The only female of one of the three imperial envoys, a very charming and seductive woman, followed the fat man's voice, "Brand, don't underestimate the enemy! After all, the enemy is the most famous killer group in the imperial capital, the night attack. A member of , and also a Tegu envoy. If you underestimate the enemy, you will die... and if you want to have a good time, my little sister is willing to spend a pleasant night with you..."

According to the words of Maine and Leona, this woman has a bitch-like look on her face, and she looks more like a young lady than the young ladies in those entertainment venues in the imperial capital.But looking at the aura emanating from her body, Leona, with her excellent intuition, instinctively felt that she was not simple.

The last Tegu envoy was a middle-aged man in an imperial uniform, about [-] meters tall, standing there without saying a word, staring at Leona and Maine, as if they would just move a little bit. Ushered in his violent blow.

Immediately afterward, a large group of elite soldiers of the Empire surrounded them with muskets. They did not dare to sweat profusely, watching the upcoming Teigu battle with great anticipation and fear.

The atmosphere was depressing, and Leona clearly felt that Maine was nervous.Although she knew that the more dangerous Maine was, the stronger her power would be, but it would not be good if she was too nervous and made mistakes in the next battle.

So she immediately said, "Maine, it seems we have fallen into a trap."

"Yeah...but I'll kill them all!" Maine gritted her teeth slightly and stared at the coquettish woman. Her intuition also told her that the woman was the most powerful of the three emperors.

"I welcome you two beauties to kill me on the bed." The tall and fat Brant smiled with a [prostitution] face, and then said: "Of course, Maria, come and join them. How about making me happy?"

"Oops? You actually want to play one dragon and three phoenixes, I don't..." The seductive woman who was called Maria by Fatty Brandt was halfway through her words, and then rolled to the right in a low voice alertly, "Bang" ' A loud bang, a powerful energy wave just hit the place where she just stood.

Maria looked at the place where she was standing just now with some happiness, which has now been blasted into a hole, a deep hole.If she didn't dodge just now, she would have been killed by a sudden pumpkin cannon from Maine.

"The king of beasts!"

After Maine attacked, Leona didn't talk nonsense, and completed the transformation very simply, turning into a beast-eared girl with golden beast pupils and beast ears, and a half-meter-long terrifying beast claws appeared in her hands. Incomparably fast speed rushed towards the fat man.

"Hey! Do you want to have a good time with my brother so soon?" Fatty said with a [obscene] smile, but his face changed quickly, because the shape of Leona, who had completed the transformation, had disappeared before his eyes. , he immediately folded his hands and shouted: "Fat chariot!"

With a loud 'bang' sound, the fat man Brant, who had a big ball over a small ball, turned into a big, round [meat] ball, crushing it in the direction of Maine.

And just when he was halfway toward Maine, Leona, who was not caught by the fast fat man's eyes, reappeared in his path, and shouted angrily: "Fat man get away!" Then her sharp claws I grabbed the big [meat] ball that rolled over.

A few 'squeaks' sounds that made one's skin goosebumps sounded, and Leona felt as if her sharp claws had caught a large leather ball that could not slip away. The claws that could cut through the boulders of trees could not hurt. to the fat man.

Immediately afterwards, Maria's smiling voice, who had just avoided Maine's pumpkin cannon, echoed behind her, but she went past her to attack Maine directly.

"Little sister, it's not good to shoot guns indiscriminately. You scared my sister and me just now!"

Maria has also completed the transformation, and now she has changed from a coquettish woman to a monster with a long tail and scales, half human and half snake.Her Teigu turned out to be somewhat similar to Leona, except that Leona was transformed into a lion king, but she seemed to be a python or something.

"So if my sister ate you, it will be regarded as compensation for scaring my sister just now!" Maria, who turned into a half-human, half-snake, appeared behind Maine and directly twisted the long snake body towards Maine. Roll away, once Maine is caught by her, the ending will definitely be the same as those small animals caught by pythons in the Amazon jungle.

"You dare!" Leona shouted angrily and wanted to rush over, but the middle-aged soldier blocked her way, followed by the fat man who was rolling over.

Maine can only rely on herself now!

Chapter 162 Thirty-six strategies are the best!

Facing the real femme fatale Maria's python state attack, Maine looks dangerous but is not as scary as it looks on the surface.

Because unlike Leona's strengthening of physical fitness from Modi, the strengthening obtained by Maine is on the other hand.

Just as Leona discovered the effect of Modi's X liquid, although Maine was a little uncertain, she was also a girl who was loved by Modi, and she was not less irrigated when she served Modi with Leona...

Therefore, Maine's strengthening is not to strengthen her physical fitness, but to strengthen another aspect that can make her pumpkin emperor more powerful in combat, that is, intuition!

There is nothing wrong with her intuition during battle. Although the ability strengthened by Maine is not as perverted as Modi's Alaya, but this ability allows her to rely on her intuition to avoid enemy attacks during battle. You can attack enemies directly by intuition.

[A girl's sixth sense]: The power from the bondage of her lover makes the girl have a fighting instinct that ordinary people do not have! (Passive effect: combat status perception automatically increases by 100.)

Maria, who was half-human and half-snake, attacked with her snake body at the moment when she was about to roll into Maine. Maine, who was holding the pumpkin emperor, suddenly jumped back incredulously, as if she wanted to go to Maria's python. She jumped on top of her body as if she was swept away.

But it’s such a coincidence. Originally, even if you go to the front, you will be caught. Maine, who will still be caught if you go to the left or right, jumps back like a death, and escapes Marin by the slightest. Leah's python-shaped curling attack even stepped on Maria's snake, and she landed on the ground after a beautiful [-]-degree backflip.

"You look so disgusting and dare to call yourself a sister and eat a pumpkin cannonball from me!"

Maine, who landed steadily on the ground, gave a snort, and the Romantic Fort [Pumpkin] was lifted by her and launched a huge energy cannonball at Maria without looking at it.

This time Maria was a little stunned because of Maine's miraculous dodge, and she didn't have time to dodge.

As a result, with a 'bang', her huge snake body ate a cannonball from Maine very simply.

The bright red blood flowed out, and Maria was injured!

However, before Maine could rejoice, her face changed, because she found that the wound on Maria's snake body that she had smashed a big hole in her body quickly congealed, and some white granulation buds grew rapidly, at a speed visible to the naked eye. Heal quickly.

"It seems to be a bit like Leona's emperor. Are these types of emperors unbeatable Xiaoqiang..." Maine complained, and then jumped to the left when she was alert, but it was Maria She swung again with her huge snake body.

"Hey... it hurts my elder sister so much! My elder sister wants to eat you even more now!"

After Maria failed to attack again, the severe pain drove her crazy. You must know that she has been hanging all kinds of ordinary people in the past, but this is the first time she has fought against the Emperor.So after becoming a Tegu envoy, this was also the first time she was injured, and the first time she felt the pain she had inflicted on ordinary people before.

Her favorite thing to do in the past is actually very simple, which is to wrap up the enemy with her body and trap it.If it is a woman, kill it directly and then cook it and eat it. If it is a man, she will give him an [aphrodisiac] medicine, so that the male enemy can [mating] with her in a half-snake and half-human state before death, [mating] When the match is completed in the opponent's [climax] tide, he digs out the opponent's heart and eats it...

Therefore, Maria has always had a title in the imperial military called "Deadly Viper Beauty". Although she is beautiful and charming, no normal man dares to provoke her.

Now she was injured for the first time, and it was the severe pain that Ma Yin smashed a hole in her body. Although there was no danger to her life, it was enough to make her mad.

"Go to hell! Little sister!" Maria completely completed her transformation, turning into a dangerous boa constrictor as thick as a water tank with a length of more than ten meters, rushing towards Maine violently.

Maine let out a 'hum', relying on the powerful perception skill of [Girl's Sixth Sense] to easily dodge Maria's seemingly terrifying attacks, but in fact, she couldn't hit her at all, and would occasionally give her attacks. Maria comes with a pumpkin cannonball and adds some more wounds to Maria's body...

Compared to Maine's seemingly dangerous but easy battle, Leona's side is more dangerous.

However, Leona, who had encountered such a dangerous battle for the first time since being strengthened by Modi, was enjoying the [sense] of the battle extremely!

You must know that Leona used to be a good fighter in the past, and after becoming a Teigu envoy, she became a fighter in close quarters.Now facing the attack of Tegu Motro [Fat Chariot] and another unnamed middle-aged soldier's sword Tegu, Leona has maximized her potential!

She evaded the enemy's attack with a speed and strength unmatched by ordinary people. From time to time, she would kick the big [meat] ball rolling towards her inconceivably, and then slapped the middle-aged soldier's big sword with another claws. Push him back.Leona, who was one against two, did not fall behind for a while.

Just like Maine, she has no way to inflict fatal damage on her enemies, and the battle has become a stalemate like Maine.

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