Harmony ~ Harmony ~

"What you like is really comfortable?" Yatoshen Tohka, who had only five combat strengths, lay on Modi and panted.

"Yeah! It's very comfortable, and the more comfortable ones are yet to come!" Modi let her lead his first time, but he hadn't enjoyed it yet.

"Now, it's my turn."

This kind of thing hurts a bit before, but it's really comfortable.But Yato God Tohka still didn't quite understand, so when her feet were separated and her body was softly hung on by Modi, she thought it was Modi's turn to enjoy the comfortable paradise she had just now, And she didn't expect what kind of storm she would have to accept next.

This is the sweet and sour memories mixed with sweetness, pain and happiness, and it belongs to her happy time.


[PS: I’ve been thinking about breaking my head, thinking about it, maybe it won’t be harmonious this way, and then everyone can watch it happily?It is said that the second crackdown has begun... What a fucking idiot, Fei Lu can write H!That's why I came to Feilu in the first place!As a result, Feilu's shielding is stricter than that of a certain point and a certain creation!

Chapter 49 In vain [ast]

"Haha...No way...There...it's weird..." Yatoshen Tohka gasped tenderly and tried to escape from Modi's clutches. For her first time, this was the best The stimulation is really unbearable.

She has forgotten how many times she has been stimulated to the top of the peak, and there is not a part of her body that has not been touched by Modi, and the place where the two combine is so hot that she is about to lose her intuition.

It really can't be done. It seems that after losing the power of the elf, her physical fitness is undoubtedly a lot worse. Such a close and fierce "battle" has exhausted the last trace of strength in her body.

However, Modi has no way to stop. Recently, because the plot is about to happen, he has not summoned Esdes and the others in his own Crystal Palace in the Kingdom of God.However, because of some coincidences, the evil fire was constantly stimulated by Shiori Wuhe, Kotori Wuhe, and even Totoichi Origami. He, who hasn't touched a woman for so long, came across a top-quality furnace like Tohka, the God of the Sword. The same existence, asking him to stop now really makes him want to stop.

So, no matter how much he wanted to stop, Yato God Tohka still had to be done by Modi in such a happy and painful way, kissing me and me hot and hot.

At this time, another 000 sides...

On the square in front of the playground, the [AST] battle team had already assembled and evacuated the playground and the residents near the playground. The warning of the space earthquake was also issued, and all ordinary citizens had taken refuge in shelters as required. inside.

Ryoko Hibakata was frowning at the moment, watching the many [AST] team members who came out of the playground one after another.

"I haven't found it yet? Did it really disappear?"

She asked aloud to everyone, asking whether they had found the existence of the terrifying elf code-named 'Princess' in the playground.Because after the [AST] battle team completed the assembly, the monitoring equipment for the spirits at the scene and at the headquarters instantly became invalid.

Generally, there is only one case in this case, that is, the sprite has disappeared.If you want to wait for them to come out, you must wait until the next space earthquake erupts before you can monitor it.

The problem is that every time the sprite appeared in the past, although the time was not very long, it was basically found by [AST].More or less will fight, kill a few buildings or something.But this time the elf did appear, but she quickly disappeared without a trace, and there was absolutely no trace of her on the elf detection equipment.

In fact, it is because Modi has completed the power seal on Yatojin Tohka. At this moment, she is just an ordinary human girl. Naturally, the [AST] instrument can no longer monitor her.Moreover, Modi set up a light shielding enchantment in the Ferris wheel he and she were in. Even the instruments that can monitor ordinary humans will fail there, and treat it as an ordinary place where no creatures exist.

If Modi's power is pure magic, of course, it can also be detected by the elf monitoring equipment, because the elf actually uses magic.The problem is that in addition to magic, Modi also has the power of faith full of divinity and the inner power of true energy that has become true essence.

Therefore, there is no way for the barrier he set up to be monitored by [AST].If it is replaced by the more advanced [Ratatosk] and [DEM Agency], there is a chance to find where Modi is.

Now the members of the [AST] battle team have searched the entire playground in all directions. Many people passed by where Modi and Yatojin Tohka were, but they all turned a blind eye due to the barrier of the barrier.That is to say, they searched carefully and diligently, but did not find the existence of Yatoshen Tohka at all.

"Huh... It seems to have disappeared..." Hibuka Liaozi sighed, feeling unhappy and a little angry in his heart.The reason for this is naturally because the sudden appearance of the elf shattered her beautiful weekend.Why use the preposition 'again', because of course this is not the first time but the Nth time.

"If you really can't find it, then retreat! Let the branch prepare to notify the citizens to lift the alarm and restore normal order in the city as soon as possible!" A battle fight.

"No! I feel that the elf must have not disappeared!" Just when Ryoko Hibakata was about to officially end the battle order, Tobiichi Origami, who had not participated in the search just now, but was assisting the guards, suddenly said.

"Oh? Why? Is there anything you can do with Origami?" Ryoko Hibakata turned towards Tobiichi Origami and asked curiously.

Tobiichi Origami shook her head, frowning her beautiful brows and kept looking around the playground: "Intuition, my intuition tells me she's still here!"

In fact, it is not intuition at all, but because Tobiichi Origami knows Modi's true identity.Now that Modi is gone, and the genie is gone with him, the answer is all too obvious.Modi must be with the elf now, which is the real reason why Tobiichi Origami firmly believes that the elf has not disappeared.

"Intuition..." Hibuka Liaozi murmured for a while, and then resolutely said loudly: "Then expand the search range! Keep searching!"

Good weekends are broken anyway, and it doesn't make much difference to work more and less for a while.If you are lucky enough to find the elf, you can kill her or beat her or something, maybe you can ask your superiors for a few days of vacation or something.

Thinking like this, Liaozi continued to shout loudly: "There is no need to leave people on guard to block it! Everyone scattered and searched, and the target immediately sent a signal, don't attack alone!"


"no problem!"

"Guaranteed to complete the order!"


[AST] The members of the battle team responded crisply one by one, and then quickly activated the display device to start the second carpet coverage search.

Tobiichi Origami was the first to leave quickly to search, and after she left, Ryoko Nisha looked at her back and sighed.Ryoko Hibakata has always been a little worried about Tobiichi Origami's aggressive fighting stance against spirits.

"But Origami has found a good boyfriend now, I hope he can untie her knot." Thinking of that figure, Ryoko Hibakata felt some comfort.

But who will untie my knot again?The thought suddenly flashed across Liaozi's mind, and he sighed inwardly.

The mood suddenly fell, Liaozi under the sun waited until all the subordinates went out to search, and chose a random direction and walked slowly over to carry out her search task.

Coincidentally, the direction she chose was exactly where the Ferris wheel of the amusement park was located.

Chapter 50

Liaozi Hibakata walked slowly in the playground, and she had no hope of finding the elf.

What's the point of finding it?

It will definitely be the same as before, chasing the elves everywhere and then being wounded by the elves or driving the elves away.Then after a while, the elves will appear again, and the [AST] battle team must fly to the sky to find the elves to fight.Then repeat the above process, and then continue to wait for the next appearance of the wizard to continue the process of repeating.

This has no practical effect, and the process of not destroying the elves and putting the [AST] combat team in a high-risk state has long made her tired.

It can't destroy the elves, and it will cause economic losses by destroying a large area of ​​buildings because of the meaningless battle with the elves.

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