"Son! The abominable Ulrike's chick actually made Jobs out of control and turned into such a ghost!" Rebs stared fiercely at Modi on the field, wishing he could get a cramp.Rebs knew his son's physical condition. In order to defeat Modi and gain strength, Jobs has been eating the flesh and blood of dangerous species almost out of control over the past few years.Relying on his strong physical fitness and will, Jobs was lucky not to be killed by the power of the dangerous species.But because there are too many dangerous species accumulated in the body, Jobs's is very dangerous.Rebs knew this very well, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Fortunately, I got that kind of thing! Even if Jobs fails later, I will definitely help him to avenge him!" Rebs clenched a thing in his hand, which was the powerful power he had worked so hard to obtain. It was he who dared to continue to challenge Modi after he got the news that Modi was very powerful from his friends and relatives!

The patriarch of the Baluts family frowned and looked at Jobs, who had become a dangerous species on the field, and thought dissatisfiedly in his heart: Rebs and his son seemed to have gone the wrong way in the pursuit of power, and became No matter how powerful it is, what's the point of it.Fortunately, Modi appeared, otherwise I almost lost sight of it!

"Yo! It's promising! Jobs, it turned out to be like this!" Modi looked at Jobs, who had become a dangerous species, with the same smile on his face that Jobs hated and hated as always.

Jobs, who had turned into a dangerous species, should have lost his mind and killed him, but I don't know if he hated Modi too deeply, and he even recognized Modi after turning into such a ghost.So after Modi spoke, his eyes suddenly turned to Modi.

"Modi...Modi...kill you! Kill you!"

Jobs, like a dangerous species, swooped in the direction of Modi, and the speed was several times faster than before!


Chapter 40 One-shot kill! 【Ask for flowers for collection!】

Dangerous species are the most blessed creatures in this world.They have extremely powerful bodies and various terrifying abilities, such as: fire-breathing, water-spraying, freezing, deformation and even stealth, etc.

Jobs, who has now become a Class B dangerous species [Dark Night Wolf], has also greatly increased his potential danger, both in terms of speed and strength.

Muttering in his mouth: "Modi! Modi! Kill you! Kill you!" Jobs had already rushed over quickly, but Modi was not anxious at all!

Not to mention that the dangerous species that Jobs has become now is only B-level, and he is far from the power level of B-level dangerous species!What if Jobs was a real B-Class Dangerous Species?In the past five years, Modi has led the team to experience countless powerful and dangerous species throughout the empire, and even encountered a few super dangerous species above S rank. He and the team he led have not survived intact. ?

So even if Jobs has become such a dangerous appearance now, for Modi, it is only to the extent that he has changed from a three-year-old child to a five-year-old child!

"You've become this ghost, are you still a Baluts?" Modi's disdainful voice echoed softly on the square, and all the Baluts clansmen could hear it clearly.They couldn't help subconsciously agreeing in their hearts, because when it comes to hatred of dangerous species, there is no race that can compare to the Baluts family.

The Baluts make their living by hunting and selling dangerous species' materials.In this way, the battle against the dangerous species is almost always accompanied by a Baluts's life.So of course it is impossible for everyone to be safe, and it is quite common to get injured or die in battles with dangerous species.Almost every Baluts family has relatives and friends who died at the hands of the dangerous species, although the Baluts clan who believe in the elimination of the weak think this is very normal.But no one likes Dangerous Species, or the ghostly appearance of Dangerous Species.

So now that Jobs has turned into this ghost, the impression of the Baluts clansmen on him has dropped very quickly!

"Kill him! Modi, kill that rubbish! How can you be called a Baluts if you turn into such a ghost!"

"Modi! Kill this dangerous species!"

"kill him!"


Seeing the surrounding clansmen's dissatisfaction with his son's appearance, Rebs broke out in a cold sweat.He knows that his son is completely ruined, and even if he wins Modi, his future in the clan is almost gone.Unless Jobs can conquer everyone in the family, Jobs will be very sad in the village in the future!

"The crowd's voice is so loud! It seems that I have to do something good for the crowd!" Modi smiled lightly, and the next moment he appeared behind Jobs who was rushing towards him.

The beast pupils erected on Jobs' face, who became the B-level dangerous species [Dark Night Wolf], shrank suddenly, and then he/it found that the enemy in front of him was gone!Then, relying on the super powerful sense of smell and sixth sense obtained by becoming a dangerous species, he/it felt that the enemy appeared behind him!

Danger!Extremely dangerous!

Whether it is the intuition of the dangerous species or the feeling of fighting belonging to Jobs, they all judged this.Then he smiled [Dark Night Wolf] / Jobs used almost all the muscles he could use, and did everything he could to control his body. He wanted to slam forward, and his back was open from the stance of rushing forward. Stance to avoid the attack of the enemy behind you!

The judgment of Jobs/Dangerous species cannot be said to be unpleasant, nor is his combat sense and intuition sharp.If he/it encounters an ordinary human expert, perhaps this emergency response can really make it/he escape!

It's a pity that what he/it encountered was Modi, a genius scientist + BUG-level [Genius System] enhanced character like a perverted collective!

So when he just felt the danger and wanted to dodge, Modi, who appeared behind him/it with the [Blink], gently waved his palm and printed it behind Jobs.

【Blink Technique】: Instant cast.Teleports the caster to a distance of 20-100 meters ahead, and stops when there are obstacles in the route.This is one of the abilities Modi got in the [Genius System] from the wizards on the continent of [World of Warcraft] Azeroth. It is a powerful short-distance jumping skill in space!

The palm printed by Modi on Jobs' back looks to others as if Modi gently placed it with his own hand, but it is not so in the eyes of Jobs himself!

[Wolf of the Night] or Jobs only felt a sudden numbness in his back, and then an unstoppable and terrifying force like the top of a mountain hit his back, he/it only heard a crunch in his body, and also I don't know if it was the sound of broken bones or broken internal organs, and then a sharp pain and darkness hit him, and he closed his eyes and couldn't open them again.He was like a wild dog that was hit by a big truck. He was slammed out by Modi's slap, and he fell on the ground and didn't move!

One hit kill!


Chapter 41 Modi's present [For collection and for flowers! 】

On the square of Baluts, all the people who saw Modi killing the B-rank dangerous species [Dark Night Wolf] that Jobs turned into in one blow were stunned.

Everyone didn't respond for a while.Because when they started, Jobs's original strength could be ranked in the forefront of the clan, and now he has become a B-level dangerous species because he has eaten too much flesh and blood of dangerous species, and his strength must be greatly increased.Because apart from Esdes and the five Modi's younger brothers, no one in the clan dared to guarantee that they could beat Jobs, who had become a Class B dangerous species, in a single duel.

You must know that although the Baluts family often deal with dangerous species, they even hunted S-rank dangerous species.But it was almost the whole clan of powerhouses dispatched together, using all kinds of hunting tools, traps and poisons.It can be said that there are not many people in the clan who can single out a B-rank dangerous species!To put it simply, Baluts relies on teamwork, tools and courage to hunt dangerous species. In a heads-up fight, dangerous species of B rank or above are very difficult to deal with even the strong ones in the clan!

Modi, who killed Jobs with one blow, saw that the people in the clan did not respond for a while, and he was a little bored and said in a low voice: "Open the system..."

Then a translucent light green screen that only Modi could see appeared in front of him.

Name: Modi Bastad

Real name: Modi

Occupation: Dangerous Species Stalker, Scientist, All Azeroth Mage

Race: Baluts

Ancestry: none

Lucky: B

Charm: S

Intelligence: S

Resistance: Ice resistance +10 (racial talent)

Noble Phantasm: some self-made Noble Phantasms

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