the unmatched domineering, swallowing mountains and rivers, invincible.

Crossing his hands, he drew an inexplicable trajectory, and then in the void, he evolved into a spear.

"call out!"

The spear pierced forward, as if cutting through the heavens and worlds, and reached Sun Laojiu's front in an instant.

"Senior Brother Seven, save me..."

Sun Laojiu yelled, but neither Gu Changsheng nor Wuji Demon Venerable saved him. Instead, they took advantage of this moment to flee into the distance.

"Brother Fang, forgive me..."


Before Sun Laojiu finished speaking, the long spear in the hands of the ancestor of the Fang family pierced his head, and then his body was shattered, and a large amount of blood was scattered.

The strange thing is that Sun Laojiu died, and there was no blood rain in the sky.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yi asked.

"The ancestor planted the God-killing formation, isolating all qi. Heaven has not found the saint's fall. When the God-killing formation is withdrawn, the vision will naturally appear." Lu Wushuang said.

That's it.


Gu Changsheng and Wuji Demon Venerable fled in a hurry. What scared them the most was that they were blocked by the immortal formation.

They set up this large formation originally to prevent the Fang family ancestors from escaping, but they did not expect that at this moment they actually blocked their way.

"Hurry up and break the formation." The Promise Demon Venerable shouted at Gu Changsheng.

He was almost mad.

Gu Changsheng gritted his teeth, bit off the tip of his tongue, and spouted blood, trying to break the formation quickly.

At this time, the ancestor of the Fang family had already arrived in front of the Promise Demon Venerable.

"Brother Fang, please be merciful, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in recent days..."

The ancestor of the Fang family didn't listen to the words of the Promise Demon Venerable. The Tongtian Tower appeared above his head, and its majesty shocked the eternal ages.


The Tongtian Tower fell, shaking the Wuji Demon Venerable to death, and saw the body of the Wuji Demon Venerable turned into a blood mist, and his soul was scattered.


Gu Changsheng finally broke through the trapped immortal formation he had laid, and then fled into the distance.

"Do you think you can leave?" The ancestor of the Fang family sneered: "You can break through the sleepy immortal formation you set up, but you can't break through my god-killing formation."

Gu Changsheng didn't say anything, and ran away desperately.

He has a chance to survive now only if he escapes.

The ancestor of the Fang family walked in the void, with the Tongtian Tower hanging above his head, holding a spear of spiritual power evolution in his right hand, and walking forward step by step.


With every step he fell, there would be huge vibrations between the sky and the earth.

When Gu Changsheng arrived in front of the God Killing Formation, he did not hesitate at all and broke the formation quickly, but no matter what method he used, he couldn't break it.

"Old stuff, I fought with you!" Gu Changsheng turned around abruptly.

"call out!"

A sharp howling sounded through the sky, and the ancestor Fang family threw the spear in his hand, pierced the center of his eyebrows, and nailed Gu Changsheng into the void.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor of the Fang family waved his hand and withdrew from the God Killing Formation. Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, the wind and wind screamed, and the blood and rain continued to rain.

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