The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1996: Guardian asks for help

The black robe old man was even more confused.

"What do you want the spirit stone for?"

"The Promise Demon Venerable killed so many people in Zhongzhou, I need to make up for it." Fang family ancestor said with a flushed face.

"But Wuji has already defected from Tiansha Sect. What does he do to me?" said the old black robe.

He thought about it, no matter what the Fang family ancestor used, he would put aside the Promise Demon Venerable from the Tiansha Sect, so that the Fang family ancestor would have nothing to do with him.

"I'll just ask, is the Promise Demon Venerable a member of your Tiansha Sect?"

"Yes... No." Hei Pao shook his head and said: "He used to be, now he is not."

"I don't care if it is now or not, in short, he used to be." The ancestor of the Fang family turned cold and said: "I don't want too much, only three million spiritual stones. You pay me, I will leave immediately, otherwise , I demolished your Heavenly Sect Sect today."

"Brother Fang, you are unreasonable. Doing this makes me very embarrassed, okay?" The black robe old man took a look at the ancestor of the Fang family and said with a smile: "I know you are a saint, but Brother Fang Don’t forget, this is the headquarters of my Heavenly Sect, but I’m not the only saint. If you want to take it, I’m afraid it won’t work."

"Really?" Fang family ancestor said: "I dare to come here, not afraid of anything, if you don't believe it, you try?"

"If this is the case, then just ask Brother Fang for two tricks. I haven't seen it for many years. I don't know how diligently Brother Fang is in his cultivation?" The old man in black robed his hands and said, "Please enlighten me!"


The ancestors of the Fang family no longer constrained, and the violent aura suddenly dispersed, the tables and chairs around the hall were torn apart, and the huge Shengwei filled.

Heipao old man suddenly felt like a lamb. He was stared at by a hungry wolf, and his body was cold. The most important thing was that the breath of the Fang family ancestor made him difficult to breathe.

As for Qi Tian, ​​he had already bowed down on the ground.

"You, have you been promoted to that level?" The black robe old man asked with horror on his face.

"Don't you want to ask me for advice? Stop the ink, do it quickly." Fang Jia's ancestor finished speaking, and then offered the Tongtian Pagoda.


The Tongtian Pagoda was held in the palm of the Fang family's ancestor, and his body was covered with divine light, making him look like a heavenly king descending from the immortal realm, with great momentum.

The black robe old man's face was gloomy, and he stood still.

"What are you still hesitating? Don't you want to ask me for advice? Let's do it!" Fang Jia's ancestor went hunting and didn't put the black robe old man in his eyes.

The black robe old man hesitated.

If he fights, he is not at all sure, after all, the opponent is the Saint King, and his realm is higher than him. If he doesn't fight, he feels very shameless. After all, he asked the other party for advice.

How to do?

After thinking about it, the black robe old man soon had an idea, and he still didn't fight. After all, for him, life is the most important thing.

"Brother Fang, listen to me..."


As soon as the old man Heipao spoke, the ancestor of the Fang family took a shot, swept over with a slap, and flew the old man Heipao more than ten meters away.

The black robe old man never expected the Fang family ancestor to take action, so that he was unprepared and was easily slapped away by the Fang family ancestor.

However, the ancestor of the Fang family had a good grasp of his strength. He didn't hit the black robe old man seriously, but let the black robe old man feel the power of the saint king.

The black robe old man got up from the ground, horrified.

Is this the power of the Saint King? The saint could not stop it at all.

"Hun Kun, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, give me the Lingshi, and I will leave immediately, otherwise...huh, you know the consequences."

The ancestor of the Fang family was cold and threatening.

"Brother Fang, don't get angry. Isn't it the spirit stone? I'll give it to you right away." The black robe old man swept away the gloom on his face, said with a smile, then took out a space ring and handed it to the ancestor of the Fang family. Said: "There are five million spiritual stones in it, and two million of them are my congratulations to Brother Fang for being promoted."

"Count you acquaintance." The ancestor of the Fang family snorted coldly, turned and walked out of the hall, then tore the void and left here.

Heipao old man stared at the direction where Fang family ancestor left, his face gradually darkened, and then murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Master!" Ren Xiaoyao stood up from the ground.

"Hey!" The black robe old man suddenly turned around, slapped Ren Xiaoyao in the face, slapped Ren Xiaoyao into the air, and cursed: "It's useless to kneel down on the Fang family's old man. It really lost my face. ."

Ren Xiaoyao endured the pain, lowered his head and said nothing, feeling aggrieved, and secretly said: "I'm just a realm of the gods, and naturally can't resist the pressure of the saint king, blame me for doing something.

But this kind of grievance can only be held in his heart and cannot be said, otherwise, he will be punished more severely.

The black robe old man then looked at the door of the hall again, and muttered: "The old Fang family dare to come here to blackmail, presumably Ku Zhuzhai has suffered a heavy loss this time."

"But I really didn't expect that the old Fang family would take one step faster and be promoted to the king of saints. It seems that I have to work harder, otherwise I will always be treated as a soft persimmon."

The black robe old man's complexion changed, and finally he ordered Ren Xiaoyao: "Give you fifteen days and find me ten thousand virgins."

Ren Xiaoyao raised his head and said anxiously: "Master, didn't you give me a month before? Why has it become fifteen days?"

"Why, you can't do it?" The black robe old man fixed his eyes on Ren Xiaoyao, cold like a poisonous snake.

Ren Xiaoyao trembled all over, gritted his teeth and said: "The disciple will definitely not disappoint Master."

"Very good." The black robe old man flicked his long sleeves and walked towards the practice room.

In the hall.

Only after the black robe old man disappeared for a long time, Ren Xiaoyao raised his head, clenched his fist, and gritted his teeth in a low voice: "Sooner or later, I will make you an old thing worse than dead."


Zhongzhou Fangjia.

All the disciples are busy doing the aftermath work.

Lu Yi and Lu Wushuang stood by the lake side by side.

"Ku Zhuzhai has lost dozens of powerful gods and three saints this time, and his vitality is greatly injured, I am afraid that we will not trouble us in a short time." Lu Wushuang asked: "What are your plans next?"

"The crisis has been eliminated. Next, I am ready to cultivate and improve my cultivation level. I will have confidence in the face of troubled times in the future," Lu Yi said.

Lu Wushuang said nothing.

"Does Master have better suggestions?" Lu Yi asked.

Lu Wushuang said, "I suggest you return to the secular world first."

"Go back?" Lu Yi was surprised.

"Yeah." Lu Wushuang said: "The Guardian encountered a little trouble in the secular world. Some time ago, he sent a letter asking for help. At that time, the ancestor was busy dealing with Ku Zhuzhai, so he didn't take care of it. I guess when the ancestor came back, he too Same meaning."

"The Guardian is in trouble? What trouble?" Lu Yi was puzzled. In the secular world, who else could ask the Guardian for help?

"Let's talk about it when the ancestor comes back!" Lu Wushuang had just finished speaking, with a clear bird cry from the sky, through the golden cracked stone, a Zhu Luan flew over here.

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