"The chairman of Laichan High School is also surnamed Sibo, he is my father! My name is Sibo Dada," said Long Aotian, who was surnamed Sibo and named Dada.

"Then what?" Modi thought to himself that there is no such thing in the original book, where did this stuff come from?

Spodada was irritated by Modi's performance and attitude, and he said loudly: "Then I order you to leave this position immediately! Because how can a trash student like you sit with a senior student like Tobiichi Origami. Together! A student like Tobiichi Origami who is excellent in academics, only someone like me can sit next to him!"

His voice was so loud that everyone in the class heard it and looked over in surprise.

Tonomachi Hiroto, who lowered his head and was chatting with his 98th girlfriend about when to have a baby, also raised his head and saw the angry little cock-like expression of Spodada staring at Modi with a fierce expression.Tonomachi Hiroshi, who thought the other party wanted to fight, immediately stood up, came behind Modi and shouted, "What? Who are you? Do you want to fight! I'm not afraid of you, sir!"

Tonomachi Hiroshi This is purely a natural reaction. He and Modi are also classmates in junior high and high school, and their relationship is still very good.

Yuan Yi Origami looked at Sibo Dada with a disgusted and strange expression on his face. If Modi hadn't been in front of him, it would have been estimated that this uncle Long Aotian would have been kicked out by Yuan Yi Origami.

So what will Modi do?


[PS: I spoofed a male protagonist in Long Aotian and a certain demon who made me uncomfortable.But I shouldn't have seen much, I haven't seen it.But I heard in the post bar and the forum that this is a guy who is slaughtering the United States every day and defeating Chinese imperialism in various poses, so I couldn't help but drag him in and abuse him. 】

Chapter 6 This is, English?

Tobiichi Origami and Tonomachi Hiroshi were very angry and disgusted with this Spo Dada, but Modi still had a smile on his face, because he hadn't experienced such a feeling of jealousy among young people for many years.

Shibo Dada is the son of the school chairman, and his grades are second only to Tobiichi Origami.It is estimated that such an eldest young master who grew up in a greenhouse will become the current Long Aotian.

"My grades in this class are the best except Tobiichi Origami! Good students should sit with good students so that they can progress further in their studies!" Sibo Dada looked at Modi proudly, the corner of his mouth already With a hint of disdain, "What about you? I've never seen you on the front of the school's score list, and I don't think your score is much better!"

"Tsk tsk, what does it matter to us that your grades are good? And why can you sit next to Tobiichi Origami when you study well?" Tonomachi Hiroto was very dissatisfied with Shibo Dada's expression.

Modi smiled, but he suddenly didn't want to use violence for a while.Because he felt that the most confident thing about Sibo Dada was his family background, and the rest was his grades.

Family background or something has absolutely no effect on Modi, and it is not obtained by Spodada's own ability.

So the best way to hit him is naturally the most effective from this aspect.

"Well... since you are so confident, then tell me what subject you are best at? Which subject has the best grades." Modi asked playfully.

"I'm a well-rounded student! But if I want to say the best grades, then of course it's in English!" Spo Dada said confidently.

This world is the same as Modi's world. In World War II more than 60 years ago, Japan was defeated by the United States.Until the eruption of the space earthquake, there were still American soldiers stationed in Japan, and from time to time, some strong women did Japanese girls, and some happy things about Japanese girls getting pregnant.

And now, the world is indeed the United States is relatively strong in terms of economy, so Japan, which was occupied by the United States and conquered by the United States, has a sense of surrender to the United States.They think that everything about American fathers is good, and even getting Japanese girls pregnant is because American fathers have strong fertility.

In such a social atmosphere, the bird language of English has naturally become a more important subject in Japanese schools, and it feels more advanced.

"English? It happens to be the thing I'm not good at." Modi smiled, and he was telling the truth.Compared with other aspects of him, English is really his worst.

Modi smiled and suggested: "But since it's what you are best at, let's compare this. You go to the podium, how about we compare the English written on the blackboard to make everyone feel better?"

That expression made Spodada tickle his teeth with hatred, because he found that Modi looked very good-looking when he was talking and smiling.The girls in the class were all looking at Modi, even Tobiichi Origami was no exception.

"Humph! Since you want to be humiliated and then leave this seat, then I will do it for you!"

Spo Dada held the chalk and went up, he was full of confidence.Because his father was rich, his junior high school was in the United States!Therefore, English is much easier for him than for native Japanese students!

Sibo Dada wrote "Odeto the West Wind", the famous British poet Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind". For high school students of this age, it is difficult for high school students of this age to understand Shelley's seven stanzas in the second, four-rhyme style from the English translation. The cadence in the poem is catchy, not to mention the artistic beauty in Shelley's poems.

He just thought it would reflect his taste.Sibo Dada also only wrote the first twelve sentences, because he remembered and recited only so much.And the reason why he can remember and write out these twelve sentences well is because he did something wrong when he was in school in the United States, and was punished by his teacher to write it silently 500 times.

After writing, Sibo Dada dropped the chalk, looked at the various eyes, and felt a little arrogant in his heart, as if it was an amazing thing that he could write the words of Japanese American fathers.

Although Tobiichi Origami still has that kind of calm expression that can't be seen, maybe he is regretting sitting next to Modi!She must want to do it with me now!

Spodada fantasized proudly.

"How? I've already written it... You can go, I won't laugh at you, after all, I can understand you, an inferior student!" Sibo Dada put on a winner's smile and spread his hands. Looking at the others, it was a matter of course.

"Writing so ugly, how dare you show up?" Modi didn't even look at Spodada, grabbed the blackboard brush, and erased the first line.

"What are you doing!" Spodada apparently did not expect Modi to dare to erase his words.

Modi held the chalk, looked at Yuanyi Origami, and saw that she was looking at him calmly, he smiled at her, and decided to use his elegant and dignified hand, and gather the elegant Andorra body to let Spodada Enough to lose face...

"LoveBOastmoreabilitymorepoorpeople. The less capable people are, the more bragging."

"DoingthingswithoutconsideRIngtheconSEquences, onlyafool. Doing things without considering the consequences, you can only be a fool."

"Don't derestimateanyone. Don't underestimate anyone."

"Extremely arrogant people will only limited outlook. People who are arrogant will just sit and watch the sky."

"SErvesomeBOdywiththesamesauce. With the way of the people, and the body of the people."

As Modi wrote and explained, he erased Spodada's handwriting line by line, and finally glanced at the blood-red Spodada and wrote the last sentence.

"Asyoubrew, soyoumustdRInk. Do it yourself."

Throwing down the chalk, Modi glanced at Spodada, smiled disdainfully, and walked out of the classroom.

The huge classroom was suddenly silent, including Shibo Dada, Tobiichi Origami and Tonomachi Hiroto, plus all the students in the office looked at the English words left by Modi in amazement.

Tobiichi Origami did not expect that she knew that Modi was very powerful, otherwise she would not be living in this world now.But I didn't expect Modi's English to be so powerful. It was the first time I saw that the English font could be written so artistically. It was like the advanced brush calligraphy that spread from China to Japan.

Moreover, these English aphorisms written by Modi are clearly taunting on the spot and humiliating Spodada at this time.

Sibo Dada's face was blue and purple. If these sentences were not the Japanese explanations written by Modi later, he would not know their meanings at all. Some of the English words were completely beyond the reach of high school students.

"As expected of my friend!" Suddenly there was an arrogant voice from the silent classroom, and Hiroshi Tomachi sighed and walked out of the classroom, "Sure enough, he is an idiot, he dares to provoke Modi!"

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